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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lucidity03, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I was just curious. Do any of you have your cat microchipped? I was thinking about it because my kitten is going for her first vet visit today. I am going to ask to have her microchipped. My other two females are (they were bought at a shelter and the shelter did it before we could take them home).

    However, my two boys are not. I plan on getting it done on them, too. I just have to get them to the vet.

    But I started thinking about this because the two girls I do have chipped were listed at my old address and phone number. So, if they ever got out and lost, even if they were scanned, no one would be able to reach me.
    I think I'll ask my vet about that tonight to see if they can get 're-scanned'.

    I was just wondering how common it was to have a cat microchipped. It seems pretty common here. Or, at least it's common practice with the local shelter.

    Anyhow, I'm almost out of work to take the little one to the vet. Wish me luck!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my cats aren't chipped although I have considered it. You can get the change of address done for your cats through the company that "monitors" the records - probably through your vet. When I had foster Tony he was chipped at the shelter he was pulled from and Siamese Rescue was listed as the contact until Tony was adopted, then his new owners had to contact the monitoring company to inform them of change of ownership.

    I understand the needles are now much bigger than the previous ones and many vets recommend the cat be given a local anesthetic prior to the injection. I was going to have Zeus chipped when he was neutered but I didnt' have the extra $$ to do this.

    I'm pretty anal about my cats getting outside so I really don't worry much about them, but my next dog will be chipped as we do hike quite a bit and I fear losing a dog in the White Mtns.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe is microchipped and registered with the city. She has tags for her collar. Both are required here (microchipping when adopted from the Humane Society and the city now requires cat registration). I will always have my pet microchipped because of the peace of mind it gives me.
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    My baby is chipped. All you have to do if you move is call the phone number on the tag and report the change of residence.

    I didn't opt for the microchip because Booger is an indoor kitty but she had already been chipped when I adopted her. But I feel good about it because she's already gotten outside once...but luckily she just sat on the top step.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    None of mine are chipped but I have considered having all of them done over time....3 of mine have tatoos though. One of my dogs is chipped but thats about it.
  6. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    All our dogs and cats are chipped. Tooke us a few years but their all finally done lol. I think its a great thing i personally would'nt go with out it.
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    what is a microchip?
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Microchipping is the implantation of a small microchip around the size of a rice grain under the kitty's skin for identification purposes should your cat become lost somehow. It genenerally costs $50 for a piece of mind although Whisker Wagons will sometimes do it for a lot cheaper.

  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Well, the vet visit went... well, it went last night! After the kitten getting loose in the waiting room (yes, it was fun trying to chase the little one around) and us waiting for over an hour, the kitten got her shots and went home.

    She's going to be microchipped when she is fixed in November. The vet did tell me that's it a big needle and if the kitten is going to be under for an operation, may as well do it then. I thought that would be a good idea.

    She gave me a booklet with the info to change my address with the other cats. Now I just have to find their chip numbers. We've moved (hence, changing info) and all that info got packed up.

    Luna, I think it's called the AVID Microchip. It's a microchip that fits in a syringe that you inject into your animal. They can program the chip with some information. So, if you ever lose your pet and someone finds it, the pet can be 'scanned' (kind of like a grocery store item!) and the owners can be found. If an animal ends up as a lost animal in our local shelters, they are scanned to see if they had owners who chipped them. It makes reuniting pets and owners a little easier. (That's the best explination I can come up with - hope it helps).
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Lucidity, I'm so sorry about your ordeal last night. Must have been quite stressful. The vets used to use smaller needles, now they are quite large, or so I read somewhere. That stinks! At least your kitty will be under when it happens. I thought about you last night after I read your post about taking your furbaby in for a visit.

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