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Anyone Know about Anal Glands??

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Maltipoomama, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    My maltipoo gracie has been rubbing her butt across the floor recently. She also seems to have the other pups smelling her alot. I was told she had full anal glands... Should I call the vet about this? Can it make her ill?

    She seems to be eating and having normal bowel movements....

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    If her anal glands are full, yes, it's very important that you bring her in to have them expressed...if you don't, it will lead to problems!!! (Depending on the dog's needs, the anal glands may need to be expressed on a regular basis.)

    So, yep, bring her in!!! :D

    (There have been a few posts discussing this issue, so if you are interested in reading a little more about it, use the search feature here on Auspet, type in "anal glands," choose the "toy dogs forum" from the drop down menu, and click search...quite a bit of good, and more thorough, info in those threads! :y_the_best: )
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I have had this done with one of my poms when she was scooting on the floor alot. I switched her food shortly after words and have not had to have it done again since her stools are a little firmer and burst (for lack of better word) the sac naturally which is what happens in most larger dogs.
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    The anal gland problem seems to be much more common in smaller breeds.

  5. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    Thanks guys for the advice... she goes in this afternoon to have them expressed... I have her on Science Diet small bites.... the other two pups have no problems...I wonder if it is the food....

  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I do this myself with sasha. once in a blue moon rufus needs it. If the glands get overly full they could rupture, thus a costly surgery will be needed. The vet showed me how to do it. I think they got a kick out of watching my reaction. The fluid that comes out can range in color, sort of light tan to darker like worchester(sp) sauce. If its packed the consistancy could be very thick. Normally it's thinner. Ok, now that I've grossed you out, I'm done :lol:
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    I know what you mean, it is NOT a pleasant sight (or smell)!!! :0024:

    I've seen it done many, many times, but I've never attempted to do it myself...nor do I think I ever will...no thanks!!! :mrgreen:

  8. karma

    karma New Member


    Sometimes adding a couple spoonfuls of canned pumpkin with their food on a regular basis can help keep the sacs to eliminate naturally and regularly.
  9. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    Thanks guys... she goes in at 3:00 this afternoon... but I don't think I'll watch... I had a cat with this problem, and yes, it did gross me out... I think I would rather have the vet do this!!!!

  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh you gals are weak, :shock: come on now. If I can do it so can you.
    The only thing that will make me want to faint are bad wounds. Lots of blood. :oops:
  11. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    After all I have seen and had done to me with my two kids I dont think it would gross me out! LOL But I dont know how, wish I did cause I think my other pom needs it done. Guess I will take her in and ask them to show me.
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My vet and tech had smiles on their faces. Sasha would have bitten them for sure too, if they were not holding her. She was growling and fussing. It was kind of funny. She does not mind me doing it though.
  13. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    Well, gracie came through with flying colors... and mama stayed in then waiting room!!! She was full alright, but they think it was a one time thing, cause she is 2 1/2 yrs old and never had this problem. I am to watch her though and see if she keeps doing the butt scootin boogey.... he he... she seemed "RELIEVED" when she came out, if ya know what I mean.

    I know, squimish... not really.... but I figure if I can pay someone 5.00 to do it... why not!!! Right!!!!

  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Glad to hear that Gracie did very well, and is feeling "relieved"...LOL!!! :y_the_best:

    Puttin~ It's not so much the procedure that bothers me, it's more so the foul smell that really puts me over the edge. Even if the smell wasn't so bad, I still don't think I'd do it! Yuck!

    I've never been really good at dealing with extensively gross stuff, a little bit of grossness I can handle, but not the major stuff. I remember in high school we had to disect all sorts of animals, and I had no problem with that (except for the smell, but I got used to it after a while). You should've seen me when I had to save a kitten that found her way into a sewer pipe and was not able to get out!!! :shock: The stench coming out of that pipe as I was hovered over it trying anything in my power to get her out was HORRIFIC ( :0024: ), and by the grace of God, we were finally able to pull her out (we we're all completely shocked that she didn't drown, how she didn't we have no idea). Anyway, when she was miraculously pulled out (with a jump rope, since we couldn't reach her), I had to wrap her up and rush to the vet. Ughhhhh, the stench coming from that cat (since she was soaked in sewer water and waste) was overwhelming and stunk up my SUV for days. You should've seen the vet staff, they looked like they were about to "toss their cookies" any minute...they said that it was by far the worst smell ever!!! It sure was in my book!!!! [-( She needed several baths for the next couple of days to fully get the smell out! :mrgreen: That's a memory and smell I'll never forget, that's for sure! :lol:

  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Mybaby did you keep the kitten? I bet you did. That was great of you to do.
  16. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Well, yes and no! I already had 5 foster and rescue cats at the time, and I figured, hey, why not add another one to the group!!! :lol: No one at the time was willing to take her, and I refused to bring her to a shelter, so, since I had room, I took her in. You should've seen the cats sniffing her when she was first introduced to my other fosters...I think they were pretty grossed out by the smell too! :mrgreen:

    She received several more baths, and couple rounds of antibiotics (since she HAD to have swallowed some of the sewer water), and was happy, healthy, and thriving beautifully! My next door neighbor (a vet) would come over to do check-ups and shots for the fosters, and one time his family came over too, their little girl fell madly in love with my "sewer kitten." As you may guess, she was adopted out to that wonderful family! :wink:

    So, I only had her for about 2 months, but have many great (and smelly...lol) memories of that beautiful girl! :D
  17. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Guess it would have been REALLY appropriate to have Phoebe from Friends come sing her "Smelly Cat" song! LOL
  18. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    OMG! I just nearly spit my gum out of my mouth when I read that! :m39:
  19. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :0017: HUGE LOL...that was hysterical, ntengwall!!! :0017:

    You had me cracking up over here, I remember the "Smelly Cat" song, and you're right, it would've really fit the situation!!! :lol:

    Ah, I got my good laugh in for the day, thanks! :D
  20. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Glad I could be of some assistance today :)

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