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anybody knows wat ich look like?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by hi this is pat, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. hi this is pat

    hi this is pat New Member

    kuz i found 3tiny wite dots on the fin of my oscar...
    if anybody knows anything help me,that would be real cool tanx
    pat ox
  2. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Ich is a very common disease that has occured on almost every type of fish. It can be caused by unhealthy water, stress, or extreme temperature change, as well as it could be introduced into the water/fish by the feeder fish you feed them (alot of feeders are unhealthy and come with diseases). What do you feed your Oscar? What size tank is it in and how often do you clean your tank?
  3. hi this is pat

    hi this is pat New Member

    ok,my tank is a 90 gallons,i feed my oscar with pellots(cyclid gold),and 2 days ago i introduced some feeders...they are smal grey fishes,wat should i do,remoove all the feeders?
    the wather temp is constant,and i change my wather every week or so...
    tell me wat u think
    pat ox
  4. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member


    If untreated, ich can spread throughout your tank rapidly. There are many medications available to treat ich. Plse get to your Aquarium Supply store or Petsmart quickly to purchase the medication, and follow directions carefully. Remove any carbon you may have in your filtration. (Carbon filters out the medication.)

    If you have any scaleless fish (plecos, loaches) you may have to cut the medication in half, as they are very susceptible to the medication.

  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    First off, are you sure it is Ich? Are they tiny white spots? There can be many reasons including water drop/rise in temp. poor water quality (not enough water changes or gravel cleanings) Any other fish added other then the feeders lately? Feeders can be a common reason to ich, when you get feeders always check them first before putting them into the tank with other fish, check for all possible diseases to prevent another, so always have another tank ready for feeders. Petstores have chemicals that can be used to cure ich, it is easy to cure if you have the right chem. to treat it with. Some people say the salt treatment is best but i have found it to be to risky.
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Ich (mild case) :

    You (and your oscars) would be much better off if you stopped giving them feeders. They are not necessary and can introduce all kinds of nasty disease (as you are finding out). There are much better/healthier alternatives if you want to give your oscar a treat other than pellets.

    To treat ich, you can either use a commercial ich medication. Or, you can raise the temperature to 84* and add 1 tbs of aquarium salt/5 gallons (the only time you have to add more salt is when you do water changes. Then you just add enough salt to treat the amount of fresh water you're adding).

    Whatever method you use, it's a good idea to continue the treatment for a week after the last spot has disappeared.

  7. hi this is pat

    hi this is pat New Member

    tank you guys,this means a lot to me,and my fish
    ok well the spot are smaller than those in the pics(so im not shure its ich,but it might be a the start),but,i'll use the salt treatment you just said...but is it that risky,i ony have an oscar in the tank for now,so yhea im gonna remove the feeders that are stillalive in the tank,
    i'm gonna start the treatment tomorow,and keep you inform

    wat els can i use has feder,beside pelots6
    tank you
    pat ox
  8. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Those spots in the pic do look a little big for ich on such a small fish. Usually they are smaller. Other foods you can use are earthworms, any kind of cichlid pellet, floating food sticks, cichlid sticks, large cichlid flakes, bloodworms, krill, shrimp, and some more..
  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    For size reference, the glowlight in the pic was only about 3/4" so the spots where about 1/32".

    For food, oscars should have a staple of a good quality pellet such as Hikari, Omega One, New Life Spectrum, or HBH (those are the 4 really good ones I know of). For treats, you can give them a wide variety of insects (that's mostly what they eat in the wild) such as crickets, moths, grasshoppers, earthworms, etc. I would just avoid anything that could be poisonous like spiders. You can also give them shrimp and beefheart (the only mamal meat that's okay for fish).


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