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Just a Question regarding a past post...

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Sara, Oct 17, 2004.

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  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I hope this doesn't open that old can of worms...but I posted earlier and mentioned something about PETA in a post comparing the ownership of horses to the ownership of dogs... I'm sure you all remember the thread about the biting dog etc...

    I'm wondering if my mentioning of the group (PETA) might have given you all the impression that the group is not all good and dandy??? If so I figured I'd apologize to any of the PETA activists or followers around here because the statement was not meant to create bad feelings toward the group... If that was the case I do apologize... I try NEVER to make blanket statements because there are always exceptions to the rules etc... I'm sure plenty of people around here dislike PETA or ike PETA not based on the offhanded remark I made...but hey...I'm sorry for any offense if any was taken by that post.

    Thanks for the time and feedback in advance.
  2. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    It didnt offend me. Im unsure about what to think of PETA. On one hand it would seem that an animal rights activist group isnt a bad thing, on the other hand I think extreme agendas can be a little one sided and dangerous. Its like, I respect pro life activist but think they become wackos when they bomb facilities and what not.

    It would seem that some things, no matter what your agenda, require an amount of acceptance for the way things are and will always be. Not to discount the fact that some practices in the way we care for and process animals for food couldnt be amended alittle, but hey they are not pets and I am no vegitarian.

    Id eat my dog if it came down to it! :mrgreen:
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Thanks! I was hoping I didn't offend...seems I could have and didn't know it...

    I agree with you...everything can be taken to an extreme and any org. can end up with their share of wackos... And wouldn't you know it...the wackos are the ones that get all the coverage and end up making a name for the whole org... NRA is another example where wackos get out of hand...LOL... Thanks for your point of view...well stated and I agree completely...

    I'm also not a vegitarian and if I did have to eat my horse or my dog I'm sure I'd be quite sad about it...but I'd be sad on a full tummy for sure...
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    It didn't offend my at all, I agree with it. Protecting animals is a great thing and we need people to protect them. However there is difference between being for animals rights/protecting them and saying its cruel to keep animals as pets, all pits should die and funding terrorist, any group that funds terrorist/bombings I'm against. I know we need our trees/rain forrest but killing workings who are just doing their job its insane and criminal.
  5. ngkon

    ngkon New Member

  6. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    They don't hate pit bulls. You should read everything they wrote about the subject rather than making that generalization. They have said there should be a ban on pit bulls, which I completely disagree with, but you need to look at their reasoning. It is not b/c they hate pit bulls, it is b/c of the abuse of pit bulls by certain individuals.
  7. ngkon

    ngkon New Member

    OK.....maybe they don't hate pit bulls but if it was up to them I wouldn't have mine, they would be banned. I read something interesting the other day, "90% of serial killers are white males, should they be banned?" .
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    lol good "excuse" nice way for them to hide their real agenda...they can't be that stupid and they can't expect other people to be either. That makes no sense. So they really love Pit Bulls and want to ban them to protect them? But all the other 100s of breeds being abused get to live and be abused, they only care about Pit Bulls, not other suffering dogs who happen to not be born Pit Bulls. Thats bull if I ever heard it.
  9. Jas

    Jas New Member

    We're not going there.......

    Many have strong feelings against and for this org. and info abounds. If anyone wants to find out more, just do some searching.

    Thanks all
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