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Monty and Pumpkin's teeth cleaning day

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Today was the big day. The pet carriers came out and both kitties bolted. Monty ran into the sunroom and Pumpkin into the masterbedroom. I closed the sunroom door and proceeded to chase Pumpkin. she stood by the dresser and looked up at me with big blue eyes. I whisked her up and in the carrier she went without a fight. Monty was another story. After chasing him in cirlcles around the sunroom, I decided to let Rene in on the action thinking she could perhaps distract Monty. Wrong. Monty took the opportunity to escape when the door opened. Up the stairs into the masterbedroom he went. I closed the door and he ran under the bed. After several unsuccessful attempts to catch him, I flipped the matress upright. Monty had no where to go and fought me big time. My good boy hissed at me! :m13: He's never done that before. Snif, snif. So into the carrier he went but not before he peed all over the stairs and the hallway. Both cried on the way to the vet. :( I dropped them off at 8AM and picked them up at 3PM. I made a few calls in between to inquire about their status. They probably thought I was a nut case. :p

    Monty had 2 cavities and Pumpkin had 4 with 1 very cracked tooth which were all extracted. :p

    All in all they did fine with the anesthesia etc. As soon as they came home, they chowed down soft foods like there was no tomorrow. They can only have soft foods for the next 3 days to facilitate healing. I don't know how I'm going to administer the meds- antibiotics 2x a day per kitty plus pain meds 1x a day for the next 3 days. :0011: Monty is afraid of me now and runs away if I go too close to him. :cry: I don't think he'll ever forgive me.

    This is what the home dental care sheet said:

    So guys and gals, brush your kitties' teeth and prolong their health! Incidentally, outdoor kitties generally don't have bad teeth. Maybe I should let Milo out again?
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    :eek: I meant to wish you good luck before your vet visit, but since today's a holiday in Canada, I kept thinking it was Sunday. Sorry! I really did remember you had the appointment on Monday.

    I'm glad everything went okay, aside from the joy of getting them into their pet carriers. Poor babies.

    Are you planning on brushing their teeth or do you already? Moe is pretty good at letting me get about 30 seconds of teeth brushing every two days.

    Give them time, they will love you again in a couple of days! Good luck with the medication!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you Halaroo! The vet gave us a rinse sloution designed to erase plaque. We'll see how that goes. We've never brushed their teeth before so I don't think the 4 kitties will let us. I don't think we'll be able to pill them either! HELP! BTW, Pumpkin is happy to be home. She's very bright eyed and busy tailed, and very loving. Monty just avoids us. My guess is that Pumpkin had a fractured tooth with fragments and it must have been hurting her until the dental procedures today so she's feeling good. Monty, on the other hand, had nothing wrong with him so he must have felt abused going to the vet 2x within a few days.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad everything went well vene. I think Tiddy will be getting his teeth cleaned for the first time in the begining of the new year. My cats would have a fit if I tried to brush their teeth. I wish I would have thought to do it when some of them were kittens so they would be used to it.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks Nern! Tiddy can go to Georgetown Animal Clinic in Jan or Feb. They have a 20% discount done in those months. Unfortunately, it would've been a little late for Pumpkin and Monty.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks vene...good to know. 20% off is great.
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh vene...what a day!!! sheesh!!! i bet you are sooo exhausted. not to fret though [-X ...monty will regroup. kitties are resiliant, and he will be back on track in no time.

    wow!!! what a story though.....i mean...peeing all the way down stairs. oh dear me oh my!!! better you than me!!! lols lols....uh sorry, just kidding..... :shock: :roll: :wink:

    well...anyway....glad they are okay. :y_the_best: you are a verrrrrry good meowmy....very responsible and attentive to the needs of your kitties.....



  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Vene. Sounds like you and your fur animals had quite a day! :shock: Next time the vet gives you any meds, ask to have it in liquid form. This is what I always did when Handsome was alive. I would simply mix the liquid medication into his soft food. I suppose since you have multiple cats it may be easier to give pills as you are certain they will receive the entire dosage. After you give them the 'dreaded pill,' give them their favorite treat. There is two reasons for this: A) It will help them associate pill time with a nice treat. B) More importantly, the treat will assist the pill to go down. Many times (around 30%) the pills get stuck in their throat. This is not good, because they are not getting their proper dosage and the pills can irritate the tissue. I'm just glad everything went well and they are both okay. I hope you will soon be forgiven. :wink:
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    How's Monty doing today? Still hating you?
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    here monty....group hug!!!

  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    just an additional tip on the meds...i agree with chess...pills are sometimes a problem....

    max gets his antibiotic in pill form...but it is bitter...so i take the quartered pill and put it in a capsule (they have pill crushers too), then coat the capsule with butter, and stick it in the back of his throat. it is so much easier with capsules...just slides right down...and he thinks its a treat, cause he loves butter. :eek:

    i used to give him a couple syringes of water, to make sure the capsule was washed down...he loved that!! would just lap the water up...but he would play with the syringe, and lost all the ones i had... :shock: :roll:
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks for the tips Lynn and Chessmind.
    Halaroo, Monty loves me again! He's been letting me pet him and he purrs nonstop! :eek: My cats don't like butter. Weird kitties. We've given up on the pilling project and only Pumpkin is getting the pain killer doses. Monty wants nothing to do with vet meds. :x

    Lynn, don't forget to make that appointment and actually go for that root canal that you've been neglecting! Tssk, Tssk!!! [-X
  13. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    :eek: I'm very happy for you! I was worried since you hadn't been on all day. I thought maybe he attacked you in the night. :wink:
  14. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    Did you try feeding it to them in their food?
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    LOL's Halaroo. Actually, I went to a friend's house to do some gardening and eat free food. Can't turn down offered food. :mrgreen:
    Bunny, I tried that already and it didn't work. :cry:
  16. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member


    I always fail when I attempt advice. How depressing! :cry:
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Bunny, that was good advice. I used to bury their meds in every type of food treat known to mankind and the cats would either spit out the meds or gag it up. My kitties are pains in the derrier when it comes to feeding them meds. BTW, Pumpkin left a big present in one of the bedrooms. Luckily for us, it had no smell and she's ok. Too much soft foods and meds and stress made her poop in the wrong area. Poor kid. :m10:

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