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I'm in love! The miniature huskies!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by gwen13, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    Oh my god, I'm squealing right now! :eek:
    I apologize if I am slow on recognizing this, but I never had any idea that these existed. Today I discovered the most amazing breed in the world, the Alaskan Klee-Kai!! From the moment I brought home my Siberian Husky 4 years ago I was completely captivated by the breed but always wished for a smaller alternative. I wanted a friend for mine, but I was so in love with the way she looked as a puppy I wished for 4 years that there was a husky that would stay like that. Well, there is!!!
    They range from Toy, around 10 lbs, to Standard around 15 lbs. Unfortunately they're very rare, they're only approx. 500 in the world :cry: You can guess what kind of price tag that implies too =( My next new puppy was going to be a Maltese, but I'm so terrified to say that if I can find anyone that has this breed I might be changing my mind...!! :shock: It's like my dream come true! They truly do look just like my baby did as a puppy for the rest of their lives, isn't that every dog owners dream? :mrgreen:








  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Interesting...I've never heard of that breed. They are really cute dogs.
    Good luck finding a breeder.
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    OMG They are adorable! I too love the breed but a slightly smaller one would be nice and I love how they look as puppies. If you find a breeder let me know! Not that I can afford another dog but they are so cute!
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    They are too cute! I never even knew that breed existed.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    looks liek a pom with husky colors to me. COol looking. I'll have to research the breed now.
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I spent the night last night at work looking them up. They are adorable, I kinda feel like I am cheating on my husky for looking at them. She would be so heartbroken!
  7. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    awww Jill but they're so precious! I feel guilty too though, I've always wanted another husky but never wanted to get one that anyone would think was cuter than my old baby :p I think my husky would like them though, she's rather biased, considering she just LOVES other huskies but doesn't care to socialize with other dogs. Maybe I could trick her! I've actually found a few breeders here in CA though, and they're not THAT unreasonably priced, considering how rare they are! They're pretty much in the same range as the Maltese I'd be getting anyway ($1500-2000)

    They do kind of look like pom's, definetly with the facial features, or like little foxes. Except their coat is short and more flat, not like long and poofy. Some of the klee-kais do have coats like poms but I was told it wasn't a desirable trait, that they should look just like mini huskies. Too cute :)
  8. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    One of my parents' neighbors in Taiwan had this breed. She was relatively small in size. And yes, a highly intelligent breed. I never knew the breed name till gwen13 brought it up.
  9. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Soo cute u get to have a puppy 4ever Now thats is cool lol I wish Trixie still looked like a puppy :wink:
  10. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member


    Your avatar is exquisite. I'm in love with cavs...Two live down the street from me.

    Gwen - I think you'd like one of every breed (me, too!!) They do look like little foxes. So cute!!
  11. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Pekemom: Thanks for your compliment. Chobby would give you a lot of KISSES and HUGS if he could hear you in person.
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    i agree.. i just love chobby to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) tooooo precious!!!

    And, that breed is amazing!! :) Very beautiful
  13. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Hi, MonsterBailey, how're you doing? How's Bailey doing? Haven't talked to you for a while. Recently, I was searching for a second pup. Sigh...Chobby really needs a friend, a companion, a girlfriend. I saw your earlier post at other discussion a long time ago, and I learned about the poodle mix. All I can say is that, they are so darn adorable and sweet. I have been debating on the different cross breeds: Shihpoo, Teddy Bear, and Cavalier/Lhasa Apso. Any comments based on what you know? By the way, can you PM me the Shihpoo web site? I can't find it anymore. Thanks a lot.
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Gwen, are you going to get one of these lil guys or are you still going with the malt. I think they look very much like the shiba Inu. Maybe a bit bigger though. I too never knew they existed. are they an actual breed?
  15. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Just a quick fact I found out, this breed come in Standard, Miniature and Toy Varieties.

    Here's a site I found on them as well.

  16. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Gwen you are to funny are you getting one of these or your little girl that you put the deposit on????
  17. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    ahhh i decided I'm staying with my Maltese. I went to visit her yesterday and she took her first step!! It was like having a little baby, I was calling her name and saying how cute she was and she stood up and wobbled there for a few minutes trying to stay up and then took her first step! Shes really won me over and I've found a great breeder, so these miniature huskies will just have to stay a dream. I would want the toy variety, the smallest, which is also the rarest. None of the breeders here have ever had success in getting toys, only standards, which are around 17 inches tall. The husky I have now is too small for a standard sibe because shes the runt so she's only 19-20 inches, so it wouldn't be that much different than just getting a regular husky. We already decided that was a no awhile ago, for one I've wanted a small dog and my dog loves them (I guess because she's not threatened by them or she thinks theyre puppies) and I don't know if I could handle another northern breed, because of all the HAIR!! :shock: Everywhere!! Of course, thats what I got myself into having a sibe in southern california.

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