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My Cat Is Still Spray After Being Neutered.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by NicoleRyan, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. NicoleRyan

    NicoleRyan New Member

    I had my male cat neutered about 2 weeks ago. He has srayed since his surgery. He is seeming to only do it in my room. I think it may be because he is not allowed in my room. Can anyone tell me if this will continue or if there is a way I can get him to stop. He was sraying before he was neutered.
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi NicoleRyan....

    how old is he? are there other animals?

    felliway is a product that helps with spraying. there are a number of internet articles on spraying and specifically what to do....and i am sure there are people in this forum that will post their experience.

    sometimes it takes a couple of months after neutering for their hormones to calm down. many times a male cat will spray after neutering initally, then stop. he may, however, just developed a habit of it...and that is hard to break.

    it is a terrritorial thing...that is about all i know about spraying...

    good luck...and i am sure others will give you excellent advice and tips... :wink:
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    some cats will continue to spray after being neutered- it's a sad fact.

    what lynn said is all correct.

    how old was your cat when he got fixed?

    good luck with this :)
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome. Dont' know much about spraying. Hope your kitty stops soon. Love to see pics of your baby if you have any to share! :eek: What's his name?
  5. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    My cat Rowdy sprayed his whooooole life. I always thought it was because I had it done really late. He was about 2 or 3 years old when my mom talked me into doing it. I didn't really know then what I know now about the benefits of getting them neutered so I had never even planned on doing it. He was the same spraying kitty when he came out as he was when he went in.

    Needless to say, Natures Miracle was my friend. I always had to steamclean the carpet too. Constantly. I used to get mad at him :( for it because I can't stand that smell but it was worth putting up with to have him. He had alot of weird habits really. One explosive personality. He would jump on my head to wake me up to feed him AGAIN and if I didn't get up, he would find another way to get me out of bed. He'd jump all over the dresser and knock my things around. If I tried to shut him out of the room, he would just turn the doorknob with his paws and open the door! (Sorry..having a Rowdy moment.)

    I was SO scared that my new kitten Tiger would spray too. He was neutered at only 4 months and so far *knock on wood* he hasn't sprayed one time yet.

    How old is your cat?
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    no wonder you named him rowdy!!! :D

    tiger should be fine, although there is never a guarantee. but you are much safer if you get them neutered before they have sprayed.

    mikey sprayed a couple of times before i adopted him. he was neutered in july of this year...and i got him in august i think...well...i was thinking he was six months old when he was neutered because they put his age at 6 mos on the website...but when i went to see him...he looked older...they then told me they thought he was around eleven months old. that would put him being neutered at 10 mos old :shock:

    when i took him to my vet...my vet told me he thought he was a year and a half old!!!! if thats true....then he was neutered at over a year old....

    he has not sprayed once since i have had him, thank the dear Lord....

    after all of max's problems...all i need is a spraying cat!!! poop and pee all over my house. twice this week i have had to wash max off...because he steps in his poop (its still really soft) and then he flicks his leg to get it off...and it GOES EVERYWHERE :roll: :m3: he has a coniption fit (you young people wont know what that is probably :p ) when i try to clean him.... [-X

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