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Question regarding parakeet specific behavior

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by ditty, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. ditty

    ditty New Member


    My daughter found a parakeet sitting in a parkinglot in Chicago several months ago. I told her if she could catch it we would make sure it was OK and find it a home. So.... she walks right over and picks him up... now of course I tell her the bird has to go to a home after a visit to the vet BUT... I wind up bonding with him and we keep him. He is very social and friendly now and we bought him a companion. Awww...

    So on to my question:

    Both birds perform this behavior fairly frequently when you approach the cage when they are not expecting it ( i think). They essentially stand on one foot and push a leg and a wing to the side. (think of us lifting up a hand and a foot to the side). Im assuming its some message for stay away? Any info would be apprecieated! Just curious. Our oldest bird will jump right onto my hand if I put it at the entrance of the cage even after doing this behavior... so he doesnt seem to feel threatened. Our other is still a baby and she's a little shy right now.

  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi its very easy to bond with birds i have Budgies(parakeets), Zebra Finches, And cockatiels.

    When your birds stretch there wing with one of there legs they are just stretching out there wings this is very normal behaviour all birds do it.
    Its good that one of the birds comes stright to you hand this way the new bird will see that you are not there to hurt them and it will soon learn to jump onto your hand aswell.

    Also you need to be careful when the birds are out of the cage as if there is no nest box and they want to breed they will find somewhere to make a nest this could be on a book shelf on top of a cupboard.
    There are sexually mature from 6months old and the female will lay eggs if mated but providing you dont give them a nest box and you watch them when they are out then hopefully this will not be a problem.

    Also its always best to make sure they have cuttlefish bone and mineral blocks in the cage this helps keep them in top condition.
    Placing either a bird bath inside the cage or the ones that attach to the cage door the birds will love it as they love playing in water and again this keeps them happy and content having a bath.
    You can also just place a bowl of warm water on the cage floor for them to splash around in,

    If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask away as i always say you can never ask to many questions and you can never know too much about any animal..

    Hope i have helped a little
  3. ditty

    ditty New Member


    Thanks for the reply and info!

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