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Broken Spirit

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mix Breed lover, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I have a friend who adopted a small mixed dog a few months ago. She is about three years old. The problem is this little dog is completely terrified. She avoids human contact and cowers when you come near her. She seems so sad and confused. My friend has given her lots of love and patience and is very good to her. Yet this little girl is still so shy. My friend thinks she will never trust humans. She loves her other dog. Also she likes to go for walks. The problem is that she almost seems torchered just to be around people. She shakes evertime anyone touches her. This girl has been horribly abused in the past. What do you think? Can this baby be taught to love her family or is it hopeless? My friend doesn't want to give her up, but this dog just isn't happy. Anyone ever deal with something like this? Any tips to bring her around?
  2. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    That's such a sad story, Mix Breed. I would say after months of coaxing, she really needs to work with a dog behavioral person that could make a better assessment. Maybe she could find one through her vet. My sense is, that the dog will eventually come around with a consistent and loving routine.

    Is the dog eating normally? Is your friend a stay-at-home dog mom?
  3. Hi! First I would like to congradulate your friend for taking in that poor abused pup! SO KUDOS TO HER :eek:

    I agree with pekemom, those were good questions to ask :D I too beleive that with continued love and tenderness this dog will come around in time. The good news is that he/she is now being loved and treated well. I say: tell your friend to keep up the good work, and try to find the help she needs. Just knowing that she saved this poor animal from a cruel life should be a reward in it's self.

    Please do keep us informed of the pups progress

    Good luck! Susan
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  5. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Pekemom, Yes she is eating but she wont eat in front of anyone. My friend works part-time. I think a behavioralist is a good idea. Thank you.

    Susan I agree, I am so glad my friend found this baby. She is in good hands now. I just wish there was something I could do for her. This little baby just breaks my heart. I have had abused pets myself in the past but I have never seen a dog like this.

    GinaH, I am so sorry about your Izzy. You gave her a wonderful life for the time she was with you. She died loved and that is so important. Thank you for sharing her story. You know what is ironic. My friends dog is named Lizzy. I hope you are at peace knowing Izzy is happy and whole again. I wish you the best. Thanks again.
  6. aussylover

    aussylover New Member


    :cry: Mix breed lover I'm so sorry to hear about this pup! but Iam glad your friend is taking care of it now! I hate to hear when animals have been mistaken of and someone with a heart like us take in and try to to give it a better life!!!! All your friend can do is continue doing is give it love and reassureing it is o.k because I got a puppy from the pound,it was a labx and it was 8-weeks old and you can tell it was abused by men everytime a man would around him he would shake and become really nervous! actually he was that way around people it was sad I had a heck of a time getting him to be comfortable around people and stop being shy! everytime someone would come near him he would run and I had to get on my knee's and tell cocoa it was o.k everytime finally he finally mellowed out!!! As he got older I couldn't keep him because mentally there was something wrong with him! He was litally chewing holes in my hall way (big) he was doing some weird not normal dog stuff. I took him him to the vet and the vet said not know what happened to him when he was baby he could of got brain damage. I was heart broken!!! He started also bitting, so I had to rid of him. I wanted to share this with you ! Aussylover
  7. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Do you know for a fact she was abused? I've found this is a commonly held belief when a dog shakes, trembles and acts afraid when around people. Fact is, she might just not have been properly socialized at the critical age (usually 2-5 months). Many dogs with poor temperaments were either born that way (its genetic too) or like I said, haven't been socialized. She will probably always be somewhat nervous, since she's already 3 years old, but with loads of love, praise and an owner she can trust, she may come out of her shell somewhat in time. Its hard to say. In any case, she will probably always be on the timid side and I wouldn't expect her to ever be very outgoing. Doesn't mean she won't make a great family pet, though.

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    This is a good book for shy dogs: Help for Your Shy Dog: Turning Your Terrified Dog into a Terrific Pet, by Deborah Wood.
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Our husky was severly abused when we got her and honestly it took a little over a year to get her to learn to trust and love again. It took alot of patience and persistance and it has payed off. We gave her space and graduly worked with her. Now she shows little signs of her past.

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