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My new foster's (IM SO EXCITED!!)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hello all IM so EXCITED!! I am getting my newest foster tomorrow! I mentioned before that I was going to be possibly fostering a momma dog and her puppies. Well, I found out for sure this morning.
    Momma's name is Annie and she has four puppies she's a Pit Bull mix and she is currently in the Four Paws Pit Bull Rescue. I haven't had puppies in a very long time so my children and I can hardly wait. I will post pictures as soon as they get here tomorrow and get
    settled in. The puppies are 4 weeks old two are fawn and white and the other two are brindle and fawn. Two boys two girls. Wish me luck!
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    aaawww good luck gina i cant wait to see the puppies hey they are the same age as my babies but i'm sure much bigger lol
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    yahoo :D :D, way to go gina

    each Friday our local news showcases animals who need homes, this morning they had these 2 pups that were so darned cute, looked like little black lab pups about 10 weeks, someone found 7 of them dumped in a bucket :( Im like I want one, but they are in foster care so they are in good hands. I cant get hubby to agree to let me foster

    Have you heard how Princess is doing in her new home?

  4. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    You all will have a fun time with the puppies.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures.
    Best of luck.
  6. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    Ditto on wanting to see those pics. You're an absolute angel for fostering a dog family. Good for you! I really admire you..

  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Congradulations! Hey since you already have 4 puppies coming how about one more? LOL JK, can you tell things didnt go to well today with Pheobe. Hey did your other foster find a forever home yet?
  8. Good for you Gina! Thats wonderful! Have fun and enjoy :D

  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Kiko will be going to his forever home October 23rd. I actually approved an application for a young couple who wanted Kiko very badly. Everything was all set but then the week before the girls mother became Ill and had to move in with them so they decided against adopting right now. So I had to start the process all over again. His new family lives in West Virginia and are going to be meeting me halfway to pick Kiko up so that will be a nice little road trip.
    Annie and babies were supposed to have gotten here today but something came up so they wont be arriving until Monday. I can hardly wait!
  10. aussylover

    aussylover New Member


    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: OH GINA H that's great have fun :y_the_best: you are going to have your hands full :qm3: :m6: But you'll love it :!: :!: Aussylover
  11. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Good Luck Gina!

    It's a shame you're not around here. We have 11 pups needing foster mummies as theirs died giving birth to them :(
    The owner is keeping 4 but she can't cope with all their needs so has to send them to be fostered.
    If I was in a bigger place I'd be helping out, but there's not enough room for all of us, so it'd be a nightmare with any more.
    They're cute and needy so I'm sure they'll find homes. (that's what I have to keep telling myself)
  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    wow! puppies. eeeek! I can't wait to see pics......
  13. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gina I know you are probly super busy with the new additions but how are things going? Just curious! Glad to hear Kiko found his forever home, he is such a gorgous boy.
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I was just wondering the same thing.
  15. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Gina, how do you do it?!? :bow_now: You simply amaze me!

    I no longer foster but I do work with Animal Rescue League in my area. A week or so ago I was called to chase a Dog In Peril running through busy traffic. I chased this dog for over a mile by car and foot. I finally got him cornered in a tree and weed filled wash and sat with this dog in poison ivy. Both of us were exhausted. I told him I was too old to be doing this any more. Would he please just let me put the collar on him and walk him to the truck. :lol: Finally I slipped the noose on him and we were on our merry way. He drank water and ate his treats, then went to sleep and I scratched and picked sticks, twigs, and weeds out of my hair, clothes, shoe and socks.

    Keep up the good work and good luck with your foster kids!
  16. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Loves sounds like you had an exciting day! So are you fostering the dog or did you just get picked to go catch him?
  17. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya nik i noticed in posts someone is needing a foster mom for the puppies how old are they and where in the uk as my dog has gone through a phantom pregnancy and is producing milk and is getting miserable with having nothing to nurse and having to carry milk filled mammary glands..

  18. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I was picked to chase him down because I was closest in the area. Also I will assist in efforts to find the owners by scanning lost ads, placing found ads, and cross referenceing data-base info. If the owners can't be found, the dog will be health and temperment tested, vaccinated and chipped, and if all goes well will be placed for adoption. He will be fostered if h.w. possitive or any other health issues. If everything checks out good for him, he will be placed in a No-Kill Rescue Shelter.

    People who foster animals in need are terrific people. They're the ones who determind if a special needs pet has a prospective future or not.
  19. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I couldent agree more about what great work fosters do. I cant wait until my children are a little older and I can start fostering. They are 5 and 3 plue the three dogs so I dont think I have the right time to devote to a foster.

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