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Groomer hurt my baby

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by blondpolack, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. blondpolack

    blondpolack New Member

    I have taken my cat to a groomer and discovered that the groomer cut my cat on the inside hind leg. :cry: This was not brought to my attention and when I called the groomer on it they said it is not an area that would bleed so it was not noticed. How true is this statement.
    On top of the grooming charge I now have a 250 vet bill for stiches and infection fighting medicine i think the groomer should pay this bill :x :x
  2. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    If they refuse to pay the vet bill then take them to court you could even get the better buisness burough involved they are in the wrong and by law should be responsible for the bill. I hope your kitties doing ok now!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm sorry about your cat. I hope all works out. Poor kitty. BTW, do you have any pics to share? :p
  4. blondpolack

    blondpolack New Member

    Thanks for the replies I just heard from groomer and they will agree to pay 1/2 but I stated this isn't a closed file. Once i can find more info on wether the statement about bleeding is true or not i will fight em for the other 1/2

    I'm not sure how to attach pics will test and try
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Try photobucket, I think presently, photoisland is not taking in new members:

    The most popular ones are Photoisland and Photobucket. They are both free.

    From EternalFlames's post:
    Posting images is simple. Just get a photohosting account with a place such as photobucket.com

    Upload your picture. At the mentioned site, it gived u 3 formats for the picture. 3 codes. u want the code with the at the front. Just copy and paste the whole code into your thread window.

    Simple as that Smile Good luck and cant wait to see the pictures!

    From Chessmind's old post:

    Go to [url=http://www.photoisland.com]www.photoisland.com[/url]

    Choose the sign-up free and fill out the membership form. Go to Upload Pictures and use the BROWSE button to browse to where you have the pictures saved on your computer. Choose UPLOAD. On the left side of the screen choose MY ALBUM LIST: Personal (or whatever you named your album) This will display your pictures. Click on one. Now on the left choose LINK FOR AUCTION. Copy the URL FOR YOUR PHOTO.

    Now come back to Auspet. In your post click on "[img]"%20(it's%20located%20above%20where%20you%20type%20in%20your%20message,%20next%20to%20'List'%20and%20'URL.'%20It's%20one%20of%20the%20grey%20boxes%20on%20the%20upper%20right).%20Then%20paste%20the%20URL%20FOR%20YOUR%20PHOTO%20then%20click%20"" again (after your URL link). Good luck.

    For a free avatar, pic under your name read this thread:


    Or just pay Auspet $9.99 through Paypal and they'd host the avatar for you. Good luck and have fun. Can't wait to see all your pics! :mrgreen:

    BTW, for a picture banner signature, ask EternalFlame. :p
  6. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I am so sorry your kitty got hurt :cry:

    I am by no means stating this as truth...I am no expert.... but you may want to check into accepting 1/2 from the groomer. This may cause you troubles in court. If you are in fact going to pursue this I would wait and file a claim for the entire cost in court.

    You might want to check with your vet too and see if they know of any other cases like yours and their outcome.

    Keep us posted!
  7. blondpolack

    blondpolack New Member

    My 2 babies Mr. Mcgwire 4yrs old Classic Tabby Persian with a lion cut and Ms. kool kat 16yrs old Blue Cream Persian
    Here is the pics if it works thanks for the help If it does work it is easy
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Wow, thanks for the superfast pics! Their eyes are so brilliant! :qm1: :m31: You know, it took me months to figure out how to post pics. :0023: That lion cut is so cute! LOL's!
  9. blondpolack

    blondpolack New Member

    I don't think the pics should be that big though :oops: but it is how it worked out for me. I'm giving the avatar under name a try now That seeming a bit harder. :roll: Just checking into the resizing option

    Thanks for the help R u Mommy to the 4 kitties you got pics of, that's got to be a handful :0018:

    take care bye for now :m23:
  10. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    This just happened to a friend's dog. Not only did the groomer pay the vet bill, she did not charge for the grooming.
    If you signed a release form when you checked the cat in, you should probably take the partial payment and just never go back (and tell everyone you know what they did!!!) because you've most likely waived your right to litigation if you signed a release form.
    If you didn't, you can probably accept the partial payment without messing up your chances in court *IF* they agree to give you a letter, on their letterhead and signed by a partner at their clinic, stating that it is a partial payment and that they understand that you reserve the right to bring an action in court for the remainder of the vet bill incurred because of the cut. At the very least your entire vet bill (and any subsequent vet bills should any further injury result) should be paid and if the groomer has any 'class', a refund of your money. It very obviously would cause problems left untreated it if required stitches and a vet visit - it's not your fault they didn't notice or check your kittycat again before she left the groomer.
    I would at the very least have a conversation with someone from your local legal aid office, or call a law office and ask to speak to an associate (or junior) lawyer - most law firms will tell you for free whether your chances are good or bad in small claims court and whether or not you should proceed. We do, anyway, and were you here in Nova Scotia I'd even file your documents for you, provided you didn't sign anything at check in!!

    Good luck, & give your kitty an extra hug from me!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Yep, I'm the proud mom of the 4 kitties pictured by EternalFlame (thanks honey!) plus a 22 month old toddler pictured in the cat contest under the sticky. :mrgreen: They are really great kids, not too hard to take care of. :eek: 8)
  12. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i'd deffinately get that seen to. i'd be so mad! :x nasty groomers.
    gotta watch ppl now a days. can't trust hardly anyone.

    good luck with this situation and nuzzle the poor injured baby for me :)

    such ADORABLE kitties!
  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    This makes me paranoid. I would lilke to have Boogers nails clipped and had them done by her vet in August...the claws are back now full force and razor sharp. We've considered taking her to the groomers at PetSmart but now I'm afraid. Think I"ll try doing it myself (she lets me handle and manipulate her paws all the time, she's really good about it), or just wait till her next vet visit in Nov.

    Your kitties are BEAUTIFUL! I always laugh when I see a lion cut, it just looks so cute. I hope your baby is ok and I would raise holy heII if it were my baby.
  14. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    dont you think the cut they have done is a little short??? when i got pepes chest clipped they left at least half a centimetre of fur left. cats have rather floppy skin so if they start clipping without any of the attatchements theres a big risk of nipping the skin.
  15. blondpolack

    blondpolack New Member

    Kitty is healing fine :D this happened about a month ago but i am finally getting replies back from Petcetera (The Pet centre that did the grooming)
    for all the letters I've sent.
    Just for the record it wasn't the lion king that got hurt and he wasn't done at Petcetera, he was done at the vet no anethsetic he's reallly a pussy in lions clothing when it comes to grooming :0025:

    It was my Ms Kool that got the cut when she was in just for a treat special grooming i usually do it myself but have been having tendon problems in my hand and the combing is agrevating my wrist. Ms Kool used to be a show cat in her younger years and is very use to the grooming routine, so it wasn't even her being figidity with the groomer that caused this to happen.
    Anyways I have accepted the 1/2 payment as I stated and made note that this is not fully satisfied my complaint. My thinking is that by offering 1/2 they are already admitting responsiblity. If i don't get anywhere else with this I will go to a lawyer to help save others and their pets from this happening again - Heaven forbid if someone were to lose their pet due to someones incompetence in thier job.
    Will keep you updated I'm glad I've found this site I will be a frequent visitor for sure and hopefully not have to look for further help on a situation like this :m33:
  16. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    glad to hear she's healing well!! and we;re glad u found the site too!!
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    welcome blondpolack!! beautiful kitties. sorry for the situation...but great information everyone. :wink:
  18. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Did you ever find out about if its true that the area doesn't bleed? The vet who is treating the cat would certainly know.

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