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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mark McMahon, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. Mark McMahon

    Mark McMahon New Member

    For the last day or so my cat Sonya has been violently shaking every once in awhile it kinda sounds like shes trying to hack up a hairball but she sneezes too and now there is some liquid coming out of her eye! I need some opinions on what her problem is!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    upper respirator infection? Inner ear infection? A vet would be the best one to find out
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    I hope Sonya feels better soon! :(
  4. Mark McMahon

    Mark McMahon New Member

    Well today she seems to be doing better. She must have a cold. Her eyes aren't running as much and she doesn't hack as much, but she's sneezing every 30 seconds, literally. So I'm letting the little girl rest and trying to keep the household quiet so she can sleep.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor kid! :m10:
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    strong healthy cats will usually get over a URI by themselves. If she stops eating though don't let her go too long (not more than 48 hours). If her nose gets goopy and she can't smell her food she won't eat. You can always steam up your bathroom (running shower for awhile) and let her stay in there for no longer than 20 minutes for her nose to clear. But no longer than 48 hours without eating.

    With rest (be sure she's getting fluids) she might do fine...but keep a close eye on her - sounds like you already do.

    Hope she's feeling better soon
  7. Mark McMahon

    Mark McMahon New Member

    Well, today I got home from school and she is still sneezing. It seems as if the sneezing actually hurts her, might have a sore lil nose. However there is barely any stuff coming out of her eye. She still tries to be loving but has a problem with it, seeing as she sneezes so often. We have a vet appointment for her on Thursday, so I'll watch her extra close. I think she is eating okay, probably a tiny bit less than normal, and I'm thinking she is going to the bathroom fine. Thanks for all your concern, we'll find out the results on Thursday!
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    please let us know how she turns out...cats can also get sore throats - learned this recently with my newest foster. Makes sense but who'dya thunk
  9. Mark McMahon

    Mark McMahon New Member

    Well she seems to be doing worse and worse but there are no emergency vets around and Thursday is the quickest time we can get an appointment. She is eating okay but I haven't seen her drink water. I just hope she can hang in there until we figure out what is the matter with her. Please say some prayers people.
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    is she eating wet food? There is moisture in wet food - I'd call the vet first thing Wednesday morning and tell him this has changed from a regular appointment to a you need to get in pronto situation
  11. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    Is there any way they can squeeze you in before Thursday? Tell them she's getting worse. Poor Sonya, hope she's going to be ok. :(

    Sending good vibes and prayers too!

  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Best wishes for Sonya's recovery! :m10:
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    any updates?
  14. Mark McMahon

    Mark McMahon New Member

    An update folks, and boy is it good. Well today was the day we were planning on taking her to the vet, but my mom called and the vet said she probably just had a common cold so we didn't take her. This kinda made me mad but when I saw she seems to be doing much better. She's eating, drinking, and beating up Zack! Hehehe...thanks for all your concerns.
  15. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    good news Mark :eek:

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