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New owners

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by cathy, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. cathy

    cathy New Member

    Hi, we are new to this board. We have purchased a maltepoo for our children for Christmas. We are first time dog owners. The puppy will be 8 wks. old when we pick her up on 12/24. HELP.....I have about 2 months to read up......get ideas......know the "know hows" to raise our puppy. I would appreciate any helpful links.

    Thanks, Cathy
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    im dead against the giving of pets at christmas. also, being first time dog owners, 2 months is no where near enough time to prepare. the dog i currently own is my first dog. i spent almost a year looking up on her breed, how to train, pet products, grooming, what to expect and what can go wrong. not to mention having a big interest in animals all my life. sorry to lecture you here but perhaps you should have thought about this xmas gift a little more. if you still go ahead with it do a google search with the above mentioned [dog training, breed, grooming, nutrition, not to mention laws eg registration, leash rules, barking rules] there are heaps of websites out there.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Kyles, dont be so harsh, they are thinking ahead, its not like on a whim they decided to do this. as she said they have 2 months and to come here and ask for advice is dedication.

    Yes athere are big problems with people giving pets for Christmas, but this looks like a lot of thought went into it

    Welcome, Kathy, at the top there are a few permanent threads that can help, you can do a search on puppies too. I would try puppy training there has been a ton of stuff posted here and if you want ot get specific on your breed post on the small dog site here.

  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Personally I also don't agree with giving pets at christmas or anyday for that matter, but it does sound as though you have put a lot of thought into it.

    The thing I would be worried about is stress to the puppy. What are your plans on Christmas day? Are you planning to go out to visit family or are you going to be home with the puppy? If you go out are you taking the puppy with you?

    Going to a new home is stressful for any puppy. Personally if you are planning to go out on Christmas day I would arrange to pick the puppy up after Christmas so it won't be left by itself f you do go out. If you do take the puppy with you it could be very stressed out by seeing a wack of new people on top of being stressed from being in a new environment.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Again I think its important that no pet should be bought at a whim which I think happens a lot at Christmas, and then the fun wears off.

    I wish someone could repost that poem that was not too long ago about the dog that was given at christmas and longer wanted, boy did it make me cry.

  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hi Cathy and welcome you will get some good advice here honeybears is right if you do a search you will find all kinds of good information.
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I was thinking about that poem when I read that too, so hopefully whoever posted it originally will repost it. I hope everything works out with your new pup!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well, Welcome to the wonderful side of pet parenthood!! Its a great idea that you've decided MONTHS in advance to do your research. First of allyou need to research BOTH breeds, as the puppies can adn will have alot of both breeds traits.
    Find a veterinarian and speak with him on general care and guidance.
    Rasising a young puppy will be much like having a new baby in the house. They will have to learn everhting. Including potty training.
    SO have lots of wee pads, patience, and toys, and most of all LOVE and I'm sure you'll do just fine.

    Yahoo has many lists of general healthcare, vet checks, grooming (and this is a mixbreed that will require grooming, feeding, ect...
    Good luck. You can always PM me for any questions you have.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Get "The Power of Positive Dog Training" by Pat Miller and any of Ian Dunbar's puppy books and read them cover to cover before you pick up the puppy. Then read them again when you get the puppy!

    It sounds like this is not an impulse buy, so you are doing well in that respect. Still, Christmas is a VERY stressful time for a new puppy to be introduced. He will need to start working on housetraining right away - the more accidents he has, the harder it will be to train him. Read up and do what you can to prepare. The reality is always way different from what you read, but it does help!

    Here is some info from various websites on Christmas puppies (there is a LOT of info, but please read it all). The third one (NO CHRISTMAS PUPPIES, PLEASE) is my favorite and gives alternatives to "unwrapping" a puppy on Christmas morning:

  10. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    Kind of off topic here, but related to Christmas. I'm getting my new Maltese puppy on Dec. 17th, hope this doesn't make me a bad mommy! My breeder decided it was best, because I'll have 2 weeks off starting that day and my Christmas plans aren't very big at all, no travelling, just a few family members over my house and a friend staying with me to help out with the pup, we're calling him her Godfather =P The breeder also questioned me about all of this and even offered to take care of her for a few days for me if I needed it. Christmas day itself is the only exciting thing really, so it should be fine. Very small family gathering and everyone brings presents for the pups. Every other day of those 2 weeks is going to be spent at home with her, working on training, socializing and bonding! When I do have to go back to my regular schedule I'm only gone from 7am until 11am or noon on some days. So just 4-5 hours at the most, so even then it won't be too bad for her. I've wanted a Maltese for the longest time and I've been prepared for quite a while so this is perfect timing for me. Sorry I'm going off on my own little tangent here, I'm so excited!

    If this is a spur of the moment Christmas gift dog though I would seriously consider the posts everyone else has made. Everyone knows that children will play with their new toys on Christmas morning for the entire day, but at the end of the week they'll be left on the floor in a corner somewhere, don't let this tired and no-longer-fun toy be your puppy!

    Also, letting a puppy go at 8 weeks is very questionable. Please ask your breeder is they would hold her until 10-12 weeks even, by this time the holiday stress will be gone and your puppy will be ready to go a new home. 8 weeks is far too young in my opinion. Also, how old are your children?? Please consider the situation of having a small dog and children!
  11. ShihPooBoo

    ShihPooBoo New Member

    Hello - regarding your question on preparation, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading and using "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete. They raise AMAZING dogs and have GREAT advice about puppies -- not only getting them, but raising and training them. They have a followup book, "How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend". Highly recommended as well.

    Good luck to you!
    Gena :D
  12. IHeartRacing

    IHeartRacing New Member

    I personally don't think its a horrid thing to receive a puppy for christmas as long as theres been alot of thought put into the puppy before purchasing it. Two years ago i received a 12 week old Doberman puppy who is still with me to this day named Panther. But my mother knew I had really wanted a doby and had been studying up on them for a year and a halph before I received Panther ( our only non working dog btw).

    Um advice i could give you is be patient don't expect for your puppy to automatically house train it takes time as does other training. Get the dog for the right reasons not just because you think it will make a cute pet for the family. Educae your kids well on your new dog before you get it so they know what not to do with the new pup. Um I think most everything else is covered
  13. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    GWEN, that is good you are scheduling your new pup around the time you are off to bond. So you will have a husky, a chiuaua and a maltese?? now that mix for you

  14. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck with your new puppy! Here are some articles that I think you may find helpful. :D

    10 Facts Every Puppy Owner Should Know!:
    http://www.siriuspup.com/Doggie%20Probl ... blems.html

    The Bite Stops Here:

    How Humans Communicate With Dogs:

    Behavior Help - Dogs (several articles including housetraining, crate training, chewing, barking, ect.):

    Socialization and Habituation:
  15. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    thats not being harsh. they asked for advice and there it is. everyone else has voiced their opinion about xmas pets too.
  16. cathy

    cathy New Member

    Thank you for your many responses

    Thank you for all your responses. I just wanted to add that purchasing a dog for our children for Christmas has been WELL planned out. Our children range from 11 years old to 16 yrs. old. Our puppy will be with us all throughout the holiday.

    I do know this.....I will have a great deal of reading to do! I am glad for all the insight. This is exactly what I was looking for.

    PS Thanks, Lil- I appreciate the advice
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Cathy - read all you can.....and when you get your pup and suddenly realize you know nothing, come and ask questions! That's what we all did. :)

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