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Need Urgent Help

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. Daisy Mae is back home. SHe looks absolutely horrible. She's lost sooo much weight from the distemper. You can see every bone in her body. The vet told me she's not eating too well but he's got her eating a little chicken. The pills I have to give her are nasty little buggars!!! he said the easiest way to get her to take them is break the capsule in her mouth. YUCK!!! looks and smells just like sulfer!!!

    So I need some advice.
    What can I do to get her to eat and gain wieght. She's not taking to canned dog food. I'm going to get a whole chicken tonight. Should I boil it or leave it raw??? Which would have the best overall effect to her? Mineral, vitamin, and fat wise. I'm going to try and see if I can't get her to eat some rice, but as for now, she's not intrested in anything.
    The vet wouldn't have sent her home, but he's going on vacation, and said "I know you can handle it, you know your stuff." He gave me his cell # just in case though.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Poor daisy mae, Sam I think read somewhere you shouldnt start a sick dog on raw, I would boil and shred the chicken and mix some of the broth and brown rice and I think you mention you aleady have some supplements, I would use that

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats what I was thinking, that you should start raw when she's sick. I'm just trying to figure out what would make her imune system boost and her gaining wieght again. I'll boil it then.
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hi Sams when nala first got sick she wouldnt eat anything then i boiled chicken and rice and added broth for flavor sometimes she would eat that and sometimes not if she didnt eat that i bought baby food the meat kind (chicken) and that smells so bad but i mixed that with the rice and she would eat that good luck i hope it all works out for you.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not sure if raw is bad or not for a sick dog, but I do know that cooked is tastier. It has more of a smell so it might encourage her to eat it. While it is not as healthy, the important thing is to get it in her!
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    You can try Gina's receipe for Satin Balls.

    Satin Balls

    10 lbs of hamburger

    1 Lge box of Total Cereal

    1 Lge box of oatmeal

    1 jar wheat germ

    1 1/4 C. vegtable oil

    1 1/4 C. of unsulfured molasses

    10 raw eggs

    10 envelopes of unflavored gelatin

    pinch of salt

    Mix all together like a meat loaf. Divide into 10 1 qt. freezer bags and freeze.

    It's suppose to work good for putting weight back on sick dogs. You might try to get the meat sticks in a jar for babies and sticking the pill in it.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've tried the hotdog method with the pills. She turns her nose up at them...

    I'll try the meatloaf idea and boiled chicken. She's bound to eat one of them.
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI a great way to help a dog put back on the weight..

    Boiled and dice some chicken, lamd, beef Boil some rice and make up some bitch replacement milk used to bottlefeed and wean puppies make it thicker than would normally be made mix this with the rice and add the cooked meat and feed this twice a day.

    Also make enough of the milk into like a custard but not as thick and give her this aswell as her water you should notice a change in weight withing a couple of days.

    I did this for a dog my grandparents rescued and he gained weight within 2days.
    Also scrambled eggs mixed with chicken and rice also helps
    You can also give her iron that humans would take when there iron levels are down this helps boost the blood levels and gives better circulation which inturn helps the body retain the nutrients it needs.

  9. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Sorry I can't help but let us kno if Daisy Mae gets better
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WOuldn't eat the chicken or rice, or the two mixed!!! SO I tried the hamburger meat loaf, nope....

    I forced her to drink some sugar water last night. I litterally had to tube it to her.
    So I was feeding smokey, and he LOVES Benefuls dog food, So I've been letting him have free feeding to it. Just to spite myself, I tried it and she ate some of it!!!! only a few bites, but she did!!!!
    Go figure!

    So I'll be seeing if I can't get her to eat that stuff now...

    Anyone have anything on the Purina Benefuls dog food?
  11. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Sorry about Daisy Mae. The only thing i would recommened was the canned dog food but considering the situation...
    I don't have anything on the Beneful stuff either. Sorry I'm no help, let us know how daisy mae comes along.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    She won't eat canned dog food, tuna, chicken (raw or boiled), beef, or the loaf....eggs...nothing. But for some strange reason, she is eating a little bit of the PUrina Benifuls.....strange...but if thats what she'll eat, then thats what she'll get util she's better.

    I dont' know what else to do. I contacted my other vet, he said to give ehr what ever she'll eat. Then as she gets better, wean her to whatever. He siad when dogs get sick like that, they just don't eat. WHich is worse for them. LIke people. You get the flu or something and you don't feel like eating, but the more you do the better you get and feel.
  13. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    If she's only going to eat kibble I wouldn't give her Purina, even types like Beneful that claim to be, well, beneful, aren't really. "Beneful" is mainly ground corn, corn meal, with various by-products & preservatives, along with a bunch of long names for chemicals and more preservatives and additives and then they throw it some supplements to make up for the lack of real ingredients to call it healthier for your dog. If the ingredient list on your dogs bag of food consists of more words you don't even know than the ones you do, it's not a good choice to be feeding your dog. Try an all natural brand with plenty of protein and without the excessive wheat and by products, something like Innova, or California Natural has a lamb and rice formula. Karma Organic is also another good brand. links and more information on all of these can be found at www.naturapet.com
  14. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    DEFINATELY make up the Satin Balls recipe posted above by someone else. Its worth the trouble. I made Satin Balls and fed them to my underweight dog, and I couldn't believe how much he gained in a very short period of time! I can't imagine a dog NOT wolfing them down.

    As for giving pills - I used to work for a vet and we told people to coat the pill in butter or margarine. It slips down the throat much easier. Another one - hide the pill in a small ball of peanut butter. The dog is so busy trying to get the peanut butter off the roof of his mouth that the pill goes down unnoticed!

  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    she won't eat the satin balls... already spent 2 hrs making them, and she won't touch them. I'm keeping them of course. Perhaps when she feels a bit better she'll eat them. I've already made plans that if she doesn't start eating by this evening, I'm going to tube her. I have no choice.
  16. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    We always cover our pills with the can cheese or peanut butter. I feed 10 dogs special one purina and haven't had a bit of trouble.
  17. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm your having such a difficult time Sams. I do hope you can get her to eat. If she's willingly eating the Beneful I would allow her to have it....at least she is eating something.
    I guess it would be extra hard to pill a dog if they have no appetite. :?
    Butter, peanut butter or plain yogurt usually works well here.
    Keep us posted.
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. so she looks like death worn over...You can see every bone in her body. Its absolutely heartbreaking and gut wrenching. So I have to be mean mommy. I went ahead and tubed her with the vet. She was really MAD...WE gave her 4 oz of ensure, with blending egg and some amoxicilyn...We fed her every 2 hours for 12 hours. SHe perked up a bit so we removed the tube. I've got some nasty smelling canned dog food (stew kind) and she's eating it. I've been mixing two raw eggs with it, and her amoxicylin. But she's just not gaining the weight back. She won't finish a whole can either.
    So I'm going to try the satin balls agian. Maybe this will perk some intrest to her??? I'll go ahead and cook the meat tonight, and mix with some ingrediants. Perhaps slowing introducing the ingrediance's will help?? I don't know anymore!!! UGH!!!!

    I have half the mind to just go ahead and put her down. But that sparke in those eyes.... I just know she's fighting. But she's so tired. I can't give up....
  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok....With the satin balls. WHat do you recommend me feeding her? How much and how many times a day? As much as she'll eat??? and let her free feed on it, or what???

    Also, she's wormy. The vet doesn't want to give her any meds until she's gained some of the weight back. But my concern is that if she's infested, won't that make her sicker??? and won't it make her not gain the weight??
  20. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    If you find something she finally likes to eat, feed her small amounts, six times a day or so. If you feed her too much at once, she may just throw it back up. Once she feeling better and she's added some weight, put her back on a schedule.

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