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Behavioral problems with my peki-anyone else?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pekigirl, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. pekigirl

    pekigirl New Member


    Hi everyone...I'm new here...so here goes....I have a 2 year old male pekingnese, & he resents strangers so much that he bites if they approach him. He's been like this since he was 5 mos. old. He's been through 3 diff. trainers. He's a lovable dog with the family, but turns manic when he's around anyone but us. If we try to correct him when he goes on the attack, he turns to attack us. I need help!!

    ](*,) Thanks so much, Debbie
  2. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member


    when you find the answer, let me know!! I have a black & white peke, Bailey Brie, who has the same problem. I don't even want to tell you how much trouble that has caused, when strangers come to the door.

    I found that Bailey has gotten a little better with age. He's five now. If someone who's been here before arrives, he's better. But on the other hand, now that I'm home most days, he's more protective. If a total stranger comes, I've got big problems.

    It's also next to impossible to trim his nails. I have to do ONE, maybe every other day and use a muzzle, which I hate to do.

    Yet, my second peke, Brandee, is a complete rag doll when it comes to grooming or strangers. She's sooo friendly, she'd go off with anyone!

    I'm ready for some advice myself!
  3. pekigirl

    pekigirl New Member

    Hi Pekemom,

    You said you use a muzzle sometimes. What brand of muzzle do you use that fits a peke??

    Thanks so much for your reply...I don't so alone now re: this.
  4. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member


    this is the muzzle I use for nail trimming. It's called a "cozy, quick muzzle for pugs" - size small. It does go over Bailey's eyes, but he's quieter that way. I only keep it on long enough to get one or two nails. And then, I give him a treat after removing it.

    That's the only way I can trim his nails and feet. He will let me put him up on the kitchen counter and brush him out after a bath without a muzzle. And trim his fur also without the muzzle. BTW, I have absolutely NO problem bathing him. He seems to enjoy that.

    Hope this helps! Like I say, I'm still looking for answers, too! (And the fact that my two pekes are completely different in personality, makes me think that there's not terribly much I can do about it. )
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Have any of these trainers actually come to your home to work with you? If not, that would be my suggestion.

    I also highly recommend the book "Aggression in Dogs" by Brenda Aloff. I think most people, even those without aggressive dogs, would find this book extremely beneficial.
  6. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Was your peke purchased from a reputable breeder? We had a shih tzu once who was just like your peke. We got her from a pet store and later realized she was most likely raised in a puppy mill. She never outgrew her aggression :(
  7. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member


    It's funny you should say that, because our aggressive peke was purchased from a pet store, and our good natured peke was purchased from a breeder. What you say is certainly true in our case.
  8. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Unfortunately, sometimes a lot of damage is done early on that just can't be reversed. Especially if it happened in the early phase known as the fear impression phase. I also think a lot of times they are taken from their mom's too early and weaned, but almost more important than that is them being taken from their littermates. That is where they learn important heiarchy and are corrected by their littermates for things like nipping and biting.
    Good luck!
  9. pekigirl

    pekigirl New Member

    :lol: Thank you all for your thoughts...Barney turned aggressive @ about 5 months of age when the alarm when off in our house while we were gone, & the police arrived, & I'm not sure what they did with him...he was gated in our laundry room, & defecated all over the floor instead of on his papers....I'm not sure if they yelled at him or what, but that's when all of this started. What are your thoughts on antianxiety drugs for small dogs?? :-#

  10. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    It so amazing that one incident can have such a lasting affect on them, but we know it can!
    Not sure how I feel about the meds. My parent's have a shih tzu (not the same one I spoke of before) who is scared to death of thunder. She litterally loses it when she even senses that it is about to come. She pants so hard it looks like her eyeballs will pop out and then she digs on the carpet. They do sometimes give her some kind of sedative--especially if it happens in the middle of the night since she will keep everyone up.

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