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Tomorrow's the big day

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nern, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

    Ritchie gets neutered and his hernia fixed. I've been leaving him out now with the other cats since he seems to be getting along great with all of them, even the dogs. Rhiannon has finally stopped hissing and growling at him.....the two of them were actually playing tag together today. I had to lock him in my room tonight though so its easier to catch him in the morning for the vets and because I had to take his food away at 9PM and I will have to take his water away at midnight. I guess I'll have to keep him restricted to my room now until he heals up and I don't think he's going to be too happy about it. :(
    Wish us luck!

    BTW, I took some new pictures of him. I'll post them later tonight or tomorrow if I get a chance. :D
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Good luck Ritchie and Nern! :kiss_heart: :m10: I'm so happy he gets along with everyone. Can't wait to see the new pics! :eek:
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    How long are the surgeries going to be and will he be at the vet all day? I didn't have to put the water away at all for Pumpkin and Monty's dental cleanings. I wonder why your vet wants the water taken away at midnight. :0011:
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Good luck! We'll be thinking of you two today. I'm sure everything will be fine.

    I had to take Moe's water away at midnight the night before her teeth cleaning. I think it's something to do with the anesthetic. I had to not eat or ddrink before my surgery a few years ago too.
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm glad Ritchie is getting along with everyone so well now. Good luck with the Vet. I'm sure all will go well. :)
  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Good luck little Ritchie. I hope all goes well for him, Nern. I'm so glad you have decided to keep him. He was so lucky to have found you. :mrgreen:
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks everyone. I called the vet and he is doing well but he's still really out of it so I can't pick him up until 6PM....I dropped him off at 8:30AM.
    Poor little guy, I hope he recovers quickly....Chieve was looking all over for him today.
    vene: As far as taking away the water, I think it depends on the hospital. I don't remember having to take away water for surgeries that were done at my vets previous hospital (she did'nt own that clinic) but at her new hospital I had to take it away for Rhiannon when she had her lump removed and now for Ritchie too.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    He's home now and appears to be very happy to be back here. Poor little guy looked miserable when I went to pick him up. I gave him a little food and he gobbled it right up. I was supposed to check his stitches right away (so I know what they are supposed to look like incase he rips them) but could'nt because he hissed at me as soon as I opened the crate and tried to touch him and then dove under the bed. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to try to get a look at them but I know its going to be a battle. I did'nt get him an e-collar because I knew he would freak out but I told them I'd keep an eye on him and pick one up if necessary. His stitches come out on the 23rd and if all goes well until then he should be okay to rejoin the rest of my crew.
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    aww poor baby...i hope he feels better soon....

    i have to get my 2 their last set of shots..so i can get them fixed...bc they are now 6 months..and i dont want em sprayin..
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks rcrgal and good luck with your little ones. :wink:
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    poor Ritchie i kept wondering where stitches were for a neuter then i remembered the hernia too.

    At the hospital where i worked i was taught u should remove all food and water prior to a surgery- and then after surgery limit the amount of food and water they get. Where they are still groggy from the drugs and all there is still a chance for vomitting and choking-- hence why u are supposed to limit the food and water :)

    hope he does ok.

    wheres those pics?
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks Eternal Flame. Your right, I was only allowed to give him a little bit of food this evening. I was tempted to give him more since he gobbled it up so quickly but I knew that might cause more harm than good. Tomorrow they said he could be fed normally again.

    I forgot about the pictures. :(
    It would be so much easier if my camera was compatible with this computer but its not so I have to upload them on another computer then burn them on a disk to transfer them to this one. I'll post them tomorrow for sure. :wink:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor Ritchie. Hope he perks up tomorrow. Monty was the same way after his tooth extraction and I also fed him and Pumpkin multiple small amounts of food afterwards. How long does he have to be on the pain meds?
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi nern...just read this post. so glad hes okay...brave little guy.

    when i took max for his neutering...no water past midnight and pull the food in the am...or vice verse?? now that i think of it...i think its...no food past midnight...and no water in the am....
  15. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    neither lynn, no food or water coz they could vomit while in the opperation and or just coing out of it.

    it was easy to tell which owners didnt listen to that after opperations *grumbles* i had some nice messes to clean up. They'd still have the tube in their mouths (u take it out as they start waking up) and be puking... it wasnt happy.

    *super huggles for Ritchie* and nern u best get those pictures.. wouldnt want vene to go into attack mode. *giggles* just teasin ya vene hun :kiss_heart:
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    How's Ritchie today?

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