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Clipping Toe Nails Question and Introduction

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by ZenasMom, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. ZenasMom

    ZenasMom New Member

    Hi Everyone,
    I am rather new to the board. I have learned so much by reading on here! I love it. I have a 1 year old female Pit Bull, Zena. She is the love of our life. She shares us with a 3 year old "mixed up mutt", Red and a soon to be 4 year old spoiled rotten kitty cat, Boots. Anyway, I have a question....both of my dogs have an issue with having their toenails clipped. Red has snapped at me while trying to clip his toenails and Zena just pulls her feet and jumps. I don't know what to do... They both need their toenails clipped and I don't want to run the risk of getting bitten or hurting them trying to hold them down. Any help you can offer would be great!
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Welcome to the board!
    I wait until my dogs are really tuckered out or sleeping to do their nails. I clip them and paint them sometimes and they do great.
    You might wait and try doing them after a long day of play.
    Good Luck To You.
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Hi Zenasmom,
    Welcome to the board. Start by reintroducing the clippers to the dogs. Leave them on the floor when you are there, beside their dinner bowl etc. This will get them used to the site of them all the time instead of just when you want to use them. Give really yummy treats off of them. Use treats that they don't usually get to grab their attention, some cut up cheese, hot dog pieces, I use boiled chicken cut up. This will pump up your doggies even more because it is a VERY special treat and they will do almost anything for it!
    Take the clippers and touch them to the paw, and leg of your dog, don't clip yet, just get them used to the feeling of the clippers being on them. This is all just desensitization for them. By giving them treats only when the clippers are around them, they are adjoining clippers to good things, and they will become less nervous around them.

    Also, when you take them for walks, encourage them to stay on the sidewalk to run/jog ect. The cement will naturally file down the nails for you. My mom has a Lab and they have never had to clip his nails for this reason.

    Harley used to be fine around clippers, and then she had an accident and split 3 nails. After the bandages came off, she was a little bit more sensitive about the clippers. I am working with her on these techniques again, and she is starting to come around again.

    Good luck to you.
  4. ZenasMom

    ZenasMom New Member

    Thanks! I have tried after Zena has gone to sleep, but the clippers seem to jar her right out of even the deepest sleep! She is such a crazy girl. I left the clippers out last night so she would get used to seeing them and this morning after she got out of her crate, I caught her trying to eat them! Guess she really wants them gone!!! LOL! I will try the treat thing! As far as walking on sidewalks etc., we live on a farm and we pretty much walk only on the grass because there is so much of it around. It's quite a walk to the road! :) Thanks so much for the replies! I look forward to talking with all of you more!
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Feet are a touchy subject with a lot of dogs. When my dogs are tired at the end of the day, I sit with them in their area and I massage their feet. It's not only a good way to bond, but they come to trust you with whatever you do to their feet. Some dogs never get over people touching their feet and have to be muzzeled to have their nails clipped which is really traumatic for them. But after you start massaging, let them see and sniff the toe nail clippers before you ever use them. Gradually start putting the clippers to their nails. Always reward with treats when massaging or clippings.
  6. ZenasMom

    ZenasMom New Member

    Hi again!
    Thanks everyone! Zena actually doesn't have a problem with her feet being touched! She gets her "feet lotioned" quite often! She loves it! I don't understand! She is such a silly girl.....just hates the clippers! Arghhhh.....
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    stick a stuffed toy in her mouth so she can chew that instead of you :)

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