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How did your Pets get thier names?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by susan_cude@hotmail.com, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. angelgirl2003

    angelgirl2003 New Member

    My Labrador, Jake, got his name after a country song. I picked up Jake from an ad in the local paper. When I got there, the pups looked younger than 5 weeks. I paid for him, stopped to get puppy formula and bottle. He was just the cutiest little guy. I didn't know what to name him until, on the way home, the song "IF I DIE BEFORE I WAKE, FEED JAKE" came on. I had never heard it before, but it made me cry.....and that is how my Jake got his name. If you don't know the song, look up the words on the internet....you'll love it
  2. aurorasky112

    aurorasky112 New Member

    Sapphire(cat) cause she is a blue cream with blue eyes (it fits!),
    Lady Gateway(cat) cause she is patterned like the gateway computer box
    Myste (cat) we didnt name
    Noel (cat) we didnt name
    Bubbles (cat) cause she was blowing lots of bubbles when she was born!
    Dacquiri (cat) we didnt name
    Lynxe (cat) she is a lynx point..... :D
    Q-Tip (cat) is a torbie with a cream tip on her otherwise brown tail.....
    Speckles (cat) is a bengal mix, with lots of spots!
    Lacey (sheltie) we didnt name(but she was named after her grandma)
    Havoc (sheltie) is a harlequin/kryptic bi-blue, like patchwork, and he is a little monster...havoc seems right for him!
    Chaos (sheltie) so named for being even worse than havoc as a pup!
    Ares (1/2 GSD, 1/2 Rott) needed a big name for a big pup! Greek (I think) god of War!
    Pearl (eskie) shes cream and white.... :D
    Bogie (rabbit) and Bacall (rabbit) we wanted to name them after a famous couple....
    Now ya'll know about our little farm!!![/b]
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther and Dale

    I got my dog shortly after my old dog, and my childhood dogs had died on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. So his name is "InmemoryofTooterSpudAndSentryMartinLutherKingJr." but I call him Luther, I used to call him Luke, but 2 of my sisters liked that name so much, 6months and 6months and 2 weeks later they named their babies Lucas and Luke respectively!
    My cat her name is Dale, she is a lucky cat, the one with all the colors(when I first found her I was standing in a friends kitchen and the back door was open and she just waltzed right in like she owned the place), I thought I would name her Meow Mix because of the mix in colors. I had a friend with me and he was very into DAle Earnhardt(who had just died) said to name in Dale Earnhardt, because the color pattern in her coat looks like tire tracks, so knowing he had been very upset and crying for the past week or so I named her that because it put a smile on her face!Everytime I go to the vet he always says everyone come look its Dale Earnhardt!!
  4. Shady_Babygurl

    Shady_Babygurl New Member

    lol My daughters name is Mariah lol kewl to see animals named that too. I have heard the song feed jake. I think is is a sad but sweet song. I once rescued a Lab that I called Jake as well. We have 3 dwarf hamsters that the kids named, and turns out they are ALL the opposite sex as the names originally chosen. Casper is a gurl, Stormy is a boy, and Cinderella is a boy lolol kids wont change their names though lol go figure. I have a cat that has 4 white paws named bootsie she already had her name though. I started to name Luna Cheyenne but that is one of my kids middle names. Anybody got any kewl KID names? lolol I love hearing names for animals and kids alike........Kim
    My kids names have something behind them too
    PS my kids names are
    Jamie Lashawn but goes by J-Shawn His father is named Jamie
    Mariah Armonte Mariah after her great great grandmother and the place in the bible Land of Moriah and Armonte after the designer that died around the time she was born.
    Destiny Cheyenne Wasnt susposed to be able to have kids so Destiny, and she has indian in her blood so cheyenne.
  5. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Well at home my husband, kids abd I have 2 cats Lucky (got her name because my kids said she is lucky to be alive) I foun her abandoned at about 10 days. The other is named Indiana who was named by the vet's office who was off Indiana Street.

    We also have 3 hermit Crabs who are Claws, violetia, and poblo (don' ask about poblo it was the kuds idea).

    At work I orignally had 3 guppies (I jad a drawing for the students to name them). There names we drew were midnight, flounder, and sunshine.

    We are now the proud owners of 2 almost 3 week old fry :eek:. This is my first time having baby fish of any kind. I thought there were 26 or 27 fry (IT TURNED OUT TO BE 28??). I AM KEEPING 14 AT HOME. The rest will stay in the breader net in tell they are a bit bigger. Some have homes ready for they when the grow (even though the are only now starting to get color so you can not tell them apart yet).


    I am getting turtles soon, whos names are not known yet.

    So we have fry to name and turtles soon. How will I ever remember all these names???????????

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