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Another string of attacks

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by goob, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. goob

    goob New Member

    The first in a string of savage attacks (which amazingly were all captured on film), Mr Giant PotatoHead was mauled by a group of angry dogs earlier this evening. It appears the dogs, one at a time, alternated between gutting him of his stuffings and parading up and down their porch with him in tow. Shortly afterwards, he disappeared, and hasn't been seen since....

    Parents, you may want to ask your children to leave the room, as what follows is extremely graphic...

    The first assailant, a PBD (plain brown dog) approached Mr. GPH in what appeared to be some sort of ritualistic fashion... though GPH of course, was unaware of what was to follow as the PBD began to throw verbal assaults while harassing Mr. GPH.

    "Yeah, you think you're real spiffy with this mustache, I'll show you what it feels like to be waxed!!!"

    "How 'bout your ear!? Don't tell me your mother never honked you on your ears before!!!""

    "Have you been flossing??? It sure doesn't look like it!!"

    "Oh yeah, and how about one-a these for good measure!?"

    After which, the PBD strolled away from the scene, and there appeared a PND (pig nosed dog).

    The PND appeared to be there more for formalities, as they briskly assessed Mr. GPH's condition

    And gender?

    Before leaving once again.

    After the PND was gone, yet another assailant approached, this time the fearsome NLD (no-legged dog). They wasted no time in formalities, and began their assault immediately... there are not words for the events that followed.






    During the NLD's assault, the PBD returned to the scene, where after a brief argument over possession of Mr GPH

    The two were seen dragging Mr GPH off to dog only knows where...

    Afterwards, all was calm, and citizens once again thought they could rest easy. But, the NLD, PBD, and PND were strategically plotting their next moves, as can be seen in the following sequences...

    PBD taunting a young glow worm





    Would ya look at that mug?

    PND performs another inspection on a passing toy dog....

    Before ordering them out of the area

    Later that evening, there turned up another gruesome discovery....
    PND was found with another victim. This one, sadly, had already been de-eyed

    PND speedily finished off the victim, whom we shall call Turkey Samwich

    And agreed to pose with them for a photo shoot

    Meanwhile, rumor has it that the PBD was seen with another local, a fish of unknown type.

    There are some questions as to what the fish may have to do with this case, but neither PBD nor the fish were willing to respond to our repeated attempts at harassing them.

    The most recent and final development of this case is that PND has also been seen attempting to recruit new toughs to assist in their spree, last seen with this Scary Orange Thing...

    Neither hide nor hair of the NLD has been seen since the earlier assault on Mr GPH...
  2. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    LOL! That was great! I bet you had quite a mess to clean up after all those awful attacks. :mrgreen:
  3. Angie

    Angie New Member

    LOL!! That was so funny and so cute!
    I loved it!
    Shianne would love to rip up toys like that :shock:

  4. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Thanks Goob ... that was great!
  5. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    hahahahah goob you are crazy :)

    where did you get that Mr. Potato head. my kids would love to rip something up like that., well pitty would mount it first..then rip it to shreds LOL :lol
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    LOL...I sighed at the title of your post and almost didn't read it... IM glad I did that was so funny!
  7. someday

    someday New Member

    hehe..that was great! Now if only we could teach them to pick up the stuffing after they rip it out it would be great. I've been picking it up off my floor all morning...it's amazing how far it can be strewn.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG goob, how cute! those poor stuffed animals :mrgreen: , funny how they all partake in the mischevious.

    it was so funny yesterday Wylie hyrt her dewclaw pretty bad, so I banadger her up, well she still wanted to play frisbee, I am like no way, she is obsessed with it. since she couldnt retreive her frisbee she got a rubber football and proceeded to tear a small hole in it and then spent 15 minutes pulling out the stuffing. what is with dogs and stuffing!I said what teh heck let her do it becauseit kept her entertained while I got some yard work done

  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    De-eyed!!! LMAO!!!!
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That is great!! :eek: Very entertaining!!! Vicious dogs.
  11. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    Well, I just got home from work. It was a horrible night!
    Thank you soooooooo much for an enjoyable laugh.
    That was just GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. goob

    goob New Member

    Right you are. Stupid me thought potato head had regular stuffing... those little styrofoam balls sure were fun to sweep off the deck and pick out from between the boards :roll:

    Bronx, went with my aunt to a thrift store the other day, they had a 1/2 off sale so I bought about 1/2 dozen stuffed toys from the kids' section for the dogs to have their way with, cheap and fun. When I saw potato head, I knew I had to bring that home and see what they did with it :lol:

    Thanks everybody, and glad you got some enjoyment out of these poor toys' destruction :mrgreen:
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    im reporting this to the agricultural board!!!

    did any of you think about how mrs potatohead is feeling? NO you people just buy these' viscious killers' and let them at potatoes. well, they have feelings too ya know! what are the potato children going to do huh!? poor mr potatoheads life was cut so short, he had never even had the experience of having cheese tipped all over him. this is a sad day in history for all potatoes.... :-({|=

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