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Help with weaning from crate

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by jefffox18, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. jefffox18

    jefffox18 New Member

    I've crate trained my pup, who is now 1 year old, and am looking for advice/articles on when is the right time to wean him off of the crate and how to most effectively do so. If I leave him alone in the apartment now, even if just for a minute, he'll pee right by the door. He follows me around pretty much wherever I go, which I'm sure will not help this cause. Any advice will be much appreciated.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I would'nt wean him from the crate until he is fully house trained. Its good that he follows you everywhere when he is out of the crate...that will make it easier for you to keep your eyes on him at all times so you can prevent him from having accidents inside.
    When he urinates in the house is always by the door? Maybe he needs to go outside but does'nt yet know how to communicate that to you.
  3. jefffox18

    jefffox18 New Member

    Thanks for your response. He is fully housetrained -- as much as a dachshund can be at least -- very very rarely has accidents in the house. As far as peeing when I leave, I think it's anxiety-related, which is why I mentioned that he follows me around. The few times that I've done it, it's been right after taking him out (within 30 minutes or so).
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    If your dog is 'fully housetrained' , what exactly do you want to know about weaning him from his crate?
    Are you just asking how to get him to stop peeing when you leave? Or if it would be ok to leave him out of the crate when you are not there?
    Im sorry, I am just a little confused.

    I have a 2 year old Pit bull and she stays in her kennel when I am not home or when I am asleep. During the day, when I am there, I let her out of the kennel and whenever she has to go out... she stares at me, sometimes barks... If I don't have my shoes on, she'll move them with her nose lol

    If you are taking him out right before you leave, are you sure that he does it when you leave? Maybe its later on?

    Shianne follows me around everywhere but I have never let her stay out of her kennel when I leave so Im not sure what she would do. Besides chew on everything. lol
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther used to have the same sort of problem (I think alot of young dogs do) And I knew that it was right after I left because I would leave get in my car and then realize I forgot something inside, go back inside and he would have peed or pooed. But I started taking him out longer and spending more time on teaching him tricks and stuff (which he picks up quickly) and it stopped. He has alwazs had a crate, but I never really used it that much. But with him the more time I spent with him and praising him for good things, the better he has been when I leave him alone. But I guess I am lucky, bc I am a stay at home pet mom! So I can devote all that time to him.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    it could be that he's got separation axiety and when you leave. He piddles out of nervousness. I wouldhave him checked for UTI though if this is jusat a new thing for him to be doing. He may not be able to control it and he has an accident before you know it to let him outside.

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