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Can You Believe, A Vicious Lab...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Last night the Dog Whisperer was brought in to consult on a case involving a 9-year old Lab who was extermely vicious toward other people and dogs. It had bitten a visitor and also the mom. The couple had a two year old daughter and they said that if the problem wasn't resolved they would have to give the dog away.
    They admitted during the interview that the dog had been aggressive since it was a puppy. They did take very proper steps to get the dog use to the new baby before she was born by introducing him to the scents of baby powder and the crib etc. After the baby arrived they allowed the dog to sleep in the same room. By proper training, the dog has never been even slightly aggressive towards the daughter. The problem still existed with other people and dogs.
    When Cesar first went to meet the dog it was out on the pool patio and was snarling and lunging at him through the patio door. He armed himself with a tennis racquet then went out on the patio. The dog seeing the tennis racquet, which Cesar carried with the racquet head down by his knees, immediately stopped his aggressive behavior and as soon as he did Cesar began to chase him around the pool. By using deck chairs he eventually cut off escape routes and the dog then became very calm and subdued. At this point Cesar called the dog over and had him sit while he put a chain collar on him.
    He then took the parents out for a walk with the dog as he demonstrated the proper walking technique to keep the dog under control. At one point during the walk a small dog ran out of a neighbors driveway and ran up to the Lab. Cesar had the Lab sit and the Lab remained calm, even allowing the small dog to sniff his chest. The parents were amazed and said this was never possible before.
    As usual the parents were to keep working on the problem using the techniques Cesar taught them. He also taught the daughter to make sure the dog was in a submissive position IE lying down on his back belly up before she allowed any of her friends to pet him. The parents always supervised visits.
    To tell the truth I would not take the chance of allowing other children around this dog even though he now seemed to be completely docile. But then again maybe the interaction would also reinforce the proper behavior.
    What would you do in this case?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's a hard one. I know I would always be nervous. And supervision only goes so far. Dogs are a lot faster than humans and if he lunged at and bit a kid, you would only be able to clean up the mess and not prevent it. I'm glad I don't have to decide!
  3. DanjaVA

    DanjaVA New Member

    I agree with jamiya...even with their own daughter. They said they always supervise, but the daughter would be playing with the dog and they would be across the room. No way to stop a bite if it was going to happen. I wouldn't get rid of the dog, but i would continue to work with it and i would have to be comfortable knowing that the dog knows that humans are always alpha over it. this had been a dominant dog since puppyhood. it looks amazing when cesar comes in and gets such immediate results but the dog owners are not as experienced as he is. therefore, i would have to see several months of good reliable behavior from the dog before i would allow anyone else's children to have play time with the dog.
  4. DanjaVA

    DanjaVA New Member

    Dukesdad, have you seen the episode with Sunshine the doberman pinscher? This woman admitted that she thought her dog could be a fear biter and it frequently barked and lunged at other people and dogs, yet she was out walking it with a flexi-lead!! As the woman was walking Sunshine, she (the dog) went running and barking at a woman and her small dog. I know the woman with the small dog was probably scared to death!!

    Thanks for recommending the show, though. I've caught about 3 or 4 episodes and they're great.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The ignorance of many dog owners is amazing. They think you buy a dog, toss it into the house or yard, feed it a bag of Dog Chow, and voila! Instant companion. If things don't work out that way, they have no idea what to do.

    I had a person ask me at a BBQ if a border collie would be a good dog to get. She was watching her 1-year-old toddle around the deck at the time. I said, "No." She was shocked! I guess everyone sees border collies working sheep and doing cute tricks and thinks they would make a great pet. I told her most border collies would herd her child, nip at her heels, and be totally hyper around the house unless she walked it and otherwise exercised it every day. I don't think she is going to get a border collie now. :)
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I missed that episode but you have to admit that Cesar has a special gift. There was one a couple of days ago about a Pitt bull who was afraid to leave the house and was in constant state of fear while walking. The owners always put a Haltie type collar on him and as soon as they did the dog would freeze and not budge for he knew he was going out. Cesar replaced the Haltie with a chain and the dog followed him out without a hitch. He said the Haltie had become a signal that a bad experience was looming. Go figure.
  7. DanjaVA

    DanjaVA New Member

    I agree, dukesdad. he does have a special gift. and it really is *amazing* to see the dogs turn around in such a short time. and it almost always revolves around walking the dog properly. i love the show because i'm learning. i get to the point where i see the dog's ears go back while on a walk and i'm like "ears back, he's got him!" lol[/i]
  8. Hi! When does this show come on and what channel? I've never seen it..

    About the lab, I wouldn't trust it around children. Letting this dog sleep in the same room with the baby, seems a bit much! but maybe that's just me.

  9. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    The show is called The Dog Whisperer and it comes on every evening at 5:30 central time on the National Geographic Channel. I believe it is based out of LA.
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    why did the dog stop being aggressive and run at the sight of a tennis raquet?
  11. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Intresting question Kyles. I have always assumed behavor like that would be from an abused dog, since if he has never seen something like they and being aggresive why would he be afraid. Not that I am saying this one is or was. Could be the dog senced that Ceaser intended to be the dominant one in this situation and not ever having someone dominate the dog could have been quite intimidating to the dog. Does that make any sence?
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    hmm possibly.
  13. flyingdoggie

    flyingdoggie New Member

    If Its Too Good To Be True It Probably Is...... Those words were made by a wise man. I know a scam when I see one, and IMHO Dog Whisperer is one of those scams. Im proably sure the dogs used where trained ones. Cesar, what kind of name is that? If he is really that good, arent you folks scared that one of these days, Cesar will break into your homes, take control of your dog and steal your valuables??? I dont take Dog Whisperer seriously other than for its entertainment value and nothing else. I wont be surprised that one of these days Cesar will be dragged out of his home by cops, get mug shots then deported.

  14. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    what channel is this on i have watched a show sorta like it on animal planet but ive never watched this
  15. DanjaVA

    DanjaVA New Member

    The dog wasn't frightened of the tennis racquet...Cesar had it as a buffer in case the dog tried to attack. Before Cesar even got out into the yard the lab was barking, growling and lunging, so the racqet was just for safety. He never threatened the dog with it. All he did was hold it down by his waist and follow the dog around the yard. The dog backed off because--i'm assuming--no one had ever approached him (the lab) while he was barking and growling like that...i mean who would? lol. so once the dog got tired and submitted by sitting, Cesar was able to leash him...he never used the racquet as a weapon.

    The show comes on the National Geographic Channel at 12:30 and 6:30 eastern time.
  16. Hi! Thanks! Dukesdad...I'll have to watch that.

    Did you notice the BIGOT troulble maker? Oh well! Every village has it's idot.....

  17. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    im not suggesting he used it as a weapon. im suggesing the family may have used something like that as a weapon. it would explain why a dog would be nuts like that then suddenly becomes scared at the sight of an object.

    todays episode was brought to you by the operative word may, which means maybe, possibly, not definately, has no solid grounds.
  18. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Vicious labs?

    I usually post in the pit bull forum.
    I own, foster and train shelter pit bulls. I was reading your post about the vicious lab.
    This past August 20th, I was badly bitten, & rushed to the hospital needing a general surgeon, then a plastic surgeon by a bite that was given to my by my own yellow lab/golden retriever.
    He is 7 1/2 going on 8yrs old. I have owned him since he was a little less than a year old.
    He NEVER acted in any way vicious until the night he attacked my hand and would not let go. We were always very close. I still do not understand fully why he bit me. I believe it was a dominance issue.
    I went to take him by the collar to put him in my bedroom (where he always slept) without warning, he just bit and shook my hand and refused to let go. My walls looked like Helter Skelter. I still do not have full use of my hand (I may never) I was out of work for 3 1/2 weeks.
    I had nerve damage but it seemed to heal for the most part after the swelling went down. I also had to go to Occupational Therapy.
    When it happened and I had to go to the hospital (Where I happen to work) the first thing everyone said to me was "I told you not to own that breed of dogs" You were asking for trouble!
    I said," Oh are labs & retrievers known to bite"? EVERYONE WAS IN SHOCK!
    They assumed it was one of my pit bulls that had bitten me.
    I know I should have put him down, but despite everything, I love him. If it were anyone other than me, I would have had no choice. I have hired a behaviorist with her masters degree in animal behavior & canine communication. She and I will begin behavior modification with my dog. (At my own risk)
    This goes to show, judge a dog by its deed and not by its breed! Any dog has the potential to bite.
    I am so thankful that it was me he had bitten and not a child. Now, unfortunately, I can never take him swimming in public, to the park walking, etc. He will have to stay in his own yard from now on. Lucky for me, it is fenced in by a 6 ft. stockade fence.
    I am still very much fearful of him and I am trying to overcome my fear. I do not want him to know how frightened I am of him. This will only exculate his dominance issues with me.
    I feel I have a long road ahead of me with him.
    Wish us luck & prayers for the long road ahead.

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