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My cat eats then throws it up

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Dana, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. Dana

    Dana New Member

    My 10 year old cat has a upper respiratory infection that is being treated and she is getting better. However, I have been forced to feed her liquid supplements and baby food through a syringe, because when she does eat even a little of her dry food she throws it up. I have been doing this for about 8 days now two times a day sometimes more so she doesnt get anymore problems she already has begining stage kidney disease. My question is how do I get her to keep her dry food down? My only thoughts are to limit how much she eats in a seating is that all I can do?? Do I stop syringe feeding her and hope that she gets hungry enough to eat more regulary?
    Please help....She hates feeding time right now.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet. :D I'm so sorry about your kitty. :( Have you informed your vet that your kitty is throwing up? If so what did they recommend and what did they say was the cause of her throwing up? I would try and give her some really good tasting soft food. Just go and get a bunch of different small cans of different brands and flavors and see if she will eat any of them. I don't know if you eat chicken yourself, but you could always try and give her some of your cooked chicken (without the skin/bones or any sauces). I'm sure others will also post some other suggestions. I wish your kitty all the best and hope she begins to eat on her own soon.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Chessmind gave good advice. I would definitely tell the vet what's going on with your cat and go from there. Have you tried giving your kitty steam baths for 10-15min every few hours? This might clear her sinuses so she can smell better. I believe Mary_NH has recommended this repeatedly. Cats that can't smell their food won't eat it and will deteriorate rapidly. You might want to try giving her very smelly food to start out with and place that on top of her regular food. If she can smell it, she might eat it. If she had beginning stage kidney disease, does she need to go on a special diet? Please keep us posted on her condition.

  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how is your cat doing? Was she on Clavamox? That can be very tummy upsetting to cats so if she is it could be the Clavamox. Baytril is easier for kitty tummies but the reason why most vets prescribe Clavamox is cause it's cheaper
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    please keep us informed about yer poor baby... :( i'm sure she'll pull through... vet visit is deffinately a good idea now. good luck
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :m19: my kitty otis was on k/d dry...and started throwing up some...i switched him to k/d wet...minced type. he loved it....you might try that...it is specifically for kidneys. your kitty should probably start a food that is geared toward protecting the kidneys at this point. she could live a long time if you take care of her dietary needs. the reason is...some foods that are high in protein stress the kidneys, so the special formulas help that.

    otis was on kidney food the last five years of his life...he lived until almost twenty. but he was on a special diet for his entire life. first c/d, then w/d, then k/d. i think premium foods helped him stay healthy and live a long life..... :D

    i think the vet can give your kitty something for vomiting...i know they did with otis...i think it was a shot of something...to control the vomiting...

    heating the food up a little in the microwave helps...i had a routine..."28 seconds" in the micro got it just warm enough. they smell it better when its heated. :wink:
  7. kismet

    kismet New Member

    Please check your Inbox on this site for a private messsage from me.
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Since I moved to GErmany, my cat pukes sometimes on a regular basis. I have taken her to the vet and he said she is ok and healthy. So I just tried different types of foods until I found one where she didn'T puke it up.
  9. Dana

    Dana New Member

    Update on Patches

    Just wanted to let all of you who replied to my message about Patches not eating and when she did she would throw it up. All is well with her she is over the respiratory infection and turns out that she was having reactions to the clavamox antibiotics. Called the vet and they then told me that some cats react that way to the meds and that it should resovle itself now that she was done with them. Sure enough it did. Sure would have been nice to know that clavamox makes some cats throw up when on it. Spread the word.
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Good to hear that Patches is all better! Moe reacts the same way to Clavamox. If I'd seen this post earlier I would have said something.

    Hope you hang around here for a while!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Good to know, glad she's better! :eek:
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thats interesting. thanks for the heads up on clavamox.

    you know...when otis was alive, he couldnt take any antibiotic...i didnt even think of that. he was intolerant of them all... one time he projectile vomited all over my counter.

    i had forgotten that...because max...has been on antibiotics almost all his life...(almost six months...he is ten months old right now...)

    thank goodness your kitty is doing well. i am very relieved, as im sure you are. :eek:

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