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How Many is TOO Many???

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Maltipoomama, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    So tell me, honestly, how many puppies is too many to own.... 3? 4? 5?

    I get harrassed from family because I am always looking at other pup pics and my hubby is scared to death to let me on the putor for fear I'll find another "I cannot live without!!"

    Opinions please????
  2. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    It really depends on a lot of factors; how many people are there in your family, how much free time do you have, and how much space do you have. A large responsible family with a lot of space and a lot of free time between everyone could have a lot of dogs. There's only too many if you have to neglect one in any way. When you can't provide adequate and equal care for all of them, then you have too many. As long as they're healthy and happy and not a disturbance to anyone (neighbors, landlords, the city, etc.) In my neighborhood you're not allowed to have more than 4 dogs or 4 cats.
  3. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    Gwen said it perfectly. You do have to consider, also, that adding "just one more" multiplies the work quite a bit. I've had three dogs at two different times in my (working) life. The care (walking & feeding them, vet trips & bills, and boarding in the event of a trip away), really can consume time and money.

    Of course, if I had a big backyard, and a family to care for them in my absence, it would have been a different story. So, different circumstances will make the experience different for everyone. But in my heart of hearts, I'd like one of every breed known to man!
  4. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Oh No!!! She's out of control!!! :shock: LOL

    It's easy to do, I can see that. I don't know. When it depletes your funds or upsets other family members, then it's not fair. :m20: But who am I to say?

    I would have 2 now, if I was REALLY SURE (and I can't be sure yet) that my allergies would handle it. But I keep reminding myself that yesterday I had none. Tomorrow (actually in late Nov.) I'll have one. That's a blessing! :D

    Only you REALLY know the answer to that question.

    Imelda Marcos had LOTS of shoes. :y_the_best: And I'm sure she could've found room for one more pair. (But was she deprived? Hah!)

    The good news is, you are obviously a loving person. And you want to show love....more! LOL I can't say I blame you.

    (Sorry, I'm no help at all.) :roll:
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I ditto all the above replies! :y_the_best: There are SO many factors involved in making such a decision as to how many is too many!

    JMHO! :D
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hehehehe wish someone told me how many was too many now i have 6adult german shepherds and 1 german shepherd puppy along with 2gerbils budgies cockatiels and guinea pig and it is hard work with them all but its worth it.

  7. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    You're our kind of guy, Mike!! :eek: :mrgreen:
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Everyone has hit it on the head here. WE have 4 dogs. 2 toys, one that is going to be a medium sized and one large. We honestly are maxed out right now but we have the space time and money for the ones we have so all is well. If I were to add another it wouldent work for us right now. I too get a dirty eye when people here I have 4 dogs. Of course they are thinking 4 huge dogs running around but really two of them are tiny lol. Anyway its really up to you and your sitiuation and your family.
  9. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    Precious avatar, Jill... :wink:
  10. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Is there really such a thing as too many LOL :lol: We have 5 inside and 6 outside but, the ones inside are so small you don't notice them until they want to sit on your lap or go to bed.

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