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Akkk! its back

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    okay , I was good about putting Midas food away while we are gone during the even though the critter came at night, well yesterday, UI didnt put Midas food away and it came in during the day while we are at work, again, took the cat dish outside, I showed a few people the fur and they think it is a possum, but during the day? i would think its driving Jake and Wylie nuts having a critter n their backyard. I think I will talk to my neighbor who I think has a trap, andthen release it.

  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  3. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I think I would be concerned about an opossum coming out during the day. Couldn't that indicate rabies? I'm not sure if that is true or not. If you have a local wildlife group, maybe you could check with them.
  4. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    off topic, sorry~

    Gina, Fancy is SUCH a doll!! I love her pictures on Dogster, esp. with her pumpkin hat!! And I must say, that Bluebelle is beauty, too!! Well, let's face it...THEY ALL ARE, you lucky woman!
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    jsut because they come out during the day does not mean they have Rabies. That is a HUGE myth. Some nocturnal animals wonder in the day light if its a muggy day, not full sunlight, rainy, things like that.

    If it had rabies, it wouldn't be after food the way this one apparently is.
    He wouldn't get around very well, and Honeys would have found him by now. Its a degenerative disease. He would be hanging out in the same spot all the time. Walking in circles, sleeping alot, not too concerned with food, but agressively drinking water.

    I would be more concerned with other dieseases, mites, and parasites than anything.

    Possums have teeth just like a dog. Huge canines, and sharp molars. They will fight back if cornered and can do some damage if they get ahold of your dog.
    I would keep the pet food put away unless you are there at all times.
    You can get a humane trap and put some canned kitty food (stinkiest kind you can find) in the end of the trap, and catch it.

    Then its up to you what you do with it, humanly kill it, or release it at a distance from your or others residence to keep him from coming back.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    hubby thinks becausei tis so hot and dry, 90s during the day, stange to be coming out at this time, its looking for food and to just keep the food put away - I said we have to be diligent then that no food is left out either in the kitchen. Sam thats what worries me if whtever it is gets cornered with the dogs, Wylie already to be home quarantined once becauseo f\\of teh run in with the coyotes. I am going to try to get my neighbot to humanely trap it and let it go, we do have 800 acres of nothing behing us

  7. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    A wild critter moving about in daylight is not normal. Another possibility is a skunk so let's hope it's a possum if you are able to trap it. Your local animal control people should be real interested in this situation.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    No its not normal. But it not uncommon either. I would always use precautions if you encounter one though.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Dukesdad I live out in the country and in the county, Our county animal control stinks, My neighbor smelled the fur and its not a skunk, he said they smell, not just spray their odor but that you can tell them just by their body odor and its nasty. The thing that bothers me is having t2 big dogs in the yard is not dterring it, but they are probably sound aleep when it occurs, and they got after it, that is why the dish back outside and not in the house, like so smart too take the dish and run!

  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    A good way to catch a coon:

    Take a mason jar with the small top. Place something in the jar that is too large to fit out the hole easily. (Prego spagetti jar works great!)
    Make sure the object is shiny. Place outside.
    When the coon incounters it, it can't help but to take it. When he grabs ahold of the object and can't fit it through the hole, he just holds on to it! They will not let go. (stupid) Make sure the jar is anchord down or tied to soemthing. When you come out. He'll be standing there with his hand in the jar and not letting go of the object.

    Yes it works!!!

    I use the prego jar with a 5" peice of stainless steel piping 1/4''. It turns sideways in the jar and won't fit through the hole.
  11. -={Nexus}=-

    -={Nexus}=- New Member


    that's hilarious!!!!

    i need to see a picture of this is someone can get one!

  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Wel i sure hope you catch this critter... Good Luck.

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