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Human sickness transfer?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by lilest Budgie, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member

    I'm just wondering for safety, if someone that was near my budgie alot had a cold/flu/sickness, could the birdie get it? If she kissed the mouth of a sick person would that be really bad? And if a bird got a human sickness would they die, or could the vet do something? I'm just curious on this topic for I do not know very much on this subject.
  2. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    yes it could kill the bird not to for get that human spit is very deadly too sonot not to manny kisses near her beak
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi the human cold and flu is bad enough for us so imagen how bad it can be for a little bird.

    If the bird contracts either of these then it can be fatal for the bird if not caught and treated ASAP some birds never make it once they have caught it others make a full recovery and some have breathing problems so its advisable that anyone that has a cold or flu not to handle or come near the bird just to be safe.

  4. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member


    Okay, Thank you Kathy and Mike, I'll make sure all people with the flu stay far away and no more kisses near the beak, just to be safe. Thank you!

    Oh, and it's kinda odd, but Angel "poses" for me.. She well, assumes the postion for mating sometimes when she sees me, I guess that means she likes me? But will she be in heat forever? She has been doing this on and off for a month now..

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