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This bothers me

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Okay I need to maybe rant a little. It really bothers me when people let their dogs run loose with no concern for them. People who live in out in the country, but by a highway they honestly think they're dogs are safe. Its outside of city limits so theirs no laws governing off lead dogs, but people need to excersise common sense. Its one thing if the dog is under control and supervised, but many just leave their dogs out all the time or let them out for a LONG potty break and don't watch them. Then they get hit by a car and the owners are mad, upset, sad. I know they would be they lost a dog or have to put it in the vet, they are attached, but had they just used their brain and kept their dog safe these things wouldn't happen. Others have lost small dogs to coyotes, these small dogs they just let them out the backdoor at night and expect nothing to happen to them. I feel more sorry for the dogs then I do the owners. The dogs have to suffer just for being dogs, because of their owners laziness or ignorance.
  2. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    My grandmother just recently told me about her neighbors who used to live across the street from her. Years ago, they had some little male dog. The people living next door to them had a female dog (both dogs intact). Whenever she would come into heat, they were sure to keep her inside the house at all times except leashed potty breaks. Well, the ones with the little male dog let him run loose all the time, and he hung around the female's house a lot whenever she was in heat. Well, one day, the owner of the female dog was backing out of her driveway, and accidentally ran over him. His owner raised all kinds of h*ll! She said that if the other woman would keep that b*tch confined, etc, etc... When she was confined! The little male dog was running loose, and on someone else's property, but his owner had the nerve to b*tch. Some people think they know everything, and that they are always right, no matter how many other people tell them otherwise. It's sad.
  3. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    amen! :eek:

    Whats worse!? When people let their god awful cats loose. I have a neighbor that just lets her cats roam the neighboorhood, one got into my backyard and attacked (at least attempted to) my oldest dog. Of course my dog beat the tar out of it before it ran away,,but thats not the point. suppose it was my puppy who would've tried to lick it or something, i dont know what diseases those cats have..blah....

    irresponsible owners. blah
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    there 2 stupid cats who come into my yard at like 3 in the morning and start meowing for my cats which are strictly indoor cats. they pee and poop all over my yard and then my dog goes and eats it. at least i had the pleasure of seeing kuma chase one of them the other day. i bet that cat will never come back :0008: i dont know anyone around here, apart from me, who looks after their cats properly.
  5. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    What aggrivates me, in my current situation, is that one of my neighbors lets their little dog run loose (who has growled and barked not only at my dogs on a leash, but also at me by myself), and I'm the one who gets the phone calls with neighbors complaining about my dogs barking at...you guessed it, that little friggen dog running loose! Really pisses me off! I'm about to call animal control on these a$$holes.
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I have a nitwit neighbor that always lets his tiny dog run all around the neighborhood too.
    The little dog would always antagonize my dogs his most entertaining way. Thank God this past summer I finally had my yard fenced in (for my own dogs protection).
    You know what ticks me off?
    When you try to go to a park (not dog park but park with rules that the dogs need to be leashed) and idiots let their dogs run free in the park without concern for others. I can't tell you how many loose dogs have run up to my dogs (ON LEASH MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS)
    A) It's dangerous because their are cars driving thru
    B) It's dangerous because maybe my dogs don't want to be harassed by idiot dogs running up to them sniffing their butts and being bothered.
    C) Its dangerous especially if I am in a bad mood and have PMS.
    I just think its plain RUDE and IGNORANT!!!
    I love it when people say "Oh its OK he/she likes other dogs"
    Thats NOT THE POINT!!
    Everyone deserves to enjoy the park.
    Then I get the dirty looks because I have the "BIG BAD PIT BULL"

    At least I try to be responsible with my dogs. OK just had to vent.
  7. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    There is a big difference b/w letting your dog run loose and letting your cat run loose. My cats are outside cats for the most part. They don't bother anybody and nobody bothers them. And I am not an irresponsible owner for letting them out. Just had to say that.

    My neighbors let their little toy dog run loose. He stays for the most part on his property but I only live one house away from him and occassionally he likes to come over. Well...this drives my dogs insane who are kept in the fence. It worries me b/c it tempts my Saints to get out of the fence.

    When I lived in the country I let my dogs technically run loose - our entire yard was fenced in but we always kept the gate open. Also we were on the water so they could swim around the fence. But there was never any problems. They were raised like that so they never really left the house. So it sort of depends on the dog. Some dogs can't be loose b/c they run all over the place. Mine stayed at the house so it didn't matter.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    My parents live in the country as well as I do. My mothers dogs, run free. My parents house is about 5 mile from any road. Just a really long drive way. Therefore, they are fine. They never leave the vacinity of the house, ect. I won't get into all that. THe cats however roam free as well. They are barn cats, thats what they are for...
    That being said....

    Yes I do agree however, that any idiot living in the city or near a highway is just plain stupid for letting a dog run free!! DUH!!! The inevitable is bound to happen.
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    if the cats are bothering people then there is no difference. a nuisance animal is a nuisance animal. why should i have to be woken up in the middle of the night by some horny cat? my dog also gets very sick from eating cat poo. its our backyard and i dont see why i have to go on cat poo patrol every morning. cats should be kept inside at night anyway. i also live smack bang on a main road and unless my neighbours dont want their cat to be the next 'warwick rd splat victim' then i suggest they keep them indoors. ive seen 2 splats so far this year and it seems like such a waste.

    that being said if you cat is not a nuisance and it is not in any kind of danger then letting your cat out strictly during the daytime is a ok. i use to let my eldest cat out because she was no problem, but when the maine coon came they are both kept inside now as he has a high prey drive and could pose a danger to other cats due to his size. not ot mention the fact that he is not 'outdoors' wise.

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