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Very scary email!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    From: CartelDog77 (Original Message) Sent: 9/30/2004 11:46 PM well let me tell a story about a man named D.L. who goes hunting one day (today sep.30.04) and tells his wife to feed his dogs........... mind you i hate pit bulls... i have a fear of pit bulls, but this asshole who you all seem to think is the man who knows his shit about dogs, really knows nothing. so i go out there to feed the dogs, i open the latch on the kennel to give some food to mac.... and he comes out that kennel like a bat out of hell, so i run, as fas as i can in to my house, two seconds later i hear dog barking and crying, he has one of the other males that is in the locked kennel, by the nose and they are fence fighting, that escalates........it gets really loud, so i look out the window and the latch has come loose on the kennel and now they are at it toe to toe, my neighbor comes over and says call 911 so i do, by now all the neighbors are out and we live in a nice sub division where people pay a lot of money for their house's. so they all by now fear for their lives, none of our neighbores are happy to have Mr. D.L and his dangerous dogliving near them, and i'll speak for my self and on behalf of my two young daughters, or i should say our daughters, D.L. and mine.........by the way you all probably don't know that he has kids, becasue he trys to be the cool dog guy, well these dogs suck, and they are not safe to have around your kids, they are not safe at all, they broke through the fence, and now the cops are here and animal services is on their way, one dog down three to go for mac........ so he goes over and some how gets in to a fence fight with swole........ ya the ol mighty swole, they too get to fighting and some how these dogs have a way of being cute when they try to get out of the kennel by using his nose to lift the latch, i'm sure you all heard the story about swole trying to get out by lifting the latch on his kennel, we'll he mastered it. he got out and now he and swole have tank by the head and the back leg and pulling him apart, while he is still half alive, then they get in to it, and then the females named ivory and mecha get to fighting in their kennel. so how is this so far???????????? well let me tell you that it was a bloody picture in my yard today, and not to mention that i haven't stopped shaking, and i still haven't been able to get a hold of D.L. to let him know what his fucking stupid dogs have done, and now my daughters are in shock, my four year old was crying none stop, i can't even explain to you people out there who love this breed of dog how dangerous this breed is, why do you men condone this shit, and breed this animal, do any of you have kids? do any of you have little 4 year olds who are scared to death if their mommy walks out of the front door, becasue they think they are going to get eaten by a dog? i can't even keep talking about this, i can't stop shaking, my girls are schok not a pretty sight to see this as a grown women, i didn't let my girls get near the windows and as soon as the cops got here they let me take my girls over next door so that they didn't hear the fighting and screaming of these poor dogs eating each other, oh that is what ended up happening, they were going at it on tank, he is never the less dead, mac was bleeding so bad that where the animal control truck was parked and they had him in a cage, there was a puddle of blood in front of it, and swole probably has more if not worse injuries. so how does that sound to you????????/ is it some thing that you all have been through, becasue i told Dennis, if he doesn't get these fucking dogs out of my house he is going to loose his kids and his wife, and guess what you fucking dog lovers............family comes first, remember that because no matter what dogs are animals, they have animal instinct..........they don't care and don't understand, you all should take a look in your yard and make sure that the safty of your children and the safty of your neighbors come first and formost, these dogs don't make no money for us, they are a money pit. i have been sick to my stomach ever since the first dog fight that happend at our house and Dennis thought oh no big deal it happens, i'll be more carefull next time, well now all the dogs are hurt, and he isn't here, that is right he is hunting, and i cant close my eyes with out seeing and hearing what went on here today, my daughters are having night mares and i have no explanation for the cops or the neighbors, how sad, that these dogs got hurt and how sad that my girls had to go through this mess again, and how sad for all you all new best friend Dennis, becasue he is now kicked the fuck out, i am going to change the locks in the morning, and i am gonna be the bitch, that teaches that little asshole a lesson about dogs and the meaning of what a wife can do if you piss her off............ thank you all.............
  2. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Okay - so this man knows his wife is scared of these dogs, yet asks her to feed them while he's out hunting...and she agrees? Then, when she goes to feed Mac, he runs towards her (if he's a stable dog, probably because he was happy to see her - not to eat her up), and because she's scared of the dogs (and never should have been handling them because of her fear), she runs, therefor letting Mac out of his kennel. Apparently these are game-bred dogs, and first fence-fighting, then face to face fighting ensues. If they knew they had dogs trying to open their kennels, why didn't they put locks on the kennels??? And in answer to the wife's question about us having children, I have a son who is almost 5, and the only time he gets uncomfortable/scared around the dogs is when their excited and jumping around. And that's just because he doesn't want to get knocked down - he reacts the same way when a 6 week old puppy starts jumping on him. As long as they don't jump, he's fine with them. Anyway - it sounds like all of this could have been avoided had a little common sense been used. I would never ask someone who is afraid of my dogs to care for them in any capacity, and I would have had locks on the kennels the minute I saw any dog attempting to open the kennel. That's just my 2 cents. It's sad that this had to happen.
  3. goob

    goob New Member

    All preventable, and a shame the dogs have to pay for it. I'll say too that that's the #1 reason that I can count on one hand the people who I'd trust to take care of my dogs while I was away (and that even they get drilled on the what ifs).
  4. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    I've heard similar stories with Rotts, dobermans, German shepards,, siberian husky's, the list goes ON...those type of people need to shut the bleep up. Just a month or so ago a German sheperd attacked a baby and drug it around the house....do people freak out about that? NOOOO you only hear about that for a day or two...if its a pitbull good lord you hear about it for a month. Prejudice doesn't only apply to people/race.
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Okay I have to give my opinion now. I would never count on anyone to take care of my dogs if they were fearful. There is about 2 people I can "trust" to feed my dogs if I'm away. On the otherhand I think this story if complete BS, by that I mean I don't think she is really fearful of them or really fearful for her kids. Not everyone who says this really is, its just an "excuse" for why they don't like to be around the dogs. I think she just simply hates the dogs and probably hates that her husband has them. She's looking for any excuse to get rid of them, anyway she can have them taken away/killed and rid her and his life of them. I've seen people like that. Now if you're scared of dogs you probably aren't going to be giong into their pen and feed them, maybe you would, but for the most part if I had fear of dogs, true fear I'm not going into their space. Especially not a pen and I've seen a few people who were scared of the dogs and they just threw feed over the pen. I just find it hard to believe she is so scared. Its all her damn fault and she's bragging about it having them killed. She talks about her kids being in shock and having to hear the dogs scream, ect. Its HER fault. All she had to do is grab Mac and put him in the pen, but she didn't care, she wanted this to happen and brought it on herself. She's making herself out to be the victim? The children are a victim of her crazy actions and so are the dogs. He is also irresponsible in not locking the kennel when he KNOWS that they have been trying to open them, it doesn't take too long until a dog can learn to do something as easy as that. And it says the females started fighting in THEIR kennel which means they SHARE one kennel! Don't ever leave Pit Bulls ALONE TOGETHER or expect them to share a living space. These breeders I've seen doing that a lot, they think since they don't normally fight they never will, but you can never trust them not to fight or completly breed this out of them.
    I personally know some one who had their hubbies dogs killed while they were away, they didn't like the dogs or the time he spent with them, same situation it sounds like to me.

    lol no they are big, bully bred dogs, bred for their looks and away from the standard for what some one finds "cool".
    Despite what people believe non-gamebred dogs can be just as dog aggressive as gamebred dogs (especially to the same sex), there doesn't seem to be a true connectionin the way the dog is bred and its aggression level. Any APBT can be dog aggressive. Other breeds can also have the same dog aggression, but no one talks about that because they aren't "killer pit bulls". People who having dog aggressive dog doesn't make them a dog fighter.

    I so much agree, I lock my dogs kennels just for THEIR safety, I don't want some one stealing them or getting in their pen, its more to protect them, but you can help in protecting others and their dogs by locking yours up properly.
  6. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    This is propoganda. How did all the dogs get out just because one did. I know pit bulls are smart but this story doesnt add up. If they had the capacity and the where with all to "master" unlocking the gate latch then why did it take this senario to set the dogs off. I think this lady may have sabbotaged her husband due to her obvious contempt for him having the dogs in the first place, and its also apparent (undertones in her writting) she is jealous of his dogs and of whoever is part of the message board she is sending this too. Though her story sounds very truamatic she also has an undertone of "I have the last laugh" very cryptic. Though im sure the spirit of the email is to outline a problem where she can either say "I saw this coming" or "I told you so, those visous dogs", I may be way off base and I dont want to be defensive to a fault over dogs. I will recap however that this story just doesnt add up. It seems to have the aire of sensationalism that the media likes to glaze the public over with.

    Why did you get this email true? What board is it from?
  7. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I just saw your post true, we were writting at the same time. I agree with you.
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think 2 males each had a kennel, one male was on a chain and 2 females were in a kennel together. I got the email because my friend I guess wanted me to read about this crazy, psycho. She sent it to me yesterday.
  9. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    true true true.. i really dont care anymore .. you can't.... people complain about everything...nothing is safe/sacred anymore. In ten/twenty years whats next?? it'll be the next bully breed/bully like breed. Next they will pick on rotts..then dobermans..then boxers. In a hundred years lord knows maybe it'll be the retrievers next. How come no one is lobbying Chihuahua's??? those are the most agressive dogs i've ever encountered...Not Only dog agressive but PEOPLE AGRESSIVE! those are hateful little rats! (they are pack dogs) :x

    I say screw everyone else, and let us enjoy each others company. :eek: no one will understand us but each other.
  10. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I have grown up with and been around Pit Bulls since I was 7 years old. The ONLY dog I have ever been bitten by was a CHIHUAHUA - I HATE those mean little dogs, too!!!
  11. someday

    someday New Member

    That e-mail sounds fishy to me too..I mean, the dogs are smart..but the sequence of events with the latches being opened at the same time...pretty unbelievable, unfortunately it sounds like locks could have prevented it from happening. I agree that it sounds like the woman was out to get the dogs in the first place though.

    I have to say I never liked chihuahuas until I met my boyfriend's parents chi. She's a good dog, not yappy and doesn't snap, just lays around like she owns the place and chases cats out of their yard. I still am afraid of mini poodles though ;)
  12. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    Sounds like one crazy lady trying to get rid of hubby & dogs in one shot! If she felt that strongly against pitbulls, why not take a stand before he got the first one?! Dog hater + dog lover= nasty divorce! If that story is half true I feel verrrrry sorry for the kids, as they now probably have severe dog phobia for life (thanks to mommy!). My husband loves pitbulls, and I will admit that I was wary, until I posted a question on this forum a long time ago and got very valuable information. Now I would definately consider one, if we found the right one in rescue (that is, if Canadian cities don't keep jumping on the BSL band-wagon!!), but if I had the TERROR of them that this lady says she has, hubby wouldn't get one as the dog has to be included in the whole family! Hopefully, for the sake of the dogs and the children, this whole story was made up, or EXTREMELY exagerated! About a month ago, a client at the salon I work at came in with nasty bruises, and cuts all over her calves...pitbull?....no...rottie?...no....ATTACK OF THE SHITZU!
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    that lady should meet kuma. if she thinks those dogs are smart then ive taught her how to bake a cake and bring me breakfast. :lol: she is definately jealous of the husbands dogs. she must be a right loser if her husband chooses dogs and animals forums over her!!

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