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how bad is it

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    to send my babies to there new home's at 6 weeks old well they will be 7 weeks old on wednesday. Sebastain and Jasmine are not being very nice to them anymore now that they are running around if they get a toy sebsatain runs up and growls at them they cow down jasmine wont have anything to do with them anymore she runs from them and sometime growls at them. This morning when i was in the shower one of them was yelping so loud i could here it in the shower but when i jumped out they all seemed fine. I dont want them to get hurt is what i'm worried about but i dont want to send them away to early either what do you think?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Renee, seems like everyoone is absnet today from the boards, I cant help you, but if you think its a problem I would still wait another week at least, you could keep them seperated from mom and dad

  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Rene its always best to wait 8-9 weeks before rehoming but aslong as the pups are eating and drinking really well and you let the new owners know that if they have any problems you will deal with it then there should be no problems.

    Make sure they are upto date on there worming program and if possible print out a detailed routine that you have the puppies on like,

    What times they are allowed out to go toilet.
    What time there first meal is and then each meal after that.
    How often they have play time.
    What time they usually goto sleep on a night.
    When they were wormed and when the next date is for worming.
    When there first shot is due.
    What type of food you have them on and how much they get.

    THis way you have covered the basics and everything should go smoothly.
    Also let them know for the first few days to weeks that they may have accidents indoors due to change in there routine and not knowing where they can go potty.
    They may also be off there food for the first 24hours but usually most pups will still eat and drink with no problems at all..

  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol honeybears how dare everyone be absent on the same day lol

    thanks mike they are eating well and dirnking potting is another story i had the hardest time with my older yorkies now the babies well you get the point lol i put the pad down they chew it up lol. They got their first set of shots last friday along with some liqued worming stuff that i gave them that night and i have to do it again when they are 9 weeks. I think i'm just going to keep them apart for a couple of more weeks it's not that long I just have to keep sebastain away he is so jealious he is a spoiled little boy lol

    thanks again
  5. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Rene, I always get a kennel that has a tray in it and keep the littleones in there. They do not walk on wire. the tray fits the bottom. That way they can't get hurt. also when you send them with the new owner be sure and send some of their food. that way they can either get the same thing or if the owner wants to change their food they can mix the new into what they have been eating. I also buy a stuffed toy and leave them with the puppies to get the sent of them all on it. I send one toy with each pup. I don't like to let mine go before their second shot. we give ours at 6, 8, 12, and 16 weeks. that way at 8 weeks they have had to parvo etc shots. Hope in someway this helps. Maggie
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Rene, one thing to remember is Daddy is going to be this way....Momma is weaning them and can be abit harsh, but you have to remember she's repremending them, and teaching them.

    If you can't hold out for another week or so, then the homes they are going to need to be aware of the problems. I personally wouldn't let them go until they have had ALL their vaccinations. (except rabies of course). Plus their vet health checks.
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks guys i'm going to stick it out the babies and jasmine are locked in my room once again (well jasmine can come in and out) its hard for me because i dont want to lock them in the play pen all day i'm gone 12 hours a day they need some sort of excrise so i will just let them be in my room. It just looked to me that jasmine was being really mean to them lol i guess not. Good news is I for sure have 2 sold the lady that is buying the little boy is so excited she emails me everyday lol (to cute) and the one little girl will be named Kady i think that is cute. when they go to their new homes they will be sent with a toy, small bag of food (sample from the vet but of course they kind they eat) a chew bone (they love them) and i have a folder with pictures, my dogs pedigrees all kinds of stuff i printed from the internet on yorkies training, grooming all that kind of stuff. oh yea and their weight from the time they were 2 weeks old (once a month) i cant think of anything else at the moment but i'm sure there is more lol

    Thanks again

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