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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Beth, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Beth

    Beth New Member

    We are parents of a new Doxie....she is 9 weeks old. This is our very first puppy and probably our last. The whining is driving us crazy at night and it is piercing! She screams and screams...for hours! She is confined and has been for 3 weeks now. How are we suppose to get any sleep? How long is this going to last? We rescued a 5 year old Doxie who was abused and she is a great dog. We wanted a puppy for her so she wouldnt be alone when we cant take her.
    The puppy is great during the day....night is a NIGHMARE...HELP!!!
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    typical puppy behavior. You said she is confined. how??? Do you allow her and the doxi to be together at night? That would help alot.
  3. Beth

    Beth New Member

    She is confined at night in a small dog playpen my husband bought. We tried to put the dogs together at night but the older one wont stay in the playpen....she sleeps with us....afraid to bring the new one in bed with us as we dont want her to pee our bed up. At least I know that this is puppy behavior and we arent crazy. Thank you for your reply!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Try placing a small "Ticking" clock in the pen with her. If that doesn't work, place a radio in there on Low. The noise will help her. Toys and other things will as well.
    ITs normal for them to cry. THey are away from their litter mates for the first time.

    One thing, NEVER scold her. Ignor the noise, the more you speak to her and show her that its bothering you, the more she'll do it. SHe will get it in her head that " OH if I cry, she will come!!"
    Placing her in a bedroom farther away from you will help as well.

    Make sure she has noises, familiar smells, like a teeshirt of yours to sleep with. That will halp reasure her.
  5. jefffox18

    jefffox18 New Member

    i had a 10 week old doxie puppy who gave me the exact same problems. he's 1 yr now and has definitely gotten past that, but i remember the pain of those helpless whines! what i did, which worked wonders after only one or two nights, was to take a glass bottle (like a snapple bottle) and fill it with hot/warm water, then wrap it up in a t-shirt of mine and put it in the crate with him. then i put the crate right next to my bed. i also put a ticking clock right near the crate with a radio on very low. not sure which of these was the magic charm, but he got comfortable pretty quickly.
  6. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    New puppies are a huge reality check. Nothing comes easy. It seems like a nightmare now, but things WILL get better in time. I've known puppies that would whine and scream for hours, just as you describe. Some of them just REFUSE to give up! Along with new puppies comes a lot of responsibility and hard work. Expect to lose sleep for a whle. They won't housebreak themselves or learn manners by themselves. They must be SHOWN proper behavior. It won't be easy, and you'll probably miss out on sleep for at least a few weeks to come. They are not for the faint of heart. Its easy to forget what it was like when you've had an older dog for a while. Make sure the pup gets lots of exercise during the day. It may help some to tire him out. When he settles in and realizes he's in a safe place, even though his mom and littermates are no longer around, he'll gradually adjust to your family routine. Just be patient for now. He's scared and he's only a little puppy who is confused and unsure about his new world.

  7. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    ll they pretty much covered it but i like to take a toy and put the sent of the other dogs on it and sensd with my babies maybe the sent of the one it plays with would help good luck. they also make a dog with a heart beat i think they are called snuggle puppies they work wonders.
  8. Beth

    Beth New Member

    Thank you all for the info.....
    she not only whines at night she now barks and it last for hours. She is taken out to potty before going to bed yet she stilll pees up her space and everything is wet...I mean everything ....she sucks on everything too but has not lost any teeth yet. In the morning when we get up and go in the room to get her she cries for a long time after being let out before she calms down.....I hope she turns out to be a good dog after all of this !!!
    We will keep trying!!!!!!

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