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help with staffy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by brandie2574, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. brandie2574

    brandie2574 New Member

    hi im new to this board and i have a question
    ok i own a staffy she is 3 years old for the past 7months she has been staying with freinds of mine while i sorted my life out while she was there she gave birth to a litter of 7 puppies the puppies went to there new homes 3 days ago the man that has her came home from work yesterday to check on her and the 2 puppies they kept and as he was walking away she went to attack him she has never gone to bite anyone in her life i had her for 2 years before they took her and she had a peice bitten out of her ear by a 2 year old and didnt even growl at the child so i cant understand why she would be doing this now any way is this common with dogs having there first litter or should i be worried she will do it again im just so confused as to why she did it now
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    First of all, why are you breeding her/?? Was it intentional or an accident. I don't mean to jump on you or sound like I'm attacking you, but unless your experianced, know what your doing you shouldn't be breeding her in the first place.
    Get her fixed.

    Females can get VERY agressive after they have their litter. THey are HIGHLY protective, and will attack to defend their litters....You should know this.

    Honestly, if the dog has problems, you shouldn't be breeding her in the first place. Has she proved herself? training, competition wise, did other breeders, vets, and specialists ok the breeding? IS she being brd to better the breed or to make fast cash?

    What did it accomplish? These are all things you need to thinkof. She's acting out in human agression, and that is not part of the breed. Wether its protecting her litter or not, she should not be displaying this type of behavior unless provoked.
  3. brandie2574

    brandie2574 New Member

    answers to your questions

    ok i understand your questions and i went threw the same thing with the person who has her at the moment
    She is a pure bred with papers both her parents are grand champions grandparents are champions so on back threw her lines<australia> i didnt bred her i had her for 2 years and she was never bred from in that time the people who have her at the moment bred her to another staffy (he doesnt have papers) and at the moment we are thinking of court action against them as they bred her on purpose to the male they actually took her to a freinds house to be bred and i didnt no about it till it was too late and she has NEVER been agressive or anything close to it they signed an agreement with me that when they took her they wouldnt breed from her they were given her by me as i couldnt keep her and she was going to a good home now they dont want her anymore so are giving her back to me she gave birth 7 weeks ago i havent seen her in 7months as they wouldnt let me near her i cant have her desexed because she is show quality i have no intention of breeding her and never have had
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well in that case, agression is common in bitches. But agressin to humans is not breed standard. As for being show quality, if your not going to breed her nor show her, she needs to be desexed. If your planning on showing, that should have been started a LONG time ago.

    Desexing is just about your only option. Seems that you didn't make a wise choice when sending her to your "friends". I would chose more wisley.

    I personally would file on them. But you did surrender the dog to them at that time.

    My oppinion to you, and take this as lightly or not, I would find a rescue group or a more suitable home for her.
  5. brandie2574

    brandie2574 New Member

    she has been shown while she was with me and i realise that i didnt choose wisely when i sent her to these freinds of mine but i really thought she was going to a good home and i thought that was the most important thing for her she is also booked in for next week to be desexed and she is also booked in for dog training as well she only ever showed her teeth to this person once and hasnt done it again when i had her she was trained to sit stay lie shake and roll over and when they took her from me they did sign the contract saying they werent to breed from her so thats why we are thinking of legal action
  6. Angie

    Angie New Member


    So, because she surrendered the dog... its her fault?
    I think it was smart to make them sign a contract that they wouldn't breed the dog. But apparently she did not know her friends as well as she thought, if the contract ment nothing to them.

    IF you do have a signed contract that they cannot breed the dog, then I would file against them.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    True. if they said they wouldn't and signed the papers and you can prove it. THen file. I don't see how they could get away with that.

    Its sad that people can't even trust their friends anymore.....
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It is true that canine mothers can be very protective over their puppies. It also could have been that she realized her puppies were all leaving and perhaps it triggered something in her to protect the two she had left so that they would not be taken away.
    Your friends had no right to breed your dog. If the dogs registration papers are in your name then did they sell the puppies without registration papers? Because you would of had to sign them. Im just curious.

    Kiko~Chow Chow (foster)





    Molly~Kitty Cat

    Marigold~Kitty Cat
  9. brandie2574

    brandie2574 New Member

    yes they sold the puppies without papers as the dog they bred her too didnt have papers so they couldnt get papers for the puppies my dogs papers are in my name and i have contacted a lawyer about them breeding from her but as my husband said its not going to change the fact that they have bred from her

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