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concerned about my kittens behavior

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by chantek, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. chantek

    chantek New Member

    hi there, i need some advise and i have looked all over the internet.
    now the topic is suckling. sure i have found information about kittens suckling behaviour on objects , other kittens etc,
    but my kitten suckles on herself. here are the details.
    1) i know she was bottle fed as a kitten and suckling behavior can attribute from that, and i know its a comforting thing for her.
    2) she only suckles on herself when she is content, usually at night when we have settled down and she is comforted. purring and kneading in the air at the same time of course
    3) i tried other objects like a cloth or beanie baby or even my finger, but she refuses to suckle anything except for her own teat.
    4) she is approximatly 12 weeks old.
    5) i ve tried giving her a bit of catmilk and a bit of soft food before bed also to see if that helps but it doesnt.

    5) HELP!!!!! some people have said let her be she'll grow out of it, other people suggest activly stopping her or she will continue into adulthood.

    also it keeps us up at night and i would rather her not have to sleep in a seperate room for the rest of her life, she is a cuddly kitten and enjoys our companionship as much as we enjoy hers.

    what should i do about this??????? my little wierdo.

    ok and after editing this and seeing the "language censors " :roll: suckling i could also call milking behavior.
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    hi! And welcome :eek:

    I don't have any advice to give you, but I just wanted to tell you about Kyrre's mom. I know she was bottle fed from a very young age, and she still got that milking behavior. Only she will suck on fingers...
    She is not our cat, so I have no idea how old she is. But Kyrre was in her first litter, and now shes having her second.

    Anyway, my point is that I think this behavior may be "stuck" in their instinct. But I'm sure you'll get some good advice here soon :D

    Kyrres mom:
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    that is just too cute!! you should put some pet milk in a baby's bottle lol.
  4. luna

    luna New Member

    maybe the vet could give you some nasty tasting stuff to put on them so that she will stop.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had a cat who did this as a kitten cause I took her from her mom too early (saved her life - cat collector situation and the place was VILE DISGUSTING....Sessy had every parasite known to feline kind I figured it was probably more beneficial to just get her out of there than to subject her to 2 more weeks of that life) anyway she would suck on a blanket we had and continued to do so until she was about 6 months old. I didn't mind and figured like a child who sucks their thumb you have to let them outgrow it on their own good time.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Pics please, if you have any to share! Some cats outgrow the suckling reflex and some cats don't. I went to Steve's pets yesterday and saw too kittens suckling on each other. I felt so bad fro them. :( Bente, is that Tika. What a cute pic! :eek:
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i would personally try to deterr the sucking as much as possible...

    Lex sucks. ALOT he'll suck on anything fabric or flesh. and leave this HUGE pile of spit as a calling card. it's so nasty. i dont know hy he does it- he's done it since we got him. *shrugs*

    Razberry is usually trying to find a nipple and suck on Lex :shock: i go over and take him away. Lex doesnt seem to care- but geesh lol

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