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Black eye goo?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nern, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

    Does anyone know what causes this? Ritchie seems to get alot of in the corners of his eyes...I thought maybe it was just more noticable on him because he has a white face but now I'm not so sure. His eyes seem to be bothering him lately. Today when I came home I thought the goo was bloody but upon taking a closer look it appears as if he has scratched at his eye (down the side of his nose) and its red and irritated looking. His next vet appointment is Saturday but if his eyes get any worse before then I think I'm going to have to see if I can get him in sooner. I can't even wipe his eyes...he won't let me get that close. I feel so bad for him. I finally got a look at his stitches too and they look good, not ripped or swollen at all as far as I could tell so that eased my mind a bit but now I'm worried about his eyes.
  2. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    What a coincidence...I just took one of my kitties to the vet today because her third eyelid is bright red and she's tearing up a lot and sometimes it has blood in it. The vet stained her eye to see if it was a scratch on the cornea (which it wasn't thank god). He says it's probably a bacterial/viral infection and gave me some drops. If it doesn't improve in a week I'm to call him up. I'm taking my other furbaby in on Nov 1st for his annual so hopefully there's nothing wrong with him too.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin and Rene gets lots of black goo. Could be allergies or a cold as suggested by Pilotkitten. My guess is that Ritchie's immune system is down because he just had some surgeries. Poor kid. I'm sure he'll rebound soon. I hope he feels better soon! I'm glad he's stiches look good. You must be very relieved! :m10:
  4. Starry

    Starry New Member

    Both Pudcat and Fudgie seem to get a lot of black goo in the corner of their eyes. I asked the vet about it and she said it was mostly likely caused by blocked tear ducts which in turn was probably caused by a case of conjunctivitis when they were kittens. Apparently it is very common. Whenever I notice it building up I wipe it away with a cloth or my finger if no cloth is handy. Neither cat likes me doing this but submits huffily :D

    Poor Ritchie, stitches and a sore eye - hope he will be better soon!
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    years upon years ago my Bridge kitty Sessy would get blackish eye boogers - finally took her to the vet (I didn't cause it didn't seem to bother her) and she did have a scratch on her cornea but it was healing fine so we left it alone.

    Zeus does have allergies but his eye boogers are either greenish/yellow or bloody and the mucus membrane around his eyes tend to be on the puffy side
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Zoe has dark goo around her eyes. But, I didn't see a scratch of any sort. I've been trying to clean it up, but it keeps coming back. She doesn't seem to notice it.

    She was at the vet a while ago for something that looked like a rash on the chin. The vet said if it didn't bother her, it was nothing.

    I wonder if it's all related to allergies. Is your vet doing anything for your cat's allergies?
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if I wanted to spend the amount of $$ it costs to run allergy tests on Zeus I'm sure my vet would be glad to let me - but we're waiting to see what happens when it snows. I have noticed with Zeus though that his eyes get puffier when I take him outside on his leash so I also think it's a seasonal thing. He doesn't seem bothered by it other than his eyes...
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for your replies. His eyes look much better today than they did yesterday...I'm hoping this will clear up and I won't have to give him eye drops or anything because that will be one hell of a difficult task.
  9. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    I hope it clears up too, nern. My new kitten Tiger has had runny eyes since the day I brought him home. I've been giving him eye ointment which was supposedly for 5-10 days and it's day 11 now and his eyes are
    still runny. I hope it's not a blocked tear duct. I know they can do surgery or something but I don't even want to think about how weirded out I'd be if they had to put him to sleep for any length of time to do that. I don't trust any vet I've been to at this point. I hate for him to have to go his whole life with the runny eyes (well one eye moreso than the other.)

    Good luck, hope it gets better really soon!!
  10. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I thought giving Molly eye drops would be a pain...when I first got her it took her over a full month before she'd come out from hiding under the bed and let me get anywhere near inspecting her.

    But at the vet, she was frightened I guess and just huddled in my arms on the table....she NEVER lets me hold her like that normally.

    I thought she'd freak out after that and hide under the bed for another month but so far she deals okay. She doesn't like the eye drops but I give her a treat afterwards for being such a good baby girl and she doesn't seem to mind that part!

    Oh, and her eye is getting better, her third eyelid is still pinkish, but not angry and red like it was when I took her to the vet. That and I notice there's a lot less eye goop and she doesn't seem to favor it as much as she did before with the winking and such. :y_the_best:

    And it's nice to hear your kitty's doing okay too! :eek:
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi nern...hope richie gets better soon. my thoughts and prayers are with you guys....poor little one. hes been through enough. :-& :m27:

    mikey had a history at the shelter of eye infections. they told me it was the worse case they had ever seen. it took several months to get it under control. :shock:

    he had a red eye once since coming home to live with me. i took him in right away. got him eye drops...but only gave them for four days(they were prescribed for ten days at 3x a day)...it cleared up right away. he was tough at first to give the eye drops to...he struggled and struggled. luckily, he is really a wonderful cat...is not aggressive at all even when he struggled. but day two...he was better. the first two days i wrapped him in a towel and held him like a baby...tight...so he couldnt break free. the towel helped initially. then i realized i didnt really need it. #-o

    (he is alot better at nail clippings too...i have done it a total of about four times now. the last time i got every single one.. :D )
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Today there is no black eye goo but the scratch (or whatever it is) goes from the corner of his left eye down the side of his nose...it looked a little better yesterday but now today it looks bad again. That eye is a little runny but his other eye seems fine. I wonder if he scratched at it because of the black goo? I did see him wiping that eye alot the other day. I'll let you know what the vet says. Hope its nothing contagious since he now greets the other cats by walking quickly up to them and rubbing his face all over theirs. :?
  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger gets black eye goo too, but not alot. I have to clean it off about every 2 or 3 days. I just had her to the vet about two days ago and she said it's probably just mild alergies and not worry about it since it's not heavy gunky and not yellow or green tinted (indicating infection)nor running. She only sneezes occasionally. It was worse when I was using a dusty and scented litter.

    I suggest lookng for things that may be triggering allergies. Like me changing Boogers dusty/scented litter.
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for the suggestion Cassie. Richies black eye goo was just a little at first but a few days ago it was really gunky and there was alot of it. I'm thinking of trying Swheat Scoop litter again....its not dusty at all and maybe that will help a little.
  15. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i wanted to add my 2 cents hehe since i know all about eye goo- course Raz's eye goo is alittle different.

    anyway- i digress, vet said one of the reasons for his goo is the herpis virus he has which could be making his eyes runny, or, Richies eyelashes may be turning inward and scraping on the cornea (did someone suggest this? it's 2am and i'm foggy)

    but it could be ANYTHING , any kind of allergy be it food, dust, pollen etc, or infection...

    good luck tho :)
  16. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I've heard of the eyelashes thing, it happened to my Uncle's dog. They kept getting worse and worse and after 3 surgeries they eventually sewed the eyelid shut. He died a few months later (not because of the surgery or anything, but I don't remember what from).
  17. nern

    nern New Member

    I missed the vet appointment today. :(
    Not only did I wake up late but then I could'nt catch him on top of it. I should have closed him in my room the night before but I did'nt ](*,). I chased him around the house for quite a while and then he disappeared and I could'nt find him at all. I ended up calling the the vets office at 11:30 am (I was supposed to be there by then) to let them know that I was'nt going to make it. Now I have an appt. on Tuesday and I'm going to close him in my room on Monday night so that its easier to catch him this time.
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    I sympathize. Monty has a Mon. appt. I don't think I'll be able to get him in the carrier. Good luck on your appt.! :m10:

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