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Sure could use some more advice!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Valmar, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. Valmar

    Valmar New Member

    Hopefully you all remember us - Brittney and Bailey - we have had Bailey back with us since the 7th of September - things are much better with Britt and Bailey but things aren't right yet - she is still afraid of him - not to the degree she was tho!Will things gradually continue getting better once Bailey grows out of the puppy stage - we love them both to death and would love to see them playing together and what not - should we just be patient or should we be trying to put them together more - we do take them for walks together but Britt is always checking to see where Bailey is - he can't get too close - they sleep in separate areas and their food is kept separate as well - we do play with them on the floor with toys and all but Britt is pretty standoffish about the whole deal - she would prefer to be up in a chair and just watch - let me know what you all think? Appreciate the help! :? :) [/img]
  2. casper

    casper New Member

    Hey, I'll give u my 2cents since you seem to want it.

    I've never been in your situation so I can't give it from a personal experience. However, I do know of a man with a Chow and another dog (lab, I believe) and the Chow did not get along with the lab. Like all Chows, it kept to itself and didn't want to play with other breeds. The man, in describing the relationship, said that the Chow 'tolerated' the lab - at best. In the end, after 1 or 1 1/2 yrs of trying, the lab was given to a family friend.

    My point: you can't force dogs to like each other
    ...but good luck if u decide to keep trying
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I can't say for sure but if things have already gotten better you can only hope that they will continue to get better. Generally, the older the animal the longer the adjustment period...I think things may get better as the new puppy grows out of the puppy stages.
    Good luck.
  4. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    It's really only been about six weeks. I think I would set a six month mark for adjustment. If the relationship is still not working by Feb-Mar, I'd consider re-homing. But my feeling is, that since Britt is already "looking" for Bailey at walk time, that Bailey will gain confidence and come around.

    I have a "Bailey", too. He was an only child and liked it that way. When Brandee came into our lives, Bailey was NOT thrilled. But eventually, they developed a close and loving relationship. I would say it took a couple of months before Bailey (the older in this case) was comfortable.

    Please continue to keep us posted.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Its prefectly fine that they don't enjoy each other. As long as they are not trying to hurt each other. Mine could care less about each other most of the time. On rare occasions when I get my poodle riled up she will chase down rufus. But for the most part they don't sleep near each other nor lay anywhere each other. When rufus was swept off to the E. vet sasha did go looking around for him. So that tells me she does seem to care somewhat. I think she likes having him just be around. But does not act that way. I don't think there is any reason to rehome your pup. Just show them both love, play with pup. Do whatever special things the older dog likes and everything will be fine. It works out fine for me and mine are not lovey dovey. It will be ok. I totally believe it .
  6. Valmar

    Valmar New Member


    Thanks Puttin - I really needed to hear that - I love these dogs dearly and don't want to risk hurting them in any way - thasks! :y_the_best: :eek:
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I totally agree with Puttin on this one, from what you say, it sounds as though it will all work out in the end. They may never be real close (relationship wise), but it's definitely a possibility, I've seen it before. I can't express how important it really is to let time take it's course!!!!!!!! Like one member said, I would be thinking more along the lines of six MONTHS, rather than weeks!

    In my opinion, what you are doing now is exactly what needs to be done. You mentioned that Britt likes to just sit up on a chair and observe, that's actually great news! If that's what she feels comfortable doing (which is actually a big step forward), that's great, let her do that. However, if you can coax her down to the ground with you and Bailey, even if it's just for a few seconds, minutes, whatever, that's also a huge step forward. Whenever she exhibits signs of confidence, and gets closer to Bailey, reward her big time!

    So I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing, and just give it a lot more time!!! :y_the_best:

    Best wishes! :D

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