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Need Some Strength

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by EternalFlame, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member


    gotta take Raz tot he vet very very soon for his last set of shots.
    i do NOT want to bother with the Rabies shot as it is optional here. it's nuthin but a money grab.

    i'm on the second floor of an apartment building in the heart of a city...(da hood actually) and i strongly dont feel i need it. (*coughs* Raz needs it)

    i talked with an over perky receptionist on the phone this morning and she said i'd have to discuss it with the vet when i come in. Then she rattled off exactly what i thought she would,

    "well thats what 'so and so' thought but then a 'blah' got into their place and gave their cat rabies"

    *rolls eyes* give me a break.

    i was a vertrinary assistant with more training then the perky chick, so i know the stats too- what vets DONT tell clients coz they are truly after money in the end. (most of them)

    what i need is strength to stand up to the vet and tell him no. i'm actually a mild mannered person and am shy ... i dont know if i could stand up to him. :oops:
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Ef shy??? :shock: At least not in this forum. :roll: Be honest and tell the vet you don't want it done and that you were a vet tech. 8)
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    just tell the vet you have been doing lots of research on the subject and you feel you are able to make intelligent choices regarding what your cat needs - but of course you must also flatter the vet and say something like "I know you only have my cat's wellbeing in mind but I have a really good handle on what needs to be done - with all due respect to you of course" :D
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :shock: why does everyone find it so hard to believe i'm really shy? :mrgreen: :roll: i am i really AM... lol :oops:

    but yeah i'll try the flattery thing... and if that doesnt work i'll bring hub for back up lol
  5. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    Rabies is optional, girlfriend, even here in da hood. I know dogs around here have to get it for the HRM licensing to be cheaper, but the kittycats don't. The only way the Razmeister could get it is from raccoons (have you seen any in Crimefield Park?), bats, porcupines or rats, and the locals use the rats for target practice so that's not really an issue. ;)

    Just tell him that you're going to wait on the rabies shot cause you don't want to torture Raz too much in one day and that you haven't budgeted for it and may get it next trip. He may give you the whole spiel but just tell him you need a bit more time to think about it (or to get the funds or whatever). Be strong!! (and if you can't I'll go with ya)!!

    Karen (tell us what you REALLY think!!!) Boudreau. :roll:
  6. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    LMAO right on girl.

    now that i know who u are exactly and stuff YOU can come with me to vet dates instead of me dragging hub along. oh he'll be thrilled! :y_the_best: lol

    i think he wants to come to this one tho lol thats ok, next battle with the vet is gonna be in about 6months when it comes snip snip time and he's gonna tell me to get poor Razie's eyes SCOOPED OUT so he can sew the eyelids shut *mutters* over my dead body.

    but yeah LOL poor rats. up here we're lucky to see any bird other then a pigeon or a gull. theres like no trees for anything else!


    i'll let everyone know what happened att he vets. i've got enough mentail strength now from u guys thanks a bunch :)
  7. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    scoop his eyes out!? to sew the lids shut?! why would he want to do that!

    eh.. that's sick!!
  8. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    rabbit> where his eyes dont function properly they are considered a health risk.

    even tho i'm finding out Raz has alot more use of his left eye then we thought. he can see light with it and i cant be sure, but it looks like it's getting bigger... be jiggered if i know.

    either way, the vet said he MAY develop eye infections if we dont sew the eyelids shut. and in order to do that, he would have to remove what eyes he does have first. gross huh?

    i'd rather deal with those POSSIBLE infections as they come instead of putting the poor lil guy through all that. and robbing him of what sight he does have.
  9. luna

    luna New Member

    write him a note and send it in the mail that you don't want it done
  10. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    little late. we are going to the vet tomorrow *yay* get to butt heads with the vet and get the little monster (raz not the vet lol) weighed and see how much he's grown! :eek:
  11. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I guess I'm on the other side of the school of thought. For an indoor cat...I'll maybe forego the vac's but definitely do the rabies shot because mice and rats can be found in any apartment no matter what floor they're located on in any building.

    I do agree though that some vet's push any and everything they can for the money. I'm lucky though because I have a really good vet/hospital that is located just two blocks from home. I asked him about the vac's and he even said so long as she stays indoors, the only vac I need to worry about is the yearly rabies vac. But he also warned that sh*t happens, cats get outside occasionally and that it's up to me to decide on the risk.

    Don't let any Vet force you into any treatment that you're not comfie with.

    Since I got Booger from the shelter, I thought it best to have her up to date on her shots and tests. But I think next year that I will only do the rabies vac. In my case, it's not the money but the fact that after the series of vac's, that night she became extremely listless and ran a fever.
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Good luck with Raz's vet appointment! :mrgreen:

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