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can i get my guppy to give birth in the shared tank

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by dougie_090, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    I want my female guppy to give birth into the shared tank as i dont own another tank and the tank itself would be too small for a breeding net or box!!
    is there anyway i could get her to give birth or increase my chances with this??

    thanx alot for your help and time :y[/b]
  2. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    they will drop in a community tank, or shared tank but guppies like to eat each others babies, fighters love fresh fry for dinner as do mollies and even the mum may eat her fry.

    if the shared tank is big enough then put a divided breeder in the shared tank so that when shes ready to drop, you put her in that, and as she drops, the fry fall through a tiny gap into the base of the breeder so no one eats them, but to live, fry need to get to the surface to enhale some oxygen aparently, so let the mum out asap after the birth but not too soon as you dont want her hassled by the other fish when she is stressed.

    id suggest netting her and put the fry in this small tank for now and leave mum in the breeder. Iv learnt that they will eat each other, the fry if theyre in to confind space for any lengh of time, my fry arent fully grown becasue of the lack of space, but they shot up to adults when put in my 3ft tank from an 8gallon.

    Any help?
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    My guppies have always had their babies in the community tank, although a lot of them get eaten before I find them.

    What size tank do you have, most of the breeding nets and boxes I've seen haven't been longer or wider than 6".

    When I found my first babies I didn't have a breeding box so I suspended my biggest net on the top of the tank and let the fry live in it.

    I found the same thing with mine, they don't grow much in the breeder but as soon as their big enough to go into the tank with the others their growth rate increases dramatically.
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    what size tank is it? trhere are various sizes of the breeding nets and i would suggest that out of all of them so the fry will stay put, wont be eaten, can be fed for sure, and wont be sucked into the filter.
  5. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    Thanks so much for info all of u and i am extremely grateful!! i especialli like the idea for the big net draped over the top!! thankyou.!!!
  6. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    Aqueous -

    its really odd how they do that isnt it, becuase some pple scrap the idea that they grow to their environment.

    i transferred 3male guppies and a female and they were about 1cm long with no colour, since theyve been in the big tank, the males are adults, and have amazing colours.

    that was about 2-3weeks ago after being in a 8gallon for months. i have noticed that female mollies dont grow that fast. i have one molly fry amoung about 20 that looks the spitting image of her mum, black with white bits!

    take care,
  7. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    do u have any info
    as i dont fully understand u on this?? thanx
  8. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    sorry i was just mentioning to an above post about how fry suddenly shoot up in growth when moved to a bigger environment.

    would the net be drapped slightly in the water with mum above?

    if so then yes that is an excellent idea.
  9. dougie_090

    dougie_090 New Member

    yes it would be in the water but i was wondering if the fish (fry) are able to get through the net holes as i would be keeping the mum in the net n i wish for the babies to get down to safety!!
  10. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    if the hole are about 1 m theyll fall through, but your molly may try nd get them on the way down, maybe net the molly, ina normal net to let the fry drop before he goes after them?

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