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Your kitties when you are away

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My one kitty Socks seems to be trying to tell me something when I'm away at work or at the grocery store, etc.

    When I get home, I usually find one of her glitter balls on my bed. I feel like she is trying to tell me she is not happy that I'm gone. I think it is cute. Also, sometimes when I get home, I notice she has chewed apart some of one of her glitter balls. I think that is a statement, too.

    Do any of your furbabies do things to let you know they are unhappy about you leaving them alone for awhile?

    I thought I would share a picture of Socks with you.
  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger always pounces me when I come in the door, meowing and rubbing herself all over my legs to replace that nasty 'outdoor' scent with her own ;)

    My hubby is a trucker and comes home only twice a week. The minute she hears his truck pull up outside, she makes a mad dash for the door. It's really funny to watch and my hubby absolutely loves the attention. She just gets so excited when he comes home because he often rolls around on the floor playing rough with her. So she thinks it play-time the minute he walks in the door. She starts darting all over the house playing chase with him.

    It's really funny seeing her go from 'lazing in the condo' mode to running around the house 100 MPH in under two seconds! LOL
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    wonderful picture sunset....

    the mm's dont exactly differentiate. about the worst thing is the toilet paper...they will get into that.

    the other day....one of them knocked my coffee cup off the counter....coffee everywhere, cup broken.

    but of course, they tend to do this stuff when im at home!!! probably attention seeking....or just plain bein naughty :roll:
  4. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Most days when I come home from work I find Footsie's stuffed animal in front of my bedroom door.

    He always greets me at the door and will follow me around meowing until I pick him up for a hug and a face nuzzle.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Socks is so cute! :eek: Milo and Rene love to greet us at the door when we come home.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Socks looks like such a lovable fluff ball. :wink:

    Chieve once got into the fish tank while I was at work and removed every last live plant that was in there. When I walked into the dining room there were live plants spread all over the floor. He did this a second time when the live plants were replaced so I have'nt bothered replacing them since. Chieve is the type of cat that gets bored easily and therefore he gets in a bit of trouble. On several occasions he also removed a few items from my cupboard and knocked them into a box I had sitting on the floor for the cats to lay in. :mrgreen:
    Now that I've been schedule feeding my cats their bowls are sometimes empty and this really annoys Tiddy so the other day he helped himself to some Nachos (chewed a hole right through the bag and everything) while I was at work. Guess he did'nt feel like waiting for me to get home to feed him. LOL. I really need to get some kind of child proof thingies for those cupboards. :roll:
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    my boys take it upon themselves to rip up all my bills (good riddance) and all my newspapers..hehe...as for the toilet paper..we had to start putting that in a drawer bc they were eating it and playin w/ it ...
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Ohhhh I forgot about the toilet paper thing...we can't keep it on the wall roller anymore LOL But that behavior is more fun for her rather than 'I'll get you for leaving me alone' .
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I think Moe pretty much sleeps or watches squirrels when we're out. She's usually sleeping on her stool by the window when I leave and in the same place when I get back. Thankfully we're only usually out at most 4 hours at a time. That's the good thing about working two minutes from home.

    I did come home recently to a trashed family room - speakers knocked over, books on the floor. I have no idea what she was doing that day!
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm enjoying reading all your responses about your kitty antics. Kitties have their own unique personalities. I guess as was once said...kitties are just little people with fur and fangs. :m23:

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