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oh my gosh...bad info on clumping litter :(

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :-& hi everybody. well...in my search for information on irritable bowel syndrome and disease, i came across this website...and i about freaked....

    i encourage everyone to read all of the posts....it is really frightening...

    im changing tomorrow.. :shock: to probably pine litter....gonna go back to more research. will let you know if i find anything else out.... :(

    here is the link

    http://www.thelighthouseonline.com/mari ... tters.html[/b]

    and on another website (there are tons of them) i found this...

    just makes me go..."OMG..."
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i use wheat litter. clumps nicely and controls the odour well.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I used the pine litter once - it encouraged mice
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Link said soniclink 404 file not found. I talked to my vet and she said in all the years she worked, she never found any correllations between clumping litter and respiratory diseases etc. Natural may be better in your case Lynn if you think it'll help with the IBS. Love to hear how the MCM's like their new litter.
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :m19: my vet said yesterdays news, or crystals would be most appropriate. he said pine doesnt make any sense....if a cat had allergic reactions to the dust which irritated its bowel...introducing an allergen like pine might irritate the stomach as well. :-& :m3:

    im gonna try yesterdays news. :D i used it when max was neutered. we will see. i want to go to something different. when i walk into the kitty room where the boxes are...i hate the smell. i can smell the dust. :roll: i have a powerful air cleaner in there....an expensive one...and i still smell dust...on the bedspred...on christopher...when the door is open...i still smell it.

    i think this will be better in the long run.... :m27:
  6. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    Yeah the pine litter is a pain in the butt (no pun intended). It's horribly dusty and although it clumps well it stinks. :?
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Even "natural" litter may be hazardous to our kitties' health. :roll:
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Just another litter question:

    For Kyrre we use an expensive brand from the pet shop (Ever Clean. Don't know if you have heard of it...), and that doesnt dust at all.
    The litter my brother bought for their new kittens was a cheaper brand from the grocery shop, and that is really dusty! I'm worried that it might be bad for the little kitten lungs? :0011: Does anybody know?
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Bente, if you can see tons of dust, then it's time to change the litter. The dust is bad for the kitttens and bad for your lungs too.
  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    We can't see the dust, but we sure can smell it... :?
  11. footsie

    footsie New Member

    If clumping litter was just recently introduced to the market this might make sence. But why the correlation between something that started two years ago and a product that's been around for ages?
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    how long has it been on the market?? i never used it until max came along...but i initially used clay with max...then switched to clumping after his ultrasound....per doctors recommendation.

    but!!!!!!! :shock: :roll: :( [-X :m3: :m36:


    i am totally and completely freaked out right now!!!! about to loose my marbles...

    the first thing that happened tonight is that i let christopher roam in my house...he has been playing footsies with max and mikey. no hissing for five days, no hair up...all very relaxed, so i thought i would let him roam for about 10 to 15 min. well...he did...

    in less than 3 minutes, he was in the corner of my kitchen, spraying the wall...not a little....A HUGE STEAM OF IT....LIKE, HE WOULDNT STOP!!!! I picked him up...and he continued to spray. it was awful... :cry:

    then i put him back in the back bedroom. and i went to my bedroom...mikey jumped on my bed (this is about an hour later) and squatted on my comforter like he was getting ready to pee!!!!!

    OMG.... :shock:

    but i am fairly sure, that the reason mikey did that...is because i changed the litter to yesterdays news...and he does not like it. mikey is meticulous in the litter pan. maxdoesnt like it either....its almost like they "reluctantly" go into the box. well....i changed it immediately to clay. he went poo and pee right away.

    oh you guys...i am just beside myself. i know everything resolves itself. i will foster christopher...but only in the back room of my house...and only if he doesnt spray back there too....i feel so guilty...i feel like i should be more tolerant...of christopher. its bad enough that he has the ibd...that is under control, although he dribbles a tiny bit, and he has a tiny bit of blood on his rear end after he goes. that....is manageable. but with max's diarrhea/soft stools, mikeys squatting on my bed, christopher spraying.

    my calm home is a war zone of poo and pee :shock:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    *HUGS* Lynn. It might make you feel better if you can anticipate that things will go WRONG or not what you expected. Quite frankly, I'm shocked that Chris sprayed. Is he trying to exert his dominance? Praying that he wont repeat. :shock: [-o< Switching back to the clay is a good thing. Cats don't like abrupt changes. Good thing you caught Mikey in the act. Did I tell you about the time baby was overloaded with pee and poo? Well, he ran around the house with brown dribbles everywhere. Luckily, it was only on the bare floors. I whisked him into the bathtub right away. I was freaking out and hubby was smirking and rolling his eyes. It's funny now but not while it was happening. Ok, getting off track here. Are you using Feliway diffusers or those pheromone things that calm furbabies like Bach's rescue remedy? Might help. Also use Nature's Miracle to clean over the old pee and poo spots. It supposedly gets rid of the smell and particles so the cats won't repeat their business in the same spot. Works wonders, really.
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi vene...thanks for the post. i did not have any natures miracle. so i just used soap and water....and about ten towels...to get it clean. neither mikey or max was very interested in it after i cleaned it.

    i do think christopher is a dominant cat. and i believe he will do it again. that is why i fostered him vs adopt. i wanted to see how this played out with the mm's. christopher is a wonderful cat. but i cannot bring a cat into my home...that has these kinds of behaviors up front. call me callous, or just call me realistic and considerate of my other two cats. it would be different if max or mikey started these behaviors. they are my kitties...i would just deal with it. id be mad as heck if either one sprayed...naughty kitty, but i would deal with it. :roll:

    max's ibs is acting up. :( he had diarrhea twice this am. its because its been four days off the metronidazole. ive slowly weaned him off over the last month and a half...went down to every third day...but today...was the fourth day...and....just liquid. so i believe he has irritable bowel syndrome at this point...cause his fecals are normal.

    am i a mean person for not wanting to adopt christopher under these circumstances?? :oops:
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    You are not mean Lynn. Just being realistic. The M+M's come first. They are your priority. Bless your heart for thinking about adopting Chris. Give him some more time. It's still early. If he doesn't work out, know that you've done your best. I'm sure another wonderful family will take him in. :p
    So Max has IBS. It will come and go. Meds may help but long term antiobiotics is definitely not good. I'd try holistic if traditonal medicine doesn't work out. Max is just a little stressed out right now. I'm sure he'll get better soon. :m10: Sorry that Murphy's law went into effect at your household. :shock:
  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    things are better today. back to normal with the exception of max's am diarrhea. i know its connected to withholding the antibiotics for four days...so i gave him a dose this am. its only 60mg...which is usually the daily dose, sometimes twice a day.

    thank you for your support and encouragement. if i had no other cats...i think he would be fine. he will be a good kitty for someone in those circumstances. i would like to keep him until he is adopted out...but i am afraid he is lonely back there. i go back to check on him all the time and give him love. and the kitties play footsies...no problem. i guess its better than the shelter though....although the shelter is almost like a home...just with alot of kitties. some kitties have rooms bigger than the bedroom he is staying in. but he has a big window in there...and he has a nice furry blankie and throw. hes like a dog...the duvet is faux fur...and i had it nicely folded in half on the bed...the next morning...i went in there...and he had crumpled the entire thing almost in a ball...so he could nest.....it was really cute.
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Glad things are perking up! :y_the_best: Chris is a cutie! I like the nesting thing! :p
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    Not to worry lynn....I don't think you are mean and I don't think you should feel guilty for not wanting to adopt him. I'm sure Christopher will find a nice forever home. {{hugs}}
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thanks you guys. makes me feel a little better... :)
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    You are a terrific furmeowmmy and don't you forget it! :y_the_best:

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