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think somethings wrong.....

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mr2bixx, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    ever since i had jewls she's had trouble eating. wheni feed her int he morning she throws up. she will eat like maybe 1/2 cup then go throw it up(big blob of foam and goo) then she will eat it and go back to eating. its weird it looks like a sack and the food is in it. i am going to take her to the vet but was wondering if anyone else ever had this problem. thanks guys and gals.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    it could be the type of food you are feeding her, she may have a sensitive stomach and need a special diet. you also might try smaller meals but more frequent meals

    what type of food is she on?

  3. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    well i started them out on eukanuba. bixx nor jewls cared for it. they werent active. i switched to iams puppy and they sort of liked it. so i tried one more. i'm feeding them purina one growth and developement lamb and rice forumla. they seem to love it. there coats are really shiny tons of energy good teeth.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Could be eating to fast... I have a male that does that all the time... what you are describing is often what I see when it happens... Honijade did it when she was younger but no more...she's VERY carefull now.
  5. someday

    someday New Member

    Annie used to do that quite a bit when she was younger. I switched her to Nutro natural lamb and rice and I feed her very small amounts a couple times a day. She would just eat a lot and then get pretty active and threw it up. If I could keep her from running in circles and acting wild after she'd eaten she was fine.
  6. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I haven't encountered this problem, but switching their food so much could be upsetting to her tummy. As for what kind of food, I'd suggest Nutro or Diamond. My latest addition was on Purina when I aquired him. I slowly switched him over to Diamond puppy, and I kept getting aggrivated that he was spilling his food out as soon as I left the room. Finally, I realised that he was rooting through the food to get the Diamond and was leaving the Purina. I noticed the same thing when I originally switched my adults from Nutro Max to Nutro Ultra. Didn't notice an obvious preferance when switching them to Diamond. Unless I become rich, they will likely stay on Diamond dog food from here on out. If I am able financially, my preferance would be a combination of raw feeding with Nutro Ultra, but with 6 dogs, it's just too costly. Anyway - this may not be the cause at all, but I would suggest finding the highest quality food you can reasonably afford, and stick with it. Generally speaking, they're going to like the higher quality foods better too - so it's great from all aspects.
  7. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I have had this problem in the past and my experience echos sara's post.
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I agree with Sara, she's probably eating too fast, Santana used to do that it would be a sack and then the food would be in it, all white and foamy. I also had a pup that did that everytime she ate, she was trying to eat really fast and throwing it back up.
  9. ngkon

    ngkon New Member

    Buster does this whenever he drinks too fast. I have to keep distracting him to make him slow down. I heard a good way to slow a dog down while eating is to put something in their bowl they have to eat around, like a toy.
  10. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Piper ate much too fast and threw up often when she was younger. She has gotten better, but still does this occasionally. She also drinks way too fast at times and will either throw up or get a bad case of the hick-ups.

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