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My chihuahua mix pomeranian keeps urinating in the house!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by sameex, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. sameex

    sameex New Member

    :0010: I just got him three weeks ago. He is one year-old. My uncle had him before and said that he was completely potty trained. But he seems like he is not. The first two times that he did go to the bathroom...i was very fogriving and thought that maybe he was just nervous in his new home.

    He seems aware that i am his new owner now. He is the cuttest and most loveable dog ever. But just yeataurday night i found eveidence of him peing in the house again. I let it go and just cleaned it up. But just a little while ago...he peed again. I was so upset, i yelled at him. I am going nuts! Now that i have yelled at him...i feel really bad because i know that it was the wrong thing to do.

    Help! Anyone have any suggestions for me before i go crazy! Please!
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Try cleaning the urine with Natures Miracle or Simple Solution. Cleaning with regular household cleaners will not rid the area of the dogs smell. You have to saturate the area with the liquid and let it dry up on its own. In the mean time, take your pom to the designated pee area every hour if you have to until he gets it.
  3. sameex

    sameex New Member

    we might of found a solution!

    :eek: Thanks. I did purchase nature's miracle. How ever he still did it. But i will try letting im go every hour. thanks!
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    He is probably confused since his normal place to go is not there. Just keep doing the same things, he needs repetition in his life, dogs really love to know when things will happen . You will notice eventually your dog will come looking at you in a funny way at breakfast, Dinner. If he is used to getting a treat at noon after he is let out. Mine do after every afternoon break they come in licking their chops as if to say its snack time. Its really funny. But they feel secure when things are on time. Look for clues in his behavior that may tell you he needs to go out too. Mine do fine with three outings a day. On the weekends it is more because we are all here and they get to change the routine a bit. But they know it is the weekend too. So if and when you catch your dog in the act of urintating in the house, tell him firmly no and take him to where he should go. No need for smacking or being mean. Not that you would but thats not the way.
    Good luck.
  5. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    I agree with Puttin...try to get a routine going. For everything in his "new" life. Repetition is the key. Try to do things the same way, over and over.

    Every night, for example, my little ones get their "yogie drops" after Peke Dad walks them. As soon as he opens the front door to let them back in, they make a MAD DASH for the bedroom. They know I'm waiting in there to give them their treats.

    I think it's conditioning really. And use praise as often and as profusely as possible.. Smaller dogs - smaller bladder, as someone else said. So take him out often and praise him alot.

    Patience is important.

    G/L - and let us know your progress.
  6. sameex

    sameex New Member

    thanks a bunch!

    :eek: yeah! i put him on a schedule. He goes out first thing in the morning, he goes again right before i leave for school, he goes when i get home, my sister feeds him, then he goes two hours later, and when i get home at night he goes again. This is his schedule. Since, this schedule there has not been an accident yet!

    I also think he is getting use to the routine b/c i have had him for a month now. It was also very tough tryin to get him to eat on a new schedule too. But now he is use to it! Perfect!

    Thank you all a bunch!
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Another happy auspet doggie owner. I am soooo happy things worked for your dog. Thats all the need a little schedule of their own, so's they know what to expect. Congrats on your success. :eek:

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