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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by oso, Oct 31, 2004.

  1. oso

    oso New Member

    WHEN MY 7 YR OLD IS LYING ON THE FLOOR (sometimes she likes to sleep on the floor) oso will trample over her, sometimes to get comfy so he can lay w/ her sometimes just trying to get to the other side of her, i pull him off and tell him "NO TRAMPLE"( can't think of what word to use as a command.) i'v even tried timeouts, any advice on command words or things to make him understand that he can't just trample over her like that?
  2. oso

    oso New Member

  3. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    Hm I don't know what to tell you since it's your daughter that he is stepping on. Would he do this to you? If not, then he thinks he is more dominant than your daughter, or he's just being careless and doesn't realize that its not very nice. When my husky would try to trample over me if I was sitting on the floor or whatever I would say "OUCH!!" really loud like it really hurt me, and she would be sad thinking she hurt me and learned not to do it.

    I think my husky is starting to test me too though :( It's at a really bad timing, with the holidays and a new puppy coming up in December.

    Anytime she is left outside she HOWLS and howls non-stop, anyone else that has a husky knows how horrible this can be. She usually wakes me up early on the weekends to go outside to go potty so I let her out and she was taking too long so I left her in the yard and went back to bed. After realizing she gets left outside when she turns potty time into play time she goes on crying rampages. It's extremely loud and annoying, I'm sure my neighbors just hate her so much.

    I don't have any idea what to do about it! I hate to invade your post but I'm really clueless. I hate to be rude and unfair to the neighbors by letting my dog just sit outside and howl/scream/bark/whatever that annoying husky noise is so endlessly so early in the morning on a weekend. Because of this it's not really an option just to ignore her, and she never gives up! My dad also got her into the idea that anytime she howsl he'll bring her inside. Now that it's just me she thinks I'm going to be the same way, but I don't want her to think she can get what she wants by howling. Same thing with going outside and reprimanding her by saying NO BARK! and spraying some water from those little bottles on her, because as soon as I'm back inside it starts again :roll:
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i think age is playing a part in your dog doing some trampling. pups are pretty rough and careless. perhaps when he gets older he will stop doing it. i doubt it had anything to do with dominance. how much exercise does an 8 month old pit need?? ALOT! lol.
  5. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Not to hijack this thread, but GWEN, your husky is just being a husky. This is why I always harp on the extreme importance of people thoroughly researching a breed before they decide to buy a dog. You need to find a breed that compliments your way of life and preferences in temperament. Huskies are very high energy dogs that are bred to pull sleds thru snow for eight hours or more every day. No wonder they act up! Its NOT their fault. It would be almost impossible to give them the amount of exercise they need on a daily basis, unless you want to give up work, school and everything else in your life. They are destructive, they are escape artists, very difficult to train, and they live to howl and cry and whine. If given the opportunity, they will run rather than stay to protect your house. Plus the grooming that is necessary is never ending. Some people like the looks of them, but in my opinion, its just not worth it. I got a Great Dane after an extensive amount of research. I chose that breed because they are very large (good protection even if they don't bark) yet gentle, laid back, docile and mellow. You rarely see a hyper adult Dane. Ours never gets more than 20 feet away from us, even off leash. They have very short coats (no grooming) and lastly, but least important, I like their looks. They were the only large breed that met all my requirements. Sure, they have more than their share of medical problems, but personally I feel its worth it to get the low energy level, loyalty and easy trainability I want in a companion dog. Don't ever blame the dog - blame the owner's failure to make an informed decision.
  6. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    Seaecho please do not lecture me on my breed of dog as if I am an uneducated and irresponsible owner. This is not the case and I would assume people here would know that. I'm offended that you would think this is the issue. I have noticed that when people ask for help you seem to reprimand them instead of giving advice, that's not how this forum should be.

    My husky is NOT a new dog or a puppy and her barking has nothing to do with the fact that she is husky. I will explain.

    First of all, my dog is not the typical husky, at all.
    Maybe I should have clarified that first. She is quite the opposite of any husky I know. She is NOT independent, she does NOT like to exercise, she does NOT like to run, and she is very defensive of me and my home and acts like a guard dog, very opposite of what huskies are supposed to be. I try to get her to exercise and run every day, but it's the same routine everyday, she looks at me like I'm crazy and goes back inside to her bed and falls asleep before I'm even back in the house.

    She likes following me everywhere and cuddling and more than anything, sleeping. She sleeps probably 22 out of 24 hours a day and is only ever outside to go potty and go on our walks twice a day . No, I'm not confining her or keeping her stuck inside, like I said before, she just won't exercise. It used to concern me a lot but my vet did every health check possible, she's on a good diet, everything is fine, she's just the lazy/happiest little girl as long as she has her blankets and stuffed animals.

    I researched extensively before I bought her, 4 years ago. I have had her for 4 years and she has never had behavior problems or destructive issues. She's only doing this now because she's been spoiled by my dad always letting her inside if she barks. She HATES being outside but if she does get stuck outside (IE: taking too long in the mornings so I leave her out and go back to bed) she cries and howls non-stop like a big baby. I was looking for solutions to this problem, as a result of her being spoiled and improperly rewarded by getting brought inside in the past, not as a result of her being born a husky :roll:
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi firstly i would like ot add that at 8months old any pup is still alittle clumsy, You pup will not know that he is hurting your little girl due to her not saying OUCH so he thinks its ok.
    What i suggest is get your daughter to lie on the floor and when he climbs on her say OUCH loudly and do this each time he steps on her he will learn in no time to be careful.

    Secondly seaecho I have also noticed you go on at people for not researching the breed of animal before they take it home wel li would like to point out most of the board users have has a certain breed or breeds for many years and have also done there research.

    Sorry to dissapoint i have had dogs for many years and i can still say they have there moments all dogs like to test the waters so to speak to see if they can put one over on the owner and be pack leader.

    Read the posts very carfully before replying to them and before posting it read it over so then you can change it so your not so contrdicting people on here come for advice not to be lectured so please dont do it.

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It's also not very productive. Even if gwen did NOT research before she got her Husky (she did) what do you expect her to do? Abandon it and get a new dog? People come here to look for solutions to problems, whether the problem was "their fault" or just happened.

    Yes, we should all research before getting a pup. But when you already have one home and you are having problems, finding help is the way to go and this is (usually) a good place to do it!
  9. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    gwen I feel your pain :cry: . Solix has been crazy ever since the time change. Solix very rarely howls and ever since the time change around 7 every evening Solix runs to our big Bay window looks up at the sk and howls like I don't know what. It doesent last long because I always have to yell Solix shut up or down and he gets right down and goes about his business as if noth ever happened lol.

    Advice on the trampling I would just go with gwens advice before give him a good yell just enough to shock him. So he will think wow thats not a very pleasent sound! And after awhile he will learn that unpleasent sound only happens when he tramples your daughter.

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