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My yorkie got stung...and is now not the same puppy!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mrdavis, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. mrdavis

    mrdavis New Member

    I need some advice from some other pet owners. Last week my yorkie puppy (14 weeks) found a dying wasp and tried to eat it. Needless to say the wasp stung him in the mouth. The next day he was very lathargic, laying around, not eating and crying when you touched his mouth. So we took him the vet where they had to sedate him so they could look in his mouth for the stinger. They didn't find one and said that he could just be sore...however it's been a week and he's just not the same puppy. He doesn't play anymore, won't put anything really in his mouth, doesn't really bite on me or my husband or toys anymore, and now in the past few days I can't get him to eat his soft food (he'll only eat cheese!). So I dont' know what to do. The vet says he's fine, but he's just not the same. He'll start crying (I mean CRYING) if you are playing with him and he doesn't like it...

    Anyway, if anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. I'm very worried about him. Some days he seems like he's getting better and then bam, he's crying or hiding or sleeping all of the time. Is he just growing right now? Is he depressed? Is he traumatized? Will this last forever??

    Help me!
    Davis' mom :)
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I dont know about your specific problem but I would definatly get a second opinion. It sounds like something is definatly not right and I would have another vet check the puppy out andsee what they say.
  3. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    mrDavis' mom~

    another vet's opinion is clearly in order and I would make sure they run some blood tests, too.

    Last year, I was bit by two wasps who (believe it or not) flew UP MY SHORTS while golfing. They were called "land wasps" (I later found out) and it was some of the worst pain in my life. I had HUGE purple blotches on my leg that didn't go away for over a month.

    second opinion - the puppy is obviously still hurting from the sting. I'm sure he'll recover- it may take time. But I'd have some blood tests run and a second opinion. He may even need some vitamins or something until he's fully recovered.
  4. ShihPooBoo

    ShihPooBoo New Member

    Hi! Gosh, I think this is serious. :cry: I've been told by a very reliable source that your really pup needs some Benedryl and antibiotics , that wasps are poison to dogs, and it takes a long time for them to get over it. You want to get that doggie to another vet ASAP for the antibiotics. I'm not sure how to dose the Benedryl (because it's listed for people), but I'd try giving your Yorkie just a little to see if he perks up. Of course, ask the vet about dosing first.

    Good luck getting your baby back to his old self again!! :y_the_best:
  5. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I'm so sorry :cry: I agree, you may want another opinion. I would think that he should have started to act somewhat normal by now..

    Good luck & please keep us posted!
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thats very true.
    I was told he needs benedryl (childrens ) 2ccs three times a day and he needs some antibiotics like amoxil asap .
    Wasp are poison to dogs ,ice packs to help swellings and no play ,try to feed soft food ,even baby food (meat only kind ) ...takes about 2 to 3 weeks befroe they are better .AS bad as snake bites on puppies .
    I hope he is doing ok, have you gotten him to a vet yet.
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    keep us posted, mrdavis! You've got some worried folks here.... and when you get a chance, we'd love to see pics of your puppy!! :)
  8. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    yes last year my Yorkie got stung and thats what the vet told me to do 2cc's benedyrl and an antibodic. It takes alittle while but it will help him. Good luck with your baby.
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Any update? I hope your puppy is doing better!

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