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Hello from me and my many cats lol

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by CockatielCrazy87, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Hello im Samantha im 19 and if you go to the dog board you may have seen a similar post about my dogs. Well im going to post the same way i did there here. I have 6 rescued cats on my families ranch ( don't worry we have a large home and ranch so all the animals have plenty of room to run) heres a bit about them. First a have TidBit a 2 year male old breed unknown but he has no tail whatsoever and is very very small for his age almost kitten size and he has a deformed face. he came to us from a shelter when he was 8 months old because not one was interested in this ugly little kitten. But i think he's adorable and very very sweet. Then theres the twins Moon a Blue Male and Rose a sorrel female both of which are 4 year old Abyssiians. They came to us from a Plea ad at PetsMart from a deceased womans granddaughter trying to give away thse two lovely brother and sister regesterd Cats that belonged to her grandmother. I auotmaticall called my mother and let her know I found the ad and she said to get them home as soon as possible. Then theres Magic my giant 8 year old male Black cat he's my baby even though he's our largest and fattest guy lol. He's deep black with no brown or white whatsoever and he has deep brown eyes. My father found him 8 years ago in our wood shed and he and i grew up together and are the best of friends. Then theres Pantera yes like the band our 10 month old Siamese/ Ocicat mix we got from a Shelter who was brought there by a woman who did not have the time for her ugh and at the time her name was Baby :roll: . But Pantera is everything but a baby and is probley our most crazy attack cat we have. She can just be so sweet one moment and then drawing blood on the hand that was petting her one second before and be growling. My mom says she is me in cat form lol. And finally theres Pooch yes Pooch a 7 year old dark Grey long haired something we took in from a neighbor a year ago when he was moving to the city and could not take his animals with him. Pooch was found by Frank our ex-neigbor when he was only three days old our so we think. He was still blind and small and Frank had to ask us for help on how to feed Pooch. We almost lost him twice but eventually Pooch pulled through and once he was old enough was treated like a dog since thats the only way Frank knew how. Pooch ate, slept, and played with his dogs and so in turn thinks he's a dog and has little interest in our other cats and spends most of his time with Singer and Harley two dogs that came to us from Frank too. And so theres all my cats who will probley here about in the future. Just wanted to say hi and introduce everyone. Thanks talk to you all soon.

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum! =P~

    Its great that you have been able to help all these cats. They all sound beautiful.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Sounds like you have a menagerie of happy kitties and more! Pics please! :mrgreen:
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    tidbit-small, no tail 2y.o. cute in a special kind of way... :wink:
    moon a blue male/rose-abysinnians 4 y.o.
    magic-8 y.o. black male...your buddy
    pantera-10 mo. ocicat/siamese..crazy, sweet attack cat
    pooch-7 y.o. long hair gray kitty...from frank the neighbor at age 3 days

    :eek: :0018:

    welcome to the kitty forum....there were so many...i thought i would break it down for myself. i think it will be easier to remember them this way.

    we are glad you are here...PICS!!! PICS!!! :D
  5. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    welcome to the board :eek:

    Pantera (great name!) sounds like shes full of character! I have a cat who sounds just like her!

    Can't wait to see some pictures
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Hi, and welcome! :)

    Just wanted to add my voice to this choir: Pics! Pics! Pics!

  7. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Hello Samantha and Welcome to the cat forum :qm4:

    I just checked out your other posts....... :shock: You would need two pages on the "name your pets" post! Sounds to me you will be a great addition to this site. How wonderful that you take care of so many rescued animals. How many animals do you have in total?
  8. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Ok i have

    5 dogs

    6 Cats

    12 Horses

    8 Birds

    19 small animals like rats. mice, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and Sugar Gliders

    So in all i have 43 pets in all!!!!! WOW thats in alot when you put it all done. All the dogs in cats live in the house. We made one bedroom for the cats to stay in when we go out and at night or over night. The dogs get thr run of the place but when we leave they go in their kennels in the sun room, the birds got the other spare bedroom in their cages. The the small animals get the little Laundry room where we keep their cages and toys and gym. And the horses of course get the pasture and barn. Its actually hard to tell we have so many animals because we have such a big house and me and my mom clean alot. We clean all the birds and smalll animals cages twice a day and the kitty litter twice a day and all the dogs are house trained. I just love it.

    I don't have many pics of my cats but soon enough i will get pics of them all up
  9. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :shock: deffinately a farm. would love to visit but not live there... i'm a neat freak... i'd be cleaning all day LOL

    welcome to the forum cant wait to see some pics and read more from u :)
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hello and welcome to Auspet. :eek: You have loads of fur animals. Please check you private messages. :D

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