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what to do??

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by mykittiejeff, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. mykittiejeff

    mykittiejeff New Member

    hi, i have a 7 month old male neutered cat. He is completely litter trianed. Yesterday he was lying on a blaket next to the couch. He was "talking" to me like normal, and i didnt really think anything of it. I turned my back to answer the phone and he had pooped on the blanket, and i cought him as he was trying to scratch "litter" over it. I picke dhim up and said no and put him in his litter box. he knew that he had done something wrong. SO my question is, why did he do it? And will he do it again? and how can i teach him not to do this? ALso, when he was crying/talking with me, was he trying to tell me something?? thank you in advance for any help!
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hi and welcome to the forums! He could possibly have a bowel problem... Is this the first time he's done it? Has he done it since? Cats often "act out" when they are not feeling well. It's their way of telling us something is wrong. I suggest you just watch him closely for the next few days and monitor his behaviour. Take him in for a check up if he does it again.

    Maybe someone else in here will pipe up with an alternate suggestion!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    welcome to the forum... sorry to hear your talkitive baby did a no no... but good luck with it!
  5. mykittiejeff

    mykittiejeff New Member

    thanks for the welcome!!

    Thank you all for the great welcome and the answers. I would looove to share pictures of my baby, but i dont know how to work a digital camera. Hes a black and white tuxedo kitten with very strange markings, and a cute diamond between his eyes. His name is jeff. I have had many cats my whole life, but i have moved on my own now and he is my "first" without my parents. ANd of all my cats he is by far the one with the most personality and people quatities.my boy friend and i call him our son. Hes great! as soon as i figure the whole digital thing, i will have pictures to share. thanks again for the help and any to come!!
    lacy :mrgreen:
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi lacy!!!! welcome to auspet!!! :eek:

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