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Bought some Arm and Hammer Kitty litter

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by fridaylove, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Ok guys...based on some recommendations from a thread about kitty litter, I bought some Arm and Hammer. I have to say that it was almost two times more expensive than the Tiddy Cat that I usually use. The Arm and Hammer was on sale though (for like 7 or so bucks for the smaller box).
    I am not opposed to spending extra money for the kitties, but I really want to know that it is worth it.

    How does one determine what is a better kitty litter??? I like that it is verterinarian recommended....but when it comes to what does dust do and blah blah....I am just uneducated in that department.

    So, maybe to get some of your thoughts would be helpful! :D
  2. luna

    luna New Member

    i used the arminhammer stuff once and not only was it expencive when it was used it smell worse than anyother litter. try jonnycat. its cheap and it works really good and the litter box doesn't smell so bad when using it.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Arm and Hammer isn't necessariy the best clumping litter. I've tried the premium litters they have on sale at pet stores and work just as well. I only buy Arm and Hammer for convenience. They are much cheaper at Walmart than the pet shops.
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Now I'm really in a dilemma. I was going to try the Arm and Hammer but haven't checked the prices on it yet but sounds expensive.

    I've never used Johnny Cat. I'll have to check into that, too.

    I use Tidy Cat right now but was looking for something with a little better odor control. Tidy Cat isn't too bad though, but I am interested if something works better but is not extremely expensive. :p
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Walmart charges $8 or $9 bucks for a 21 lb Arm and Hammer kitty litter. At a pet store, they charge $12.99 or so for the same box. The generic premium cat litter at a local pet shop cost $8. And the bag was huge. Shop around and compare prices and get a feel for different litters and hope your kitty doesn't mind too much of the litter changes. Mine never did.
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    if you want oder control then you definatly want jonny cat.
  7. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I don't ever really have a problem with litter box odors...we have two boxes that we clean atleast once a day sometimes more....The Tidy Cats mutiple cat formula has always worked pretty good.
    I wasn't please with the price of it though...

    One of my biggest concerns is finding something that is going to be good for the kittes.

    I guess they are all "Ok" just as long as you keep them clean.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    My favorite litter so far has been Feline Pine. It has the best odor control of all the litters I've tried and it was the cleanest...meaning it turned to dust when urinated on and dried quickly so there was nothing sticking to the bottom of the box ever. I'm still determined to get my cats to like that one. I don't think they like the way the pellets feel on their feet. :(
    I mostly use Tidy Cats and Arm & Hammer. They both seem to have good odor control (in my house at least) and the Arm & Hammer is the least dusty litter I've found so far.
  9. luna

    luna New Member

    i guess it just depends on how often you clean the box
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Just been to the vet with the furkids. My vet recommends the cheapest clumping brand available. She said the key is to scoop often. :roll: I asked her if she had incidences of cats getting sick from litter dust and she said no, not really. Are the experts wrong on this subject? :0011:
  11. luna

    luna New Member

    i've never heard of a cat getting sick from the dust.

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