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eazy to breed fish?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by hi this is pat, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. hi this is pat

    hi this is pat New Member

    that is new to me,wat is the eazyest fish to breed?how to?ihow do i distink gender?
    its for a 10 gal fresh wather
    tanx pat ox
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'd go with guppies. They'll pretty much do all the work (breeding wise) themselves.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Why are you wanting to breed fish? For feeders? Just for the experience? For money?

    Before you start breeding anything, make sure you have a plan for the babies. If you plan on selling them, don't just assume your LFS will be happy to buy fish from you; not all LFS's will buy from local breeders. And if you breed things like guppies, many LFS's won't even take them from you for free because they are so easy to breed. You should ask your LFS first if and what they would be willing to buy.

    And even if your LFS will buy them from you, they're likely not going to be able to buy all the fish that you breed. For example, I have 1 LFS that will buy my african cichlids from me (actually 2 LFS's but I don't like one so I hardly ever sell them any fish). She will only take about 10 at a time and it takes her about 2 - 3 months to sell those. I have 3 breeding females right now. They produce annywhere from 20 - 50 fry every 6 weeks. So that's roughly 210 fry that I would have over a 3 month period if I didn't do any population control. There's no way that I'd be able to a) house that many fish up to 1 3/4" (which is selling size) and b) find new homes for all of them. And guppies are even more prolific than africans.

    I don't mean to be so discouraging, but breeding fish really isn't something that should be gotten into on a whim.

  4. hi this is pat

    hi this is pat New Member

    i wana breed something like guppies has feeders/for the experience.
    i didnt eaven think about seling them.
    so guppies iare good?..do i need something special (besides the thing to put the babys so they wont get eated)
    how do i distinc male from female?
    how many couple for a 10 gal?
    wats lfs(lady from the store?)
    wats fry?(aquarium wise)
    so tanks pat ox
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If you're going to put the babies in another tank then you can fit about 6 adult guppies in a 10 gallon. I recommend one or two males and the rest females. If you're going to leave the babies in the same tank as the adults, then just get one male and 2 or 3 females.

    Males will have a bigger & more colorful tail. And females will have a black spot at the back of their belly.

    LFS = Local Fish Store

    Fry = baby fish

  6. hi this is pat

    hi this is pat New Member

    tank you...i'll keep you informed about it

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