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My finches

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi everyone just wanted to share my normal grey and fawn coloured zebra finches have laid there first egg today.

    I had to give them a nest box as they decided they wanted to nest in there food dish not a very good idea but finches will nest in anything they can fit there bodies in.

    Cant wait for them to lay more and for them to hatch.
    Will keep everyone updated..

  2. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    How long have you owned the pair?
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI i have owned them now for nearly 2weeks
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI everyone just an update my finches now have 5eggs cant wait for the little ones to hatch if the eggs are fertile i am so excited.
    Will keep you all updated..

    Mike :D
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    woohoo :eek: congrats on the eggs!
  6. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    Hi i have had one of my four finches for about 4 weeks no eggs yet. I now have two females and two males in the same cage. The female that i have had for abou ta month has been with three different males now for some odd reason they keep dying. With no signs of illness. One of my males i got for free because on one of its feet it is missing three toes. I thought it was kind of sad but he picks on one male and the other female the first day that i had him in the cage he started to mate with a female. And he protects her a lot and picks on the other couple.
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi zebra finches if your trying to breed them need to be in a cage on there own as having 2 males and 2females they will fight over nexting sistes and the males will fight over females so its best to have 1male and 1female in a cage with a nest box.

    Only when they are happy that there nest is not going to be invaded will the female produce eggs...
    They also need plenty of cuttlefish bone mineral blocks, Millit spray to help them along.

  8. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    I read many times last night on the internet that it is ok to colony breed as long as you have more nests than pairs. They do not fight. And are very calm most of the time. They have ranks it is very cute my finch that is missing three toes on one of its feet is the king and his mate is the queen and the other two are just under them and respect them and leave them alone all of the time.
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It is ok to colony breed but the problem with it is there is the odd fight which can be serious and then there is the pecking order there is usually one male that mates with all females and then there is the risk of more than one male mating with a female resulting in not knowing who the father is and then if there is anyproblems with the chicks you wont know which male is the factor in it.

    But everyone has there own idea on breeding and how to do it.
  10. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    I went to the local pet store to buy some finch food and some ferret food and she had four eggs in a nest and i told her that since i had bought the mom of the babies maybe i should take the eggs also. She said that it was ok. Now I have my bird footy the one missing three toes sitting on the eggs. I was so happy that he has the chance to go though this experience. Normally he wounldn't have lived a month now he is about six months.
  11. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    That is so cool hopefully the eggs will hatch and u will have more finches my finche eggs are due to hatch this week I cant wait.

  12. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    Mine are due to hatch at the end of this week to early next week I can't wait. I am so excited. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi guys well my finches have abandoned there nest i have checked the eggs and the chicks have died in the shell :cry: :cry: so i am going to give them another couple of days just to make sure if they have died then i am taking the nest box away and will allow them to try again soon but for now going to let her build up her calcium levels again..

  14. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    i do believe that mine are dead also i candled on eof the four and no blood in the shell. They have added on to the nest and i do belive that the female is going to lay new eggs since the one that are in there now are from her first clutch. Which went wothout heat for a day or two.
  15. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If they went more than 24hours without heat then the embryo's are dead and the eggs can be removed if your wanting her to lay again remove anything that they can use for nesting you do not need to take the nest they have built out the male will just tidy it up.
    They should then lay again in a couple of days.
    Remove the eggs as you dont want the new eggs getting mixed up with the old ones.

    Mine are back in the nest and sitting on the eggs but i think its too late will recheck the eggs tomorrow to see if the embryo's have started moving again.

  16. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    My other pair started making a nest today. I do believe that she is going to lay within the next day or two.
  17. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi everyone well my finch's now have 2eggs in the nest and are paying more attention to the eggs this time hopsfully this time they will hatch will keep you all informed...

  18. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Woohoo :y_the_best:

    Good Luck!

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