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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    The media has really been successful in brainwashing people into thinking every attack must be by a Pit Bull. Lastnite a family member told me to watch the news, I just had to. Because

    A Pit Bull killed a dozen endangered animals at a zoo.

    Okay so I flip to the news and A pack (four) of wild dogs killed half a dozen endangered Gazelles. Now where did they get Pit Bull killing 12 animals out of that? I don't know. They just saw a short "preview clip" and assumed it must have been a Pit Bull. Just a pack of 4 wild mutts 2 of which were shot.
  2. someday

    someday New Member

    Oh, it's not suprising to me. I've had someone tell me about some pit bull attack and come to find out it was a rott. I told them about it, and they said "Oh, I thought they said it was a pit." It is sad how pit bull has become synonomous with dog attack.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    When I was attacked by the neighbors bird dog and went to the hospital somehow the bird dog turned into a Pit Bull...Hmmmmm? Amazing huh?
    So IM sitting in my hospital room getting my hands and side stitched up when a nosy nurse who wasn't even my nurse might I add comes in and says "so you got attacked by a Pit Bull?" For a moment I just sat staring at her not believing what she had just said...I said UM Heck NO! (Not exactly in those words) so I said who told you that crap? She says Oh well its in the police report. OH MY GOODNESS! I was so mad!
    The no good for nothing policeman who took the report was so worried about my perfectly behaved Pit Bulls (who were in the house through out the entire attack) that he wrote it was a Pit Bull who attacked me. The story of the dog attacking me never even made the newspaper. But I would be willing to bet had it really been a Pit Bull who attacked me it would have been front page news and on the TV news at 6 & 10.
  4. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    Well ya know i'm sure people only think this because pit bulls are # 1 on the bite case list oh and you know they lock their jaws right! lol Ya know i hope my dogs never lock there jaws because i havn't made keys yet! Also do you know pitbulls are fourth from the bottom on that list?? I heard this saying the other day and thought it was pretty cool: " If pitbulls could lock thier jaws, the first pitbull that ever bit anything would still be holdin on!!!" cool eh!
  5. neek

    neek New Member

    The only dog breed I know that has lock-jaw is the bullterrier and only cos I've seen it first-hand on a rottweiller pup. The only way that dog was letting go was when this passer-by came to the ladies rescue (rottie owner) and stuck his finger up the dog's rear end! (sorry for the description!) the dog let go straight away!, yet it always amazes me how much controversy surrounds the pitbull and 'attacks' on people because I've yet to come across a pitbull that is human aggressive, even ones owned for protection purposes! They definately are not lock-jawed and they would much rather try and please someone rather than attack them, even strangers!
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Neek I dont think any dog can actually lock its jaws. Have a strong grip, yes but not LOCK them.
  7. neek

    neek New Member

    Yes I know its a figure of speech, but when you have to physically seperate two dogs from each other, lock-jaw is the best way to describe it!!
  8. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    This might be how the myth about the APBT got started. Maybe someone was using lock-jaw as a figure of speech and somebody took it literally and started spreading the 'fact' that pit bulls could lock their jaws. You never know.
  9. oso

    oso New Member

  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    No dogs have lockjaw as stated. Since you have to do the same thing to a Pit Bull then wouldn't they also be classified as having lockjaw??? Maybe thats the best way for people to describe it for the Pit Bull, sometimes I use it as a figure of speech only around people who know what I'm talking about. Not around the general public or anything like that, I don't mean they literally have "lockjaw". But since they don't let go even after death and you've got to fingure them or use a breaking stick to seperate them, they've pretty much decided on keeping their mouth closed and "locking their jack". Its not nice to point fingers at one breed over the other, especially when that breed is just the same as the other. I think that seems kind of hypocritical.
  11. ChronicBlue

    ChronicBlue New Member

    There is a rope hanging from the roof. suspended over a pool. how long could u hang on the rope by one hand befor letting go? me maybe 1 min.
    my shorter smaller friend can hold on as long as he wants. some other people maybe 10 min some ppl 5 it all depends on muscle. i know for a fact a gymnast can be stronger or just as strong as many weight lifters with an even smaller body mass. there are 2 types of muscle that can be built. rep muscles which are comparable to that of steel rope. or heavy low rep muscle(basicly just pumped musscle) which i would compare to a nylon rope.

    my comparison might help, might not as well. i cant quite explain the 2 types of muscle quite as well as my jujitsu master. but it makes sense 2 me.

    no such thing as a locking jaw dog no matter what u tell your self, or even if you can find a tlaking dog who will tell u what u want to hear :(

    plz dont pass on the knowledge u learned from where ever, thats states pits have locking jaws. unless u also tall them of the Siberian JockJawed Tabby Cats. their wild and in your face , jus tlike a false statement
  12. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Makes sense to me, Chronic. Depending on how the muscles are worked, you could have very small, dense muscles, or you could have larger, sparse muscles.

    Anyway - like others have said, there is no breed of dog that can litterally lock it's jaws. Pit Bulls, and some other breeds, just have extremely strong (and dense) jaw muscles which allow them to clamp down with much more force. It is similar to an alligator or crocodile - they have magnificent jaw strength (when clamping down), but do I think they lock their jaws? No, I don't. Are there people out there who think they do? Probably. As I said in another thread, some people are ignorant and stubborn. In my opinion, thats a deadly combination.

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