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i have a new foster kitty!!! his name is christopher:)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: well everybody...i knew i was going to be weak when last week, the rescue shelter i volunteer for got a BENGAL kitty in, that looks so much like max!!! his name is christopher. :D

    there is a big difference though...its like they took max's body, and put a totally different head on christopher...his head is really big!! :p and his body is trying to catch up!! :roll:

    i am fostering him as of today. and i would love to adopt him, which i still may...but he just came in from the humane society and was taken there because he has IBS (irritable bowel syndrom) :shock: :roll: the no kill shelter i volunteer at rescued him from the humane society.

    i am a little concerned about the IBS. many people know what i went through with max. i am just now weaning max off the metronidazole...six months later. :shock:

    he is a total lovebug. i clipped his nails today, he just laid there...he purrs, rubs, jumps on my shoulders, kneads....just very very good. i am going to be monitoring his IBS...

    max and mikey....are goofballs. they act like nothing is amiss. they guard the door to the bedroom chris is in. both have tried to barge their way in already. no hissing, no growling. both act like hes been here forever. of course they wont meet face to face for another week...or longer. but footsies...maybe at six or seven days.

    so...i know i will get attached. hes a doll. and, the most important thing...max and mikey would accept him. but the m and m's are so easy going.... :D

    here are two more pics. he looks really masculine in the one pic. i took that at the shelter last tues. the other two in my house were taken today. in real life...he looks kinda more in the middle...not quite as masculine...and even though he looks a little ferocious, he is very loving.


  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Awe, lynn! What a sweetie pie. I hope the intro goes well next week....the way Mikey and Max accepted each other I bet things will go well provided Christopher is as easy going. That first picture of him reminds me so much of Bean.
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: LITTLE BEANIE BENGAL!! (vs...beanie baby)

    lols lols.

    thanks nern. i only have two concerns. one...his IBS...how serious it is. although he has not even gone poo since i brought him home at 5pm. geez...max used to go 10-12 times a day...that is NO exaggeration either...

    and the second...i sure dont want him to be a sprayer....but there is nothing that says he is. but when he was on my bed in the back bedroom...he was kneading on the blanket...(its really soft, and faux fur) and he started backing up...

    i cant figure out if its just because he was trying to knead with all FOUR paws, and was trying to get his back claws going as well. :0011: ???
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I think that might be what he was doing. Tiddy does the exact same thing! It sometimes looks like he is humping.
    Hopefully, the IBS won't be too serious. I know Fleafly has a cat with IBS and I think she was able to keep it under control with diet.
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    good to know nern...wonder what she gives her kitty. maybe i will pm. currently he is on wd. i am going to see how he does on that. dont know who started him on it. i put max on wd per my vets suggestion at one point. it is suppoesed to bulk up the stool. all it did for max is give him ALOT MORE stool. oh great...sure!!! thanks alot!!! thats all i needed!!! MORE STOOL!!! :shock: :m3: oh yeah...sure...that worked real great....

    the question i have though...is what to do with all three together if one has to be on a special diet??? how am i going to manage that??
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn, one step at a time! Chris is sooooo handsome! :kiss_heart: :m10: I love lovebugs. Now you have 3! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  7. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Yeah Lynn :eek:
    Welcome Christopher :love_y_t_much:

    How old is he?

    My Yoda does this.....tail straight up too, but no spray. I wouldn't worry unless you actually see him spray.

    I don't know anything about IBS....is this something that has to be managed forever or is it curable? Or....does it depend on the severity?
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how wonderful I hope the IBD doesn't become too much of a problem for him
  9. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    Oh, he's *gorgeous*. :)
    Simon kneads like that, too, but hasn't ever sprayed. (thank the lord).
    Yer gonna HAVE to keep him if the M&Ms are protecting the room, you know. Just think how you'll break their little hearts if he goes to another home..... ;)
    Do you think the IBS might've been from his diet or even a plant or something? I mean, maybe they were just feeding him crappy (pardon the pun) food or he was chewing on the aloe vera?

    Hehehehe...puck is middle-aged and overweight, simon and molly are under 2 and good weights,Tigger is senior but good weight, goliath is senior and 23 lbs, and Whiskey gets hairballs. Once you figure out the food thing, let me know!! <ggg>
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well...i dont know....but he cant have IBS too bad. hasnt even gone poo since i got him at 5pm last night.

    =P~ i am so used to max's problem...i think ive become desensitized. for me...soft stools in bengals is normal. even vene's rene has soft stools.

    :m19: max is on his meds every third day. :bow_now: he is still managing at pooping twice a day. although today his stool was pretty soft. time for the b-12 shot.

    max will probably evolve into IBS i would think...with all the trouble hes had. :0011:

    they are all doing so well. :m18: still no signs of effects that it might be having on max or mikey. they are acting like they always do. except going down to sit by the door, and both little faces are as close to the door as you can get when i come out of the room...then....they sit up and try and catch a glimpse before i close the door real fast :p :D

    p.s. he is two...we think....
  11. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    Mine never minded having a foster come in, except for when the mom was extra-protective of the babies and would fly at the door. I think they're more curious than anything.

    Is IBS something that Bengals are prone to genetically?
  12. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    wow Lynn, u GOTTA keep him he is stunningly handsome! u know u wanna. the M&M's have given him their nod of approval hehe

    good luck with the IBS thing but it sounds like thats going ok too. :)
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Any updates on Chris' IBS?
  14. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    What a cutie! He's beautiful.

    It sounds like (I hope) that you won't have too many problems with the IBS. At least it sounds like it's so far, so good.

    It's wonderful that it seems that you could have a happy family with the three kitties. I really hope it works out for you.

    (By the way, I wouldn't worry about the kneading thing. I think it's common. Sometimes my cats even back up to the furniture and shake their tale, but nothing comes out).
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thanks for the feedback everybody!!!

    im a little stressed :shock: ...wondering how his ibs will play out. he only goes once or twice a day. soft stool though. my vet just went to a threee day conference...most of the conference was on gastrointestional disorders. :D

    he wants to make sure he doesnt have a parasite or bacteria. he is afraid that max could more easilyl pick something up because of his compromised immune system...after everything he has been through.

    as a foster kitty, christopher goes to the shelters vet who is very very good. but his appt is not until a week from friday.

    my vet, dr. grant, says he will do a fecal on christopher to make sure he doesnt have any goobies :-& ....so im taking that in tomorrow. keep your fingers crossed. also, he has a new way of looking at fecals after this conference...he said it is much better diagnostically.

    so...we will see. he has a voracious appetite. like he hasnt eaten in two weeks....inhales his food. i am starting to put proenzyme on his food which will help him absorb the nutrients. :m10:
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Doesn't sound like IBS if he's going only once or twice a day. Rene always has soft stools and she goes once or twice a day. She seems to gog water like there;s no tomorrow. Hope all the testing comes out fine!
  17. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Congrats on your new addition! I can't believe I've missed this thread! He's a cutie. :eek:

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