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Help, Midas is gettng sick

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Hi, since Sunday, every time Midas eats he just throws it back up, I htought maybe it was the canned food, and switched, ibut he is still sick, I also recently got him a new bag of dry food from teh vet but the same flavor and wondering maybe the bag is bad.

    Anyway I am trying to get a hold of the vet, but it looks like their phones are out, we are having abad storm. so until then

    any ideas on the cause?? he is 8 years old and his appetiite is still strong.

  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    It could be a blockage or something. This happened to my Mom's cat after she swallowed a needle. We didn't know at the time what was wrong until we took her to the vet for x-rays.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh halaroo, he eats everything, hubby said he ate a bird in the house yesterday, so it could very well be a blockage, I was as able to get an appt this afternoon

  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hopefully it's not something too major. Get him checked out and let us know - I'll be waiting to hear!! Good luck and hugs.
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    best wishes! let us know how it turns out. good luck.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about Midas. My grandmothers cat ate some string and it caused a blocked him up causing him to not be able to keep his food down. Let us know how it goes at the vet.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Hope everything turns out ok. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! *hugs*
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    thanks everyone, my husband is the one that took him to the vet last night, Midas is still there, the vet said he is 9# he has lot 3# he just didnt look like ti with all of his fur.

    the vet didnt mention looking for blockage so when he calls today I will ask him. he did say his kidneys felt swollen

    will keep you posted

  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my poor Midas (my cat) has kidney failure

    I took him to the vet yesterday because he has been throwing up after he eats. they ran all of these tests and basicly his kidneys are shutting down, they say he needs intranveneous fluids but he is not a candidate, because they compared him to a bobcat, he goes berserk at the vets, (I have seem him practically tear them apart, they had to sedate him just to draw blood.htey said the only way to do it would be to sedate him and you cant keep doing that. they gavie him antibiotics but its just a wait and see, he lost 1 1/2# in 2 months poor guy

  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm so sorry Honeybears! My thoughts are with you, Midas, and your family during this time. Please keep us posted.
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry Honeybears. {{{Hugs}}} Please keep us posted. :(
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh honeybear :cry: whats going to happen to him now?
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :( :cry: i am so sorry to hear this news, honeybears... :( :cry:
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    kyles, after having some thinking to do, and reading up on kidney failure I realize my vet has given up on him just because he cant treat him because he is so wild at the vet, he is a sweetheart at home. I read an article that he may need to just have his kidneys jump started with fluids for a few days (dont know why the vet didnt do this when he had him because he was pretty well knocked out when he came my old cat luid before, so I may e able to give him his at home in his own settng. and change his diet, get him on a diet suitalbe for kidney problems.

    if we cant get him on fluids in him, then We will make him as comfy as possible and wait and see

    thanks for all your warm thoughts

  15. vene

    vene New Member

    *hugs* What diet changes are you making? Will you be able to inject fluids in the skin if necessary?
  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    vene, they have specific food that is low protien and low phosphourous for kidney problems, and yes you put the fluids under the skin, my old cat had diabetes and in the end his kidneys were shutting down so I had to give him fluids like once a week, he was so well behaved though I would hang the bag on my chandilier and go from there and put the needle under his skin, Now with Midas the pshyco cat id ont know if thats possible I could get attacked preety bad, but then again its worht a try.

  17. vene

    vene New Member

    I don't think you can do the bag thing, but it'll be worth the trouble to do mutiple injections with a syringe.
  18. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    vene, yea you do the bag thing, here is a web site that actually shows how to do it


    except my problem when I had to do with my first cat, I had to get over my fear of needles, I almost passed out just looking at them
  19. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your cat Honeybears, my cat bones was diagnosed with Kidney disease in december last year, I guess we were lucky because we had caught it early but I was so worried about him.

    My vet put him on a fairly new drug called Fortekor I don't know if its avaliable where you are because its new and some countries havent approved it yet, when the vet put him on it I didn't know anything about it and was completly new to having a cat with failing kidneys but within 2 weeks of him taking it he seemed to improve a lot, hes had one check up since then to assess how his kidneys are doing and the tests said his kidneys hadsn't gotten any worse which is good.
    He seems more like his old self since hes been taking them anyway his fur is softer, he seems happier (plays more) and he drinks less than he did before (but still more than the others do)

    Theres an article about it here http://www.catworld.co.uk/articlecatworld.asp?ARTID=863&pre=1
    Its worth asking your vet about :wink:
  20. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ginger, thanks for that link , it looks like the drug is approved the us for dogs for heart problems, but not for cats for renal failure, I will ask teh vet

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