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anyone heard of stormin normin?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mr2bixx, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    or the mauder lines?
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Never heard of Mauder Lines? Do know of a Stormin Normin (from Cheryl Larum) though. He's a GR CH (show dog) and sire of CH & GR CHs.
  3. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    stormin normin is juleya's great grandpa. i was going over her pedigree.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    o thats cool! Do you have a pedigree to post?
  5. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    as soon as i figure it out i will post it.
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    ok that will be cool, sounds like she has a pretty nice one!!

    Oh yeah and some pics too? I love to see pics.
  7. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    UAGII U-CD GR CH ‘PR’ Mauder-Ivie League's Harvard,
    OFA-Good, vWF Clear

    GR CH 'PR'
    Marauder's Star Voyager, TT
    Larum’s Stormin Norman TT
    GR CH 'PR' Knowles’
    Shadytown Georgia Peaches TT

    CH 'PR' My Tymora
    ‘PR’ Dillinger
    ‘PR’ Hasenauer’s Jazmin Gold

    GR CH 'PR' Marauder's Mazama
    GR CH 'PR'
    Marauder's Star Voyager,
    Larum’s Stormin Norman TT
    GR CH 'PR' Knowles’
    Shadytown Georgia Peaches TT
    UAGI U-CDX GR CH ‘PR’ Larum's Mystical Mirage,CGC, OFA NTL GR CH GR CH 'PR'
    Marauder’s Meteor, TT CGC
    CH ‘PR’ Larum Marin’s
    Dazzlin Dallas

    um i dont know how to post this thing lol
  8. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    GR.CH."PR"Calderon's Sundance Kid Sire
    GR. CH. "PR"Marauder's Mighty Mercury Sire
    Nat.GR.CH."PR"Larum's Stormin Norman
    GR.CH."PR"Knowles' Shadytown GA Peaches
    GR.CH."PR"Calderons Dynasty's Sable Sire
    GR.CH.Larum's Knowlwood Chrome
    Ch."PR" Calderons Black Ninja

    ok theres the pedigree for the parents of juleya. the top on is of the mom and bottom one is of the dad.
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Looks pretty good. I'm going to try and fingure it out..lol I heard of some of the dogs. You can make pedigrees at sitstay.com
    I had heard somewhat of that Marauder, not mauder.
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Ok I think I figured it out her dam is from is from Harvard x Mazama and her sire is Sundance Kid? Your dog has an awesome pedigree!! Some really, really nice dogs!
  11. someday

    someday New Member

    mr2bixx- I don't know if I missed a post or anything, but did you decide to keep juleya?
  12. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    yes i cant give up my little baby. her and bixx are doing quite well together now. feeding time is the only problem, but since seperating them its gotten alot better.
  13. someday

    someday New Member

    That's great! :eek: I know you're happy to be able to have them both!
  14. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Shadytown breeds AKC Amstaffs if its the same place. Pretty good dogs!
    You might have a bit of amstaff blood there.
  15. jao_apbt

    jao_apbt New Member

    Try a ton of amstaff blood!!LOL

  16. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Haven't seen you on here in forever. How are you and your beautiful dogs?
  17. jao_apbt

    jao_apbt New Member

    I have been on, just not posting much. I have been having alot going on and havn't had much time. But my boys are great and I should start having time to post now. I will get some pics up later.


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